• Training Room

    RI & C Wk - Research Data Management and Sharing
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    The workshop will guide researchers through the rudiments of research data management and sharing (RDMS) notably, data management planning, and will look at various templates and methods available when implementing /embedding a Data Management Plan (DMP) into a project.

Duration 1 hour 30 mins

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Contact Provider

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in undertaking research and collecting/generating research data

This course is a live in-person event.  It is a 'one-off' and has no waiting list. 

Course Description;

Research Data Management and Sharing, Planning for current and future projects.

The workshop will guide researchers through the rudiments of research data management and sharing (RDMS) notably, data management planning, and will look at various templates and methods available when implementing /embedding a Data Management Plan (DMP) into a project. 

By the end of this course, attendees should have an understanding of best practice in research data management and sharing, notably, how DMPs can improve collaborative projects and be used to track and protect sensitive data, as well as how open data sharing can increase impact and citations.  
The session will also look at DMP requirements across the UK grant funding sector; this may be of interest to researchers who are preparing grant funding applications /bids. 

The workshop will include a presentation; case studies, and exemplar DMP templates, for group discussion. 

The session is interactive, and attendees will be invited to raise points and provide feedback via Mentimeter. 

Course Outcomes/Objectives;

Data Management Plans are a key element of best practice in research data management & sharing in higher education research; the workshop aims to provide a comprehensive overview of RDMS and data management planning, so that researchers are appraised of what they need to address for current projects, as well as for future funding bids /applications. 


We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff: 

For on-campus activity: 

  • Full access information for the venue is available via AccessAble [insert link to the info of the specific venue or building listed on http://accessable.co.uk]   
  • Hybrid provision is not available. 
  • There will be audience participation  
  • You are asked to attend the whole session  
  • This will be a short session without a break  
  • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.  
  • In line with current University health and safety guidance, attendees may wish to use face masks. The room will have either mechanical ventilation or passive ventilation (i.e. open windows)  
  • Digital copies of resources will be emailed to participants after delivery as standard  
  • Contact Marie Henderson (m.t.henderson@strath.ac.uk) to request printed materials in different formats   
  • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements  

Link to Research Integrity & Culture Week Sharepoint site;



Delivered By: RKES

