Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 75 courses.

An Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Practice     show
To raise awareness of disability related issues in higher education To consider strategies to make your teaching and learning more inclusive

Target Audience: Academic Staff

Anti-Racist & Decolonising the Curriculum Workshop (Business)     show
The objective is to empower staff to effectively integrate 'Decolonising the Curriculum’ (DtC) principles into their teaching.

Target Audience: Faculty members, academic administrators, curriculum designers, and student representatives

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)     show
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid.

Target Audience: Staff, Students+PG Researchers

ASIST Tune-Up     show
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Tune-up is a 3 hour refresher course developed by Living Works Education for participants who have completed ASIST 11.

Target Audience: ASIST 11 trained participants that wish to become more confident, competent in using the PAL Model, reflect on good practice and keep skills up-to-date

Briefing Session - Managing Work Related Stress for Managers     show
The University is responsible for the implementation of measures to prevent work related stress. It is essential that managers are advised and trained in managing this issue. We have a duty to risk assess all hazards in the workplace.

Target Audience: Staff

Confidential Waste Information Session     show
An information session to introduce staff to the new confidential waste uplift procedure.

Target Audience: All University staff

DDC Catch up - Reflection on semester 1 and revised academic year     show
An opportunity for Departmental/School Disability Coordinators to meet each other and members of the Disability Service.

Target Audience: Staff

Developments in the International Vertically Integrated Project (VIP)     show
Since its inception a few years ago the Vertically Integrated Project Consortium (of which Strathclyde is a founding member) has grown considerably taking in new programs in South East Asia and the Far East.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Digital Exams Workshop     show
A workshop to investigate the benefits and challenges of digital exams.

Target Audience: Administrative and Teaching Staff

Disability History Month Digital Accessibility Training     show
In the context of Disability History Month, we would like to invite you to a training session on Digital Accessibility. It focuses on making digital content and services accessible to as many individuals as possible.

Target Audience: all staff, PGRs with teaching responsibilities

Dyslexia Awareness     show
Workshop on dyslexia awareness for academic staff as part of a training and development programme.

Target Audience: academic staff

Engaging students through student-staff partnerships - Masterclass     show
This is a live in-person event. Ways of engaging students in higher education as partners in learning and teaching is arguably one of the most important issues facing higher education in the 21st Century and is a key factor influencing student success.

Target Audience: Strathclyde staff who are interested in working with students as partners

Faculty Forum     show
An opportunity for Faculty of Science Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Faculty Forum - Research Staff     show
An opportunity for Research Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Research staff

Faculty Forum - Technical staff     show
An opportunity for Technical staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Technical staff

Faculty of Science - Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Success     show
The Faculty of Science is delighted to host Dr Jenny Burnham from the University of Sheffield on Monday 20th February from 2-3 pm when she will give a presentation entitled ‘Stories of Engagement, Empowerment and Success’.

Target Audience: This talk will be of interest to colleagues from across the University who are interested in developing their scholarship activity in a research-led institution.

Faculty of Science Town Hall on draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy.     show
The draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy which captures the priorities and aims for the new Strategic Plan has now been published. The Faculty of Science are facilitating a more detailed discussion on the consultation document through a Town Hall event for all staff across the Faculty,

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - All Staff

Faculty-focused Staff Development Sessions on Gen-AI     show
Staff development session on Generative AI.

Target Audience: Staff supporting assessments. However, all staff are welcome

Gradebook Combined     show
A combination of the 2 'Quick Step' sessions on Gradebook Weightings and Grade Visibility.

Target Audience: Teaching or Admin Staff Responsible for Grading/Releasing Grades

HEA Fellowship Information Session - Online     show
This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward.

Target Audience: Academic,Teaching APS Staff

Intro to Reading List Software     show
An annual information session intended for Admin staff. Find out about Leganto, the reading list software & learn about student engagement statistics.

Target Audience: Admin staff

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Online     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

Invitation to Strathclyde Doctoral School Roadshow 24 February 2-3pm     show
Professor Eleanor Shaw, Associate Principal and Director of Strathclyde Doctoral School (SDS) invites you to come along to this session find out more about SDS.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Learning and Teaching Improvement Framework Forums 2023-24 Forum 1     show
Delivering an Outstanding Student Experience: LT Improvement Framework Forums

Target Audience: All academic, administrative and professional services staff responsible for delivering and supporting programmes

Learning and Teaching Improvement Framework Forums 2023-24 Forum 2     show
Delivering an Outstanding Student Experience: LT Improvement Framework Forums

Target Audience: All academic, administrative and professional services staff responsible for delivering and supporting programmes

Lecture capture - pilot project and system demonstration     show
A small-scale pilot project to trial the use of lecture capture was approved by the University’s Learning Enhancement Committee in Dec 2017. This event will enable you to explore lecture capture technology and to interact with the lecture capture operating system from Echo360.

Target Audience: Staff

Myplace 2017-2018 Upgrade Workshop     show
An overview of new features in Myplace for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Target Audience: Administrative and Teaching Staff

Myplace 2018-2019 Upgrade Workshop     show
An overview of new features in Myplace for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Target Audience: Administrative and Teaching Staff

Myplace User Group     show
Myplace User Group meeting for all staff members who use Myplace for teaching and learning at the University.

Target Audience: Staff users of Myplace

New Look Reading List Software - Short session     show
Learn about the new user interface

Target Audience: Staff

Post Award Life-Cycle     show
This course explains the project life cycle post award

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Research Staff, Support & Administrative Staff involved in externally funded research or KE projects

Reading list training     show
Learn about Leganto, the reading list software.

Target Audience: Staff

Research Interns Poster Event     show
An event to celebrate the outputs of research internships undertaken by undergraduate students in the summer of 2019.

Target Audience: Staff, students

Running Effective Meetings     show
Unlock productive meetings! Learn to set clear goals, create focused agendas, encourage participation, and keep discussions on track in your meetings

Target Audience: All staff who plan and lead effective meetings

Safe Talk     show
Suicide Awareness Training

Target Audience: Staff,Students+PG Researchers

SBS: Setup Assessment Activities     show
Formative and summative assessment are both important in the learning process. Myplace has a variety of tools available that can be used to support assessment in Business Higher Education.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup Myplace Activities & Resources     show
Myplace is the University's virtual learning environment (VLE), providing a variety of educational activities to structure your class. In this session we are exploring the most popular activities available, as well as the best practices in Business Higher Education.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup the Gradebook & Reports     show
This session aims to demonstrate the best practices on setting up the gradebook and how to export reports to assess both the student's learning and the effectiveness of the educational scenario.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup the Question Bank     show
To make a formative or a summative assessment quiz activity first you need to design and develop a question bank.

Target Audience: SBS Academic Staff

SBS: Zoom Essentials     show
This session is an introduction to the video conferencing platform, Zoom, from scheduling to delivering an online meeting, lecture, or office hours.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

Science PGT Workshop (Feb 2024)     show
The Faculty of Science have arranged the next session in our series of PGT workshops. This will focus on efficiencies and enhancement in teaching delivery and assessment and we will be welcoming Dr Annamaria Lilienkampf from the University of Edinburgh.

Target Audience: Staff supporting PGT projects. However, all staff are welcome.

SEES XMAS Gathering     show
Our SEES Christmas Celebration is great fun and a lovely opportunity to spend time together. As usual we'll be serving seasonal treats and refreshments - and not just mince pies, I promise!

Target Audience: All SEES staff

SPIRAL-Engaging 'Hard-to-Reach' Audiences/Widening Impact     show
This workshop will explore generalisable principles underpinning the successful delivery of a successful KE project and how they could be applied to a wide range of academic disciplines and audiences.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff

STEP - ‘Focus On: Generative AI in L & T - Workshop 4     show
Facilitated by Education Enhancement and OSDU, we will be running a Mini-programme of workshops exploring the impact of generative-AI on learning, teaching, and assessment at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - HEA Fellowship Information Session Event     show
*Please check if the session is online or in-person. This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward.

Target Audience: Academic,Teaching APS Staff

STEP - Introduction to H5P Interactive Content     show
H5P tools are used for creating engaging interactive content in online classes. This session will provide participants with an overview of the suite of tools, and will demonstrate how to add an H5P activity to a MyPlace class.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Leadership in Learning and Teaching Network     show
This is a face to face meeting of the Leadership in Learning and Teaching network

Target Audience: Participants of the Leadership in Learning and Teaching Network

STEP - Pedagogy Reading Group     show
The pedagogy reading group meets to discuss articles / books on pedagogy. The aim of the group is to support participants' knowledge and understanding of varying pedagogies and how they may apply to teaching.

Target Audience: All staff with an interest in pedagogy

STEP - Planning Blended Learning     show
This session will provide guidance on planning for Blended Learning and highlight what support is available to teaching staff.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Selecting, Configuring & Administering Assessments in Myplace     show
This session is aimed at staff who are involved in the planning, setting up and administrating of assessments on MyPlace. It explains the different types of assessment, provides practical exercises in set-up and administration, and offers guidance on replicating exam conditions.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Senior Fellows Network     show
The Senior Fellows Network is a community for colleagues who have achieved SFHEA.

Target Audience: All staff who have achieved Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy 

STEP - Storytelling for Learning Design     show
This course provides an exploration into the power of storytelling and its application within the design of learning materials.

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

STEP - Studio in Your Pocket: Creating quality video for your teaching     show
This session aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to improve your confidence in using video as part of your teaching.

Target Audience: Teaching Staff

STEP - Teaching and Learning Online (TALON)     show
The aim of the course is to allow participants to develop an understanding of online pedagogies and the practical methodologies which support class development and delivery. At the same time, participants will get to experience the class as an online student.

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

Student Module Evaluation Information Session     show
This session introduces staff to the Explorance Blue Student Module Evaluation system that is currently being implemented across the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Module Evaluation Surgery Sessions     show
Drop-In Surgery Sessions for staff to ask questions about the Student Module Evaluation process or to seek help with specific issues.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Transitions     show
Four UG student Interns worked on a project over the summer looking at Student Transitions into Higher Education. They would like to share their findings with you and we are keen to have a broader discussion about how the university takes those messages and recommendations forward.

Target Audience: Those most directly involved in supporting student transitions into University learning.

Student Transitions February 2016     show
This event is to share information about the current work being done by staff and students to support student transitions at Strathclyde. We will have guest speakers from Robert Gordon University, after which participants in five projects at Strathclyde will present their findings.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Transitions Network Event     show
This event is to share information about work being done by staff and students at Strathclyde around 'student transitions', the current QAA Enhancement Theme. Findings will be presented from a range of projects from across the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Transitions: Projects 2014-15     show
Following a call for proposals across the institution in February, five projects were identified and offered funding to progress the Student Transitions theme within Strathclyde. Representatives of the five projects will be invited to outline their projects. In addition, Associate Dep

Target Audience: Those most directly involved in supporting student transitions into University learning.

Supervising Postgraduate Research     show
This module enables you to engage with the professional and theoretical underpinnings and political drivers of national developments in research and research supervision in Higher Education in the UK.

Target Audience: Academic , Research, KE and Teaching Staff

TESTA workshop     show
Theory, evidence, strategies: learning from TESTA data about programme-wide assessment and feedback. Dr Tansy Jessop (Winchester University)

Target Audience: Staff

The "I" in CIS     show
This is the first in a series of conversational events about research and KE expertise within the Faculty of Science, promoting collaboration with colleagues from across the University. This event is presented by iSchool – the School of Information Science (literally the "I in CIS").

Target Audience: Academic, KE and business development colleagues

Trainer Training - 3 Sessions     show
Trainer training for those delivering training as part of their role. This course involves working towards a nationally recognised SVQ unit

Target Audience: Anyone who is involved in delivering training session

Understanding and Supporting Estranged Students     show
This online session will expand your knowledge and understanding of estrangement, and estranged students in HE.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Workshop     show
This workshop will provide an opportunity for colleagues to hear more about the recent developments with the Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) initiative at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Target Audience: All staff and students

VIP Networking Event     show
A networking and information event for the Vertically Integrated Projects. This event aims to foster greater connectivity and interaction between the current projects as well as raise awareness of the types of projects running.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Walk Leaders Course     show
Strathclyde Sport is launching a new training course which is designed to encourage staff members and students to incorporate more activity into their work/study day.

Target Audience: Staff and student community at the University of Strathc;yde

WhoCares? Scotland - Care-Experience and Corporate Parenting in HE     show
Training on care-experience and corporate parenting delivered by WhoCares? Scotland.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential     show
Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Working with students who are blind or visually impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Working with students who are d/Deaf or hearing impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Working with students with Asperger’s Syndrome     show
To raise awareness of the needs of students with Asperger’s Syndrome and the barriers they face in Higher Education. To consider practical strategies to meet the specific needs and make the learning and wider university environment accessible to students with Asperger’s syndrome.

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Workshop Assignment - The Peer Review Tool in Myplace     show
An in-depth demonstration of how the 'Workshop Assignment' tool in Myplace operates.

Target Audience: Maths and Stats dept.