Is this course right for me?
Target Audience: Staff and Students
Staff and students within departments who are working with sealed radioactive sources. Individuals responsible for supervising users and work involving radioactive sources.
This course is mandatory for staff working with sealed radioactive sources to comply with the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017, the Environmental Authorisation (Scotland) Regulations 2018 and University OHS Standard for Ionising Radiation.
- The basic concepts of radiation and associated hazards
- The principles of radiological protection
- The current legislation for ionising radiation
- Radiation safety management procedures within the University
- University policies and procedures
- Sealed sources and a case study
- Quiz assessment and course evaluation
Delivered By: 'Safety, Wellbeing and Resilience' via on-line presentation
You must be registered as an ionising radiation worker by completing form RP8 and returning it to 'Safety Health and Wellbeing', Graham Hills Building Room GH820 (Form available here: ) before you can access this course.Once registered with the Safety Office, you will be e-mailed a link to access the course.
If you encounter any issues, please contact your supervisor, Dept. Radiation Protection Supervisor or contact
Related Materials
This course (SSXR03) is delivered on-line.There are 9 modules to be completed and a final (10th) module containing a small assessment quiz and a course evaluation.
The format for each of the modules, is broadly similar and consists of the following:.
* Media PowerPoint presentations.
* PDF Handouts.
* Other media presentations or video clips.
* Other useful documents and websites.
Please read the course instructions before you begin.
To gain access to the course or any questions, please