• Training Room

    RI&C Week: Trusted Research and Innovation
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    This workshop introduces the key principles of Trusted Research & Innovation and provides attendees with frameworks and practical examples to allow them to consider aspects of their work in relation to Trusted Research & Innovation.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Archived

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: All staff involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

This is a live, on-campus event. 

The workshop will introduce the key principles, frameworks and processes which underpin Trusted Research & Innovation, along with signposting functional support available in the University. Practical examples and an interactive element of the workshop will allow attendees to consider where Trusted Research & Innovation may apply to their specific research areas and associated activities.  

This event will begin with a short networking opportunity and lunch will be provided.


Course Outcomes/Objectives

  • Understand the key principles of Trusted Research & Innovation.  
  • Identify functional expertise in the University to support Trusted Research & Innovation. 
  • Understand internal and external processes and frameworks related to Trusted Research & Innovation.  
  • Knowledge to apply Trusted Research & Innovation principles, frameworks and processes to consider where this applies to specific research areas and associated activities.  


Related materials

Trusted Research & Innovation Awareness Raising Training on MyPlace: 

Trusted Research & Innovation Awareness Raising Course 

Further Resources: 

RKES Portal 

Export Control information  

ATAS further information: ATAS Guidance, Student Guidance, Visiting Appointment Guidance  


Trusted-research@strath.ac.uk or complete the International Governance Enquiry Form in the first instance 



We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff: 

  • Full access information for the venue is available via AccessAble 
  • Hybrid provision is not available. 
  • There will be audience participation. 
  • You are asked to attend the whole session. 
  • There will be a short break in the beginning of the session with the opportunity to eat lunch.  
  • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.  
  • Please contact trusted-research@strath.ac.uk to request printed materials in different formats. 
  • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements. 

Delivered By: Jonathan Scott, International Governance Support Manager, RKES. Yasmin Cullen, International Governance Support Officer, RKES.

