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    Introduction to Digital Accessibility
    Provider   Digital Accessibility

    An introduction to Digital Accessibility

Duration 1 hour 30 mins

Course Type Webinar

Booking Status Waiting List

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Target Audience: Staff

Digital accessibility is about making sure that digital content and services can be used by as many people as possible. In most cases, people should be able to access these without adaptation. Some people will use technology or other aids to help them access our websites and documents, and we have to make sure that we don’t put up any barriers that would prevent them from doing so.

When we create content, we need to consider how someone might interact with it. This includes, but isn’t limited to, people with disabilities. 11.2 million people in the UK are registered as having a disability which is approximately 17% of the entire population.

In this course we will:

  • introduce the concept of Digital Accessibility
  • demonstrate the benefits of Digital Accessibility
  • discuss the requirements for Digital Accessibility
  • demonstrate the impact of inaccessible content
  • explain how you can ensure your content is accessible

Delivered By: Digital Accessibility Project Team



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