• Training Room

    RI&C Week: Participant Considerations, Wellbeing and Rights
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    This event provides guidance on the process of obtaining informed consent from participants & advises how researchers can demonstrate their commitment to the dignity, respect & data protection rights of participants - both during & after the active research phase.

Duration 1 hour 30 mins

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Archived

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Researchers conducting human subject research where they are working with and collecting data and/or tissue from human participants (including research which involves the co-creation of outputs, materials, or sensitive data collection)

This is a live, on-campus event.  

This event will provide guidance on the process of obtaining informed consent from participants and will advise on how researchers can demonstrate their commitment to the dignity, respect and data protection rights of participants - both during the active research phase and after project completion.  

The session will also look at copyright ownership and participant right of review in co-created/generated materials – which is of relevance to studies that, for example, invite participants to keep diaries, submit photographs and create zines. 

Course Outcomes/Objectives

Participating in this workshop will allow you to expand your understanding on: 

  • Obtaining informed consent from research participants 
  • Ethical considerations relating to participant wellbeing 
  • Demonstrating transparency and clarity in the participant recruitment process 
  • Knowledge and adherence of data protection rights 
  • Privacy and confidentiality in focus groups 
  • Dignity and respect, and participant right to review 
  • Accessibility – removing barriers for disabled participants 
  • Copyright ownership and due acknowledgement of co-created materials   
  • Complying with ethics agreements  
  • Follow-up care  


  • We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff: 

    • Full access information for the venue is available via AccessAble 
    • Hybrid provision is not available. 
    • There will be audience participation. 
    • You are asked to attend the whole session. 
    • There will be a break. 
    • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.  
    • Digital copies of resources will be emailed to participants in advance of delivery upon request. 
    • Contact the course facilitators to request printed materials in different formats. 
    • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements. 


Delivered By: Marie Henderson (Research Data Management Specialist, RKES) and Angelique Laverty (Research Ethics & Governance Manager, RKES)

