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    Navigating Grief: A 4 Week Educational Support Group
    Provider   Disability & Wellbeing Service

    A safe, compassionate space to explore your grief, find healing, and connect with others who understand.

Duration 4 sessions

Course Type Series

Booking Status Now Booking

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Grief can feel overwhelming and navigating it alone can be isolating. Our 4-week grief support group, provides a structured, supportive environment for individuals to process their grief at their own pace. Each week, we'll address different aspects of grief, provide helpful tools, and create a space for reflection, self-care, and connection.

Please watch this space for new dates when the group will be run in semester two.

The sessions will be run in -

The Wellbeing Room

Disability and Wellbeing Service

Level 4, Mary Dunn Wing

Learning & Teaching Building

55 Richmond Street


G1 1XQ

Topics will include:

Understand the grief process and common reactions.

  • Establish group guidelines and confidentiality.
  • Reflect on personal experiences of loss and who we grieve for
  • Learn how to cope with overwhelming emotions.
  • Explore strategies for emotional regulation.
  • Reframe unhelpful thought patterns.
  • Discover self-care strategies that support emotional well-being.
  • Reflect on personal self-care practices.
  • Understand how grief affects physical health, including sleep disturbances and fatigue.
  • Explore exercise and movement as ways to process grief.
  • Reflect on the importance of activity scheduling and self-care.
  • Address feelings of isolation and loneliness
  • Learn how to rebuild a support system after a loss.
  • Explore ways to memorialize and maintain a connection with your loved ones.
  • Discover how continuing bonds can help with healing.

Delivered By: Karen Lafferty and Marie Stewart


You must be able to attend in person, preferably all 4 sessions. Booking a session then cancelling or not showing, prevents others from obtaining a place so please only book if you will be able to attend.

What if I change my mind?

Its fine to decide not to proceed, but please just let us know in advance so we can offer your space to someone else.