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Target Audience: HaSS PGR students
SGSAH (Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities) recently appointed an academic with responsibility for EDI support for PGR students. Dr Anindya Raychaudhuri, who is a Senior Lecturer in English at St Andrew’s University, will be visiting Strathclyde on Tuesday 20th June for a meeting with the HaSS Graduate School, PGR Directors and School GEDI representatives in the morning but will be on campus for the afternoon to give him a chance to meet with students too.
Please come along and meet with him – he has offered PGR students (you don’t have to be funded by SGSAH) the opportunity to have a chat with him so he can understand a bit more about how PGR students in Scotland are supported in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Delivered By: Dr Anindya Raychaudhuri, SGSAH