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    SPIRAL - Figures, images & visualising information
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    This workshop is designed to introduce participants to various types of visual formats including standard graphs, information visualisations and graphics for publication.

Duration 3 hours

Course Type Live Stream

Booking Status Waiting List

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone else involved in research

This is a 'one off' session - ONLINE

 Displaying information in a visual format is a excellent way for researchers to communicate their work. You can enhance your research papers, conference posters, presentations and public engagement activities with accurate and clear visual representations. This workshop is designed to introduce participants to various types of visual formats including standard graphs, information visualisations and graphics for publication.

There are a number of different ways to display your data or ideas visually and it depends onwho you are aiming to engage and what you want to tell them. Building excellent graphics and summary figures takes time, practice and a willingness to learn the appropriate software*. This workshop will provide an overview of information visualisation, how to build the skills and further resources such as generative AI tools that participants can explore in their own time.

Data and information visualisation is a vast and rapidly growing field. This workshop covers the principles of visualising information, examples of excellent visualisations and poor visualisations and case studies including examples from the instructor’s own publications and experience.

Outcomes/ Objectives;

After this workshop participants will have:

  • been introduced to the principles of good information visualisation;
  • an overview of various types of visualisations and considered how they can represent their own work visually.


We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff.

For online activity:

  • The session will take place on Zoom
  • Auto-captions will be enabled
  • There will be audience participation
  • You can keep your camera off
  • You are asked to attend the whole session
  • There will be a break
  • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.
  • Digital copies of resources will be emailed to participants in advance of delivery as standard
  • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements

Cancellation Policy

When applying for a course, you should note that there will be a £50* charge to your Department / School if you do not attend your place on the course. There will be no charge as long as you cancel your booked place before the event or notify our staff at osdu@strath.ac.uk that you can no longer attend.

A Department / School is welcome to send someone else in your place if they wish without incurring a charge, providing that person has the necessary prerequisites for the course. In the case of courses split over more than one day, you are expected to attend ALL parts of the course.

*This is the standard charge for cancellation or non-attendance of a course of 1-day duration or less. For some courses, there may be a higher cancellation charge and if this is the case you will be advised of this at the time of booking. 








Delivered By: Dr Joanna Young, Director, Electv Training

