• Training Room

    Ask, Tell Animations
    Provider   Disability & Wellbeing Service

    To start an initial conversation around and raise basic awareness of mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention. Please note this is a zoom session.

Duration 1 hour 30 mins

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Contact Provider

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Staff and Students

These sessions are awareness raising sessions and there will be facilitated discussion after  each animation in turn to begin to explore;


  • What is Mental Health?
  • What can negatively impact on Mental Health and how to protect and support your own and others Mental Health
  • What you can do if you are worried about your own or others Mental Health
  • The importance of listening and how to have a healthy, non-judgemental conversation
  • Recognising when someone is in distress or thinking about suicide and how to respond and support them

Delivered By: Disabilty and Wellbeing



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Helping Students in Distress