• Training Room

    Mentally Healthy Workplace Training
    Provider   Wellbeing

    The Mentally Healthy Workplace Training for managers is designed to encourage good practice in promoting positive mental health and well-being.

Duration 1 full day

Course Type Classroom

Booking Status Archived

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Managers

The Mentally Healthy Workplace Training for managers is designed to encourage good practice in promoting positive mental health and well-being. 

The training is designed to:

  • Provide managers with a broad awareness of mental health
  • Identify the key factors that contribute to a mentally healthy workplace
  • Increase awareness of mental health issues in the workplace
  • Improve skills and confidence in dealing with mental health and well-being in the workplace
  • Ensure that managers are aware of their responsibilities in relation to health and well-being.

The programme is highly interactive and we hope you will enjoy participating in it and building on the skills and knowledge you already have. 

Before you attend the training, you will be required to complete: 

  • The online training resource and assessment
  • Two pre-course learning worksheets.

Online training resource

You must be registered with NHS Health Scotland’s virtual learning environment (VLE) to access the online training resource.

Log onto http://elearning.healthscotland.com and follow the instructions for creating a new account. Once you have logged into your account, click on the icon for Healthy Working Lives and select Mentally Healthy Workplace Online Training.

The training resource, located under the eLearning Course section, will take 1 – 2 hours to complete. (Please note Adobe Flash 9 is required)

Please complete the assessment and email a copy of the certificate to liz.donaghy@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.

Pre-course learning worksheets

The two worksheets are available to download from the “blended learning for managers” section of the online training resource. The document, containing both worksheets is titled “preparation for the training” and is available in word or pdf format. The aim of the questions is to help you relate the content of the online training to your workplace.

Both the content of the online training resource and the pre-course learning worksheets will form part of our discussions during the training.

Healthy Working Lives Greater Glasgow and Clyde training sessions cost the NHS to organise and facilitate therefore it is important that we fill each available place.  

If you cannot attend this training session that you have booked on or cannot send a colleague in your place, please inform healthandwellbeing@strath.ac.uk giving two days or more notice.  


Lunch is provided.


Delivered By: Healthy Working Lives


Attendees must complete the online training resource and assessment and two pre0course learning worksheets as detailed above.

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