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    Reading list training
    Provider   Library Reading List Service

    Learn about Leganto, the reading list software.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Presentation

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Target Audience: Staff

***The reading list software is changing! A new user interface will be available from Wed 7th August 2024. Training sessions will become available in August.***

Sign up for a training session to learn how you can build a reading list within MyPlace. The software allows reading lists to link to a wide range of resources from the library’s collections and online materials. 

The demo covers:

  • Setting up a new reading list in MyPlace. 
  • How reading lists are connected to class codes.
  • How instructor names are added to reading lists.
  • How to request the Library purchase a new resource.

Reading list tips cover:

  • Structure: A well structured list is easy to navigate and understand. Learn how to organise your list by topic, weekly readings or by importance.
  • Length: Tips about overall reading list length.
  • Tags: Learn how to use tags to help students prioritise their reading and inform library staff about important resources.
  • Annotate: Learn how to add notes to citations. Notes provide clarity and students will easily understand what is expected of them.
  • Variety: Learn how to add a variety of resources from Library holdings to online content. 

 This session provides a detailed overview of the basic features of the software and will be demonstrated using the new user interface.

Delivered By: Julie Iannelli


Open to staff only.

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