• Training Room

    2 of 4:Intellectual Property & University Commercialisation Process
    Provider   Science Faculty

    This is the second in the 'Knowledge Exchange: Developing IP, Consultancy and Commercial Outcomes from Your Research' programme.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Classroom

Booking Status Archived

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: PhD students, researchers, academics and other staff with an interest in knowledge exchange activities


This programme will give you an introduction to Knowledge Exchange and aims to provide you with the knowledge in order to exploit the advances in your research into impact, patents, new company formation, licensing and developing yourself to become a consultant. Lectures will be held on the dates below and will start at 12 noon. Refreshments will be provided but please book so we can obtain correct catering numbers.

Delivered By: Dr Catherine Breslin


There are no prerequisites for this course.