• Training Room

    Manual Handling On-Line Awareness - Registration
    Provider   Safety, Wellbeing and Resilience (SWR)

    On-Line course for Manual Handling users

Duration 30 mins

Course Type Online

Booking Status Now Booking

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Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduates

Please read the intructions on how to access the course under the 'Course Access' tab below.

If you have completed the course previously and are looking to complete refresher training please email safety.training@strath.ac.uk to have this set up. Refresher training should be completed every 3 years. 

This on-line course is obligatory for staff and postgraduates involved in lower risk manual handling activities e.g. lifting and carrying loads associated with office and administrative work. It comprises, Step 1 - An interactive e-learning package and Step 2 - a short multiple choice quiz. The course aims to provide sufficient information and training to help participants reduce the risk of injury from manual handling activities and to enable departments to fulfil their legal obligations. When both steps of the course have been completed, participants will be able to print a Certificate to confirm they have undertaken this training and by the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify different types of manual handling activities
  • Explain why correct manual handling principles are important
  • Describe how to apply the HSE guidelines for lifting and carrying
  • Describe how to safely lift and carry loads
  • Describe how to avoid, assess and reduce the risks from manual handling activities

Delivered By: British Safety Council



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Course Access

Once registered you will be sent an email from the External Provider giving you a link to the course. This will not happen instantly. If you have not received an email within two weeks of registering, please contact Safety, Health and Wellbeing by email to safety.training@strath.ac.uk 

Please note that the link to the course will be sent in a separate email from the booking confirmation email.

When accessing the course you must ensure that pop ups are enabled and third party cookies are accepted in your browser settings.