• Training Room

    UoS Research and Knowledge Exchange Space @ Glasgow Science Centre
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    This Information Session provides colleagues an update on the University’s partnership with Glasgow Science Centre, followed by a case study outlining successful development and installation of a University of Strathclyde ‘citizen science’ exhibit at the Glasgow Science Centre (GSC)

Duration 45 mins

Course Type Webinar

Booking Status Contact Provider

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: This Information Session is open to all and will be particularly relevant to those with an interest in knowledge exchange, public engagement, citizen science and the University’s partnership with the Glasgow Science Centre.

One-off live virtual Webinar/Information Session - please note there is no waiting list.

This Information Session will provide colleagues with an update on the University’s partnership with the Glasgow Science Centre

This will be followed by a case study outlining the successful development and installation of a University of Strathclyde ‘citizen science’ exhibit at the Glasgow Science Centre (GSC) funded by the university’s EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).

The Project Team now wish to scope demand for, and possible uses of, a permanent UoS/GSC Research and Knowledge Exchange Platform and a staff/PGR survey will be launched. The proposed platform would perform two functions (i) to provide a conduit for UoS researchers to run research studies (data collection, citizen science) and (ii) to provide engaging KE content which would outline - to a large and diverse public audience - the positive impact of UoS research on society (public engagement, impact).

Course Outcomes/Objectives;

  • To provide an update on the University’s partnership with the Glasgow Science Centre
  • To provide a case study outlining the successful development and installation of a University of Strathclyde ‘citizen science’ exhibit at the Glasgow Science Centre (GSC)
  • To launch a Staff/PGR survey to scope demand for, and possible uses of, a permanent UoS/GSC Research and Knowledge Exchange Platform.


We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff:

  • The session will take place on Zoom [joining details will be sent to registered participants]
  • Auto-captions will be enabled
  • There will be audience participation (Q&A)
  • You can keep your camera off
  • You are asked to attend the whole session
  • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.
  • Digital copies of resources will be emailed to participants in advance of delivery upon request.
  • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements


Contact details: rke-development@strath.ac.uk

Related Materials/Useful links;

Glasgow Science Centre – www.glasgowsciencecentre.org

Public Engagement - https://strath.sharepoint.com/sites/rkes/SitePages/Public-Engagement.aspx

Cancellation Policy

When applying for a course, you should note that there will be a £50* charge to your Department / School if you do not attend your place on the course. There will be no charge as long as you cancel your booked place before the event or notify our staff at osdu@strath.ac.uk that you can no longer attend.

A Department / School is welcome to send someone else in your place if they wish without incurring a charge, providing that person has the necessary prerequisites for the course. In the case of courses split over more than one day, you are expected to attend ALL parts of the course.

*This is the standard charge for cancellation or non-attendance of a course of 1-day duration or less. For some courses, there may be a higher cancellation charge and if this is the case you will be advised of this at the time of booking.



Delivered By: Dr David Robertson, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Department of Psychological Sciences and Health

