BCM-Business Continuity Awareness Provider Safety, Wellbeing and Resilience (SWR)
This course enables staff to gain knowledge about what is business continuity and their role. It also covers the various risks involved in higher education.
40 mins
Course Type
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Target Audience: All Staff
The aim of this course is to spread awareness among employees about business continuity management.
The following topics will be covered:
Structure of Risk & Resilience Team
What is Business Continuity?
What is your Role?
Key Information to Assist with Developing a Business Continuity Plan
Examples of Business Continuity Risks
Delivered By: Safety, Wellbeing and Resilience
This is a self enrollment course. When accessing the course on Myplace, you must use the self-enrol function in the left hand column (on the Myplace page) before starting the course.