• Training Room

    Time management, motivation & prioritising
    Provider   Researcher Development Programme

    Time management and motivation is not about working more, it’s about working smarter. This half day workshop is designed specifically for researchers who are interested in developing their time management skills and optimising their working hours.

Duration 1 half day

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Waiting List

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: PGR Students

With research activities, keeping up with the literature, publishing, tutoring and writing to consider, it can be challenging for researchers to fit everything in. How do you finish everything when you’re under pressure? Why is there never enough time to
do what you want to do?

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to techniques to optimise their time and discuss working patterns with others. Participants will evaluate what they currently spend their time on, what they would like to prioritise, how to measure their progress and how to keep motivated by considering what works best for them. The workshop will include individual exercises, short presentations from the instructor, group discussions and
examples of good practice.


At the end of this workshop participants will have:

• knowledge of how to apply these techniques to their own
personal working style;

• an understanding of their priorities and how to optimise their

• a time management strategy that can be adapted on a
regular basis to suit their workload.

Delivered By: Joanna Young


Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a course please cancel your place as soon as possible, with at least 3 working days notice via the online booking system

PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development

All postgraduate research students are eligible to access the Researcher Development Programme workshops. This workshop can contribute towards the PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PG Cert RPD).

You can find credit and class information in the Researcher Development Programme Handbook and in NEPTUNE (Engineering, HaSS) or SPIDER (Science).

Please check with your department or Supervisor to confirm if you are enrolled on the PG Cert RPD and how many credits you are expected to achieve if you are unsure.