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    Conflict prevention and resolution in the supervisory relationship
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    This workshop will address the relational aspects of the supervisory process through the lens of mediation. This workshop can be used as a ‘Day-to-Day Supervision Skills’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Duration 3 hours

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Now Booking

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Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

PhD supervision has been described as the "most intense and crucial of academic relationships". On occasion it goes awry and may contribute to the 25-30% attrition rate in UK PhDs.

This workshop will address the relational aspects of the supervisory process through the lens of mediation.  Charlie Irvine is an experienced workplace mediator who often deals with serious conflict in academic life.  He will provide an introduction to mediation principles and explain how to apply a mediatory approach at an earlier stage so as to address problems in the supervisory relationship as they emerge.

Mediation services to manage more entrenched problems in the supervisory relationship are available in the university and participants will be supported in when and how to access these services. 

This  workshop can be used as  a ‘Day-to-Day Supervision Skills’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.


** This is an optional module of the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme (see link to webpage below) **



We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff. If you feel you have a disability, health issue, or neurodivergent condition that may affect your ability to access, participate or engage in this course, please get in touch with us at osdu@strath.ac.uk to discuss your specific support requirements.

Delivered By: OSDU - Facilitator Charlie Irvine


If you are taking this course as part of the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme to become a First or Second Supervisor, you must enrol on this MyPlace class to register for the programme and to track your progress:

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy 

When applying for a course, you should note that there will be a £50* charge to your Department / School if you do not attend your place on the course. There will be no charge as long as you cancel your booked place before the event or notify our staff at osdu@strath.ac.uk that you can no longer attend.

A Department / School is welcome to send someone else in your place if they wish without incurring a charge, providing that person has the necessary prerequisites for the course. In the case of courses split over more than one day, you are expected to attend ALL parts of the course.

*This is the standard charge for cancellation or non-attendance of a course of 1-day duration or less. For some courses, there may be a higher cancellation charge and if this is the case you will be advised of this at the time of booking.