• Training Room

    RI&C Week: Inclusivity and Diversity in Research Cultures
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    Join us as we hear from researchers and practitioners in a series of short talks on how we can embed equality, diversity and inclusion into our research and innovation culture to ensure everyone can thrive in academia.

Duration 2 hours

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Archived

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Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

This is a live, on-campus event with an option for hybrid participation. 

Discussing the question ‘How can we embed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) into a thriving research and innovation culture?’, researchers and practitioners from the University of Strathclyde and Heriot Watt University will share insights from their work. A series of short talks and discussion opportunities will provide an engaging and thought-provoking session that will appeal to anyone interested in EDI within research and innovation cultures, including researchers, PGR students, KE and teaching staff as well as research-enabling staff such as professional services and technicians. 

Chaired by Deputy Associate Principal and Chair of the Race Equality Steering Group, Professor Churnjeet Mahn, speakers at this event will include: 

  • Prof Kate Sang and Prof Jemina Napier, Heriot Watt University 
  • Dr Chris Wells-Holland, University of Strathclyde 
  • Dr Stefanie Reher, University of Strathclyde 
  • Dr Esperanza Miyake, University of Strathclyde

This event is being delivered in collaboration with Heriot Watt University. Both Strathclyde staff and Heriot Watt staff are invited to attend. To support this, the event will be hybrid – for online attendance, please register on the Eventbrite page 


Course Outcomes/Objectives

  • Celebrate good research practice and the interesting initiatives that support this. 
  • Understand what inequalities are present in research and innovation cultures. 
  • Identify ways to challenge inequalities both for yourself and for your colleagues.



We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff: 

  • Full access information for the venue is available via AccessAble. 
  • Hybrid provision is available. For online attendance, please register on the Eventbrite page.  
  • There will be audience participation through discussion and Q&A. 
  • You are asked to attend the whole session. 
  • There will be several breaks throughout the session. 
  • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.  
  • In line with current University health and safety guidance, attendees may wish to use face masks. The room will have either mechanical ventilation or passive ventilation (i.e. open windows). 
  • Digital copies of resources will be emailed to participants after delivery as standard. 
  • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements. 

Delivered By: RKES & OSDU, in collaboration with researchers and practitioners from the University of Strathclyde and Heriot-Watt University

