• Training Room

    RI&C Week: Sustainability and Me!
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    Have you always wondered how to consider sustainability within your research? Then wonder no longer. Join the Centre for Sustainable Development team for an interactive guide to how you can embed sustainability in your research plans, outcomes and activities.

Duration 3 hours

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Archived

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: All staff and students (PGR) engaged in research

This is a live, on-campus event. 

Sustainability and Me! A Central Component to Research Integrity and Culture

Sustainable development is an excellent lens through which to examine the impact and reach of your research. This approach is relevant to ALL research and can support consideration of both positive and negative implications of research questions and how research is conducted both locally and globally.  

We recommend that researchers consider these four steps to embedding sustainable development in their research work: 


With this in mind, this session will provide an overview of how you can explore your research through a sustainable development lens. It will introduce ideas and tools which can then be accessed in more detail in subsequent focused workshops.

What this session will cover:

  • The SDGs and their relevance to research – explore the SDGs and consider their relevance to your research.
  • Research for complex issues – exploring interdisciplinarity and how different disciplines are relevant to your research.
  • Outcomes and impact – hear from case studies and consider how you can use sustainable development to frame your research impact and outcomes.
  • Raising your profile and future opportunities – how to use University systems to increase your profile.


Course Outcomes/Objectives

  • Reflect upon learning and opportunities to link sustainability to your own work and how it can support research culture & integrity.
  • Learn from shared experience on how to integrate SDGs more efficiently and link to the outcomes of your work, e.g. using tools like the SDG Impact Assessment Tool.
  • Explore ways of working in collaboration with others to increase your impact and cross-disciplinary reach.
  • Understand what interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary ways of working mean in practice.
  • Improve your public profile and recognizable ways of communicating your research within the context of sustainable development.



We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff:

  • Full access information for the venue is available via AccessAble.
  • Hybrid provision is not available. There will be audience participation.
  • You can drop into the session (the session is divided in parts of circa 30 min each – any drop-ins at those points would be less disruptive).
  • There will be a break.
  • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.
  • Digital copies of resources will be emailed to participants upon request.
  • Please email us to request any material in accessible formats to be prepared and provided in advance/after the session.
  • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements.


Please complete the SD500 course, a quick introduction to Sustainable Development at Strathclyde for all staff, in advance of the workshop.

You can register here, noting your role as staff (the course should take around 1.5 hours to complete): https://classes.myplace.strath.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=28022

Please bring your questions and anything you would like to learn more about in relation to sustainable development & research!

Delivered By: Prof Tracy Morse and Dr Eirini Gallou (Centre for Sustainable Development)


Please complete the SD500 course - the link is contained in text above.