• Training Room

    How to use The Public Contracts Scotland Website
    Provider   Science Faculty

    Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) website, training session on how to register on the site, brief overview of how to use the portal, set up alerts and note interest. This will be an online zoom session and will be recorded. Zoom details will be sent prior to the meeting.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Presentation

Booking Status Archived

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Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

The Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) website, provided by the Scottish Government, is where all Scottish public sector buying organisations must advertise regulated procurements. Sarah Buchanan from the commercial team will be running a PCS training session on how to register on the site, brief overview of how to use the portal, set up alerts and note interest”. This will be an online zoom session and will be recorded. Please register by the 16th of October. 

Please see some additional information below.

The university is a supplier and PI’s can:

  • browse the Search Notices area for opportunities
  • register on PCS to receive email alerts when new contract opportunities are advertised
  • set up a Supplier Finder Profile (see below) which allows buyers to invite you to a Quick Quote
  • register your interest in and bid for an opportunity (if a buyer has advertised a current or future requirement).


Buyers use PCS to:

  • advertise future opportunities by using a Prior Information Notice
  • invite specific suppliers to submit quotations for low value/risk goods and services through Quick Quotes
  • automatically post UK wide contract notices via the Find a Tender Service (FTS) for those contracts over threshold
  • post below-threshold contract notices
  • publish Contract Award Notices
  • publish their Contract Registers which detail all of their organisation's current contracts from regulated procurements 
  • reserve suitable contracts for supported businesses.

Delivered By: Faculty of Science/RKES

