• Training Room

    Manager's Mental Health Training: Starting the Conversation
    Provider   Wellbeing

    This module is for managers, supervisors and team leaders and is designed to help you to be able to support the mental health of your team and encourage a “culture of care” at Strathclyde with regards to mental health and wellbeing.

Duration 40 mins

Course Type Online

Booking Status Now Booking

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Target Audience: Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors

Hello and welcome to this module on "Starting the Conversation Around Mental Health in the Workplace". This course has been designed collaboratively with the University Workplace Wellbeing Team and the Strathclyde Psychology Department. The learning is delivered via a mix of narrated video content (transcripts available) and online resources. The course presenters are Kevin Donovan, the University Workplace Wellbeing Manager and Dr Kirsten Russell, Lecturer in Psychology at Strathclyde.  


This module aims to develop awareness and knowledge around:

  • Exploring what workplace wellbeing is and why is matters.
  • The importance of focusing on mental health in the workplace.
  • The prevalence and nature of mental health difficulties.
  • Spotting if someone you know is experiencing poor mental health.
  • Starting conversations about wellbeing, mental health and suicide.
  • Sources of support available to those experiencing mental health difficulties.


As this module covers the subject of mental health and suicide, some individuals may find it emotionally distressing. Please choose a time that is suitable for you to engage with this content and if you think it may be helpful, speak to someone you trust or get support from one of the organisations mentioned at the end of the module or highlighted in the colleague wellbeing hub.

Delivered By: MyPlace


This is a self enrolment course. When accessing the course on Myplace, you must use the self-enrol function in the left hand column (on the Myplace page) before starting the course.