Is this course right for me?
Target Audience: All staff with an interest, particularly those involved in research. (Open to all)
Course Description;
This is an online session.
Intersectionality, a term coined by scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, describes the study of overlapping identities and the interaction between different power structures. In this workshop, participants will be provided with a safe space to reflect on intersecting identities such as race, gender, class, sexual orientation, ability, and many others. By applying an intersectional framework, participants will be better equipped at identifying the impact of overarching power structures and comprehensively address inequality.
This is an online session via Zoom. Auto-captions will be enabled. The session as planned will include an element of discussion and group work with other staff members. There will be a comfort break halfway through the session (after approx. 45 mins). If you have any specific access requirements for the session, please contact Simran Kaur
Course Outcomes/Objectives;
Participants will
- Gain an understanding of intersectionality and why it is a useful framework
- Explore identity, power, advantage and disadvantage
- Explore how intersecting identities shape our experiences in higher education and beyond
- Identify ways in which they can apply workshop learnings and frameworks to address inequality
We are committed to ensuring our events and courses are accessible to all staff:
For online activity:
- The session will take place on Zoom
- Auto-captions will be enabled
- There will be audience participation
- You are asked to keep your camera on
- You are asked to attend the whole session
- There will be a break
- The session is relaxed – this means you can stretch, move around, stim etc.
- Please contact to discuss any further access requirements
Link to Research Integrity & Culture Week Sharepoint site;
Delivered by;
Simran Kaur –
Jennifer Ba –
Delivered By: Simran Kaur and Jennifer Ba