• Training Room

    Leadership & Teambuilding
    Provider   Researcher Development Programme

    Any PhD student looking towards embarking their professional journey - whether academic, commercial research or any other field - will benefit from understanding and being able to demonstrate good leadership characteristics.

Duration 2 full days

Course Type Series

Booking Status Waiting List

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

In this course participants learn a range of well-established leadership frameworks in order to understand what makes good leadership.

By the end of this 2-day course participants will have:

• Gained clarity on the nature of leadership, a range of leadership styles, and their appropriate use in team situations.

• Learned the DISC behavioural profiling framework and created a self-assessed personal leadership profile; identifying their personal leadership style, its strengths, motivations, limitations and development needs.

• Understood how to build successful teams and learn a range of models to understand and manage group and team processes.

• Used DiSC as a tool understand others in order to devise effective strategies for managing and motivating individual team members.

• Learned and practiced negotiation techniques to resolve conflict and create commitment and buy-in from team members

Prerequisites: None

Delivered By: Fistral Training


This course is part of the Strathclyde Researcher Development Programme (RDP). All PhD students at Strathclyde will be required to achieve a certain number of credits in order to sit the Viva. Those registered on the Postgraduate Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PG Cert RPD) are required to undertake 60 credits worth of transferable skills training over the course of the PhD. The majority of opportunities within the RDP have a credit value and therefore PhD students, particularly those registered on the PG Cert RPD, are encouraged to participate in this programme. Please check with your department/Supervisor to confirm the number of credits your expected to achieve if you’re unsure.

Research staff should aim to undertake approx. 10 days of professional development per year. Please ensure that your Supervisor/Manager is supportive of your continued and professional development and make them aware of the training you are undertaking. PhD students should also record their training post-activity in the PGR monitoring Systems, Neptune (HaSS, Engineering and SBS) or Spider (Science).

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a course please cancel your place as soon as possible, with at least 3 working days notice via the online booking system http://bookings.strath.ac.uk/mybookings.asp.

Full details of booking conditions can be found at the link below.

Useful Links

Find out about the opportunities available to you as an early career researcher:

PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development

All postgraduate research students are eligible to access the Researcher Development Programme workshops. This workshop can contribute towards the PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PG Cert RPD).

You can find credit and class information in the Researcher Development Programme Handbook and in NEPTUNE (Engineering, HaSS) or SPIDER (Science).

Please check with your department or Supervisor to confirm if you are enrolled on the PG Cert RPD and how many credits you are expected to achieve if you are unsure.