• Training Room

    STEP - Teaching and Learning Online (TALON)
    Provider   Education Enhancement - OSDU

    The aim of the course is to allow participants to develop an understanding of online pedagogies and the practical methodologies which support class development and delivery. At the same time, participants will get to experience the class as an online student.

Duration 4 Weeks

Course Type Classroom

Booking Status Waiting List

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

You will participate in a number of weekly online tasks and discussions, with tutors from the Education Enhancement Team. Completion of the weekly tasks and discussions will be mainly self-paced and should take an average of four hours each week.

Each week there will be 1 live session and participants are asked to attend this. The live session will be held on:

Tuesdays 10-11am

Note: If you are a Postgraduate student with teaching responsibilities and you wish to enrol in TALON, please email TALON@strath.ac.uk with your request.


Following completion of this TALON class, participants will be able to:

  • Engage in online course activities from a student’s perspective.
  • Describe and critically evaluate current methodologies for blended and online learning design.
  • Identify the tools and technologies which facilitate online teaching and learning.
  • Design online activities involving the use of learning technologies for online or blended learning delivery.
  • Evaluate methods of encouraging online engagement and collaboration.
  • Describe and evaluate the methods of assessment and feedback available in an online environment.
  • Identify the range of guidance and support for online learning design available at Strathclyde.

Delivered By: Education Enhancement Team


This course assumes that you have basic IT skills. In addition, participants must have completed the "Getting Started with Myplace course" or have equivalent knowledge.

Related Materials

Participants require access to a PC/Mac, microphone, headphones and web camera.

Aditional Information

If you require any further assistance with making a booking, please send an email to: TALON@strath.ac.uk