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Target Audience: All Students, Academic staff, Researchers, and Library staff
* Library courses can now be booked on the Library Training Calendar*
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This webinar will cover the advantages of using ScienceDirect as a search platform, as well as useful features and tips and tricks to help you be more efficient in your research.
ScienceDirect provides access to more than 18 million articles and book chapters from over 1,750 active journals and 39,000 books to help users discover more novel science, use their time efficiently, and make decisions with the highest-quality scientific information.
Michaela has been with Elsevier for 17 years and run numerous Events for Academic staff, Senior Researchers and Early Career Researchers on how to get papers accepted and published in the right scientific journal and she conducted a wide range of consulting sessions on Scopus, ScienceDirect and Mendeley.
She’s an enthusiastic communicator and passionate about helping Researchers and Information Professionals to turn information into actionable knowledge.
Delivered By: Michaela Kurschildgenm, Training Specialist and Customer Consultant from Elsevier