• Training Room

    RI&C Week - NHS ethics and governance
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    This session will explore with NHS Research Ethics Committee review process. Led by experts with NHS ethics experience, the session is an opportunity to understand the NHS Ethics Quality Standards and apply these to your own work.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Contact Provider

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Target Audience: Research staff and students submitting NHS ethics and R&D applications using the IRAS system

Course Description;

Join us to explore the NHS Research Ethics Committee review processes.   

Led by Prof Wendy Cohen, Vice Chair of an NHS Ethics committee, and Angelique Laverty, Strathclyde’s Research Ethics and Governance Manager, the session will provide guidance on the NHS Research Ethics Committee review process and the value the committee places on PPI as part of a NHS Ethics application. The recently introduced NHS Ethics Quality Standards design and review principles will be described so that participants can develop participant facing materials with these in mind.  

The session will include an overview of the NHS Ethics Quality Standards design and review principles. As the workshop session will explore how NHS Ethics panels validate your submission, if you have any Participant Facing Materials that you have used or are working on please bring them along so you can tailor the workshop to your own needs / discipline.  For those without material to bring along, examples will be provided instead. 

Course Outcomes/Objectives;

  • Understanding of the requirements of the NHS Ethics Quality Standards Design and Review Principles relating to participant information. 
  • Awareness of ethical issues around risk to participants in NHS research and how to include mitigations in study design (including in the IRAS form) 


We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff: 

For on-campus activity: 

  • Full access information for the venue is available via AccessAble [insert link to the info of the specific venue or building listed on http://accessable.co.uk]   
  • Hybrid provision is not available. 
  • There will be audience participation. 
  • You are asked to attend the whole session. 
  • This will be a short session without a break. 
  • The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.  
  • In line with current University health and safety guidance, attendees may wish to use face masks. The room will have either mechanical ventilation or passive ventilation (i.e. open windows)  
  • Digital copies of resources will be emailed to participants after delivery as standard 
  • Please contact osdu-equity@strath.ac.uk to discuss any further access requirements  

Link to Research Integrity & Culture Week Sharepoint site;



Delivered By: RKES - Angelique Laverty

