• Training Room

    PG Cert RPD - Drop In Session: On Campus
    Provider   Researcher Development Programme

    We would like to offer support for all PhD candidates registered on the PG Cert RPD.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Waiting List

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Are you looking for our Zoom sessions?

We would like to offer support for all PhD candidates registered on the PG Cert RPD. You can contact us by email on pgcertrpd-enquiry@strath.ac.uk or come to a drop-in session to speak to a member of the team. The sessions usually run between 1pm and 2pm.

These Drop-In Sessions take place ON CAMPUS: Learning and Teaching Building, Level 6 (Strathclyde Doctoral School). At any point during the hour, you can turn up and ask a member of the team any questions about the PG Cert RPD, Neptune or Spider. 

Please be prepared with any questions, and ensure they are not already answered on our website


Accessing the space

Access to SDS space in the Learning and Teaching Building is restricted to all PGRs and any member of staff with a remit for supporting the PGR experience at Strathclyde. Access is managed through staff/access cards and can be organised by contacting staffcards@strath.ac.uk 


If you have a staff card then staffcards@strath.ac.uk can remotely activate access to the Doctoral School. 


If you have an access card (a swipe card, separate from your student card, that is used to access other restricted areas on campus) then please contact staffcards@strath.ac.uk quoting your card number (a 5 digit number beginning from 0 to 6) 


If you only have a student card then you will need to be issued with an access card. This can be arranged by attending McCance room 162 any Tuesday or Thursday between 10am and noon and requesting a card with T&L Doctoral Researcher access level. 

Delivered By: PG Cert RPD Team


PhD: You must be registered on a course that has the PG Cert RPD as a requirement. MPhil: You must be registered on a course that has RD906 as a requirement.

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