• Training Room

    Developing a Portfolio of Excellence in Learning & Teaching in HE
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    The aim of this class is to provide participants an opportunity to evaluate, develop and enhance their own theoretically-informed approach to becoming an effective higher education teacher at Strathclyde

Duration 5 sessions

Course Type Series

Booking Status Now Booking

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: All staff who teach or support learning

This class will be taught Online - Zoom Links will be on Myplace

Learning Objectives, Skills and Abilities 

Learning Objectives (LOs)*

Having completed this module, participants will be able to:

  1. Engage with a Pedagogical community of practice [V5, A5]
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of a range of teaching and learning practices [V3, K2-3, A1-4]
  3. Enhance teaching, learning and assessment practices, taking an evidence-informed approach [V3, K2-3, K5, A2-3, A5]
  4. Create a portfolio of evidence of engagement with the dimensions of PSF 2023 [V1-5, K1-5, A1-5]  
  5. Identify future development needs in learning and teaching [K3, A5]


Transferrable Skills and Cognitive Abilities (SAs)*

  • Critical thinking and reflection [V3, K3]
  • The ability to identify and respond to one’s professional development needs in learning and teaching [A5]
  • Work collaboratively and cooperatively with colleagues from a variety of disciplines and other job families [V5]
  • Develop inclusive and sustainable approaches to practice [V1-2]

*NOTE: [An], [Vn] and [Kn] annotations correspond to the Areas of Activity, Professional Values, and Core Knowledge of the Professional Standards Framework 



We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff. If you feel you have a disability, health issue, or neurodivergent condition that may affect your ability to access, participate or engage in this course, please get in touch with us at osdu@strath.ac.uk to discuss your specific support requirements.


Attendance Requirement

You must attend 4 out of the 5 sessions to meet the attendance requirement

Delivered By: Dr Sean Morrissey


To register for this programme please submit an online Postgraduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in HE application to record your academic credits. Or you can apply to the Non-Graduating route if you only wish to gain the necessary credits to meet your probationary requirements.