• Training Room

    Technician's Development Programme - Technical Team Member
    Provider   Organisational and Staff Development Unit

    This programme is the first level of the Technical Staff Development programme. This programme is designed to support technician's working in team within the University.

Duration 4 sessions

Course Type Series

Booking Status Now Booking

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Any member of technical staff who are grades 3-5

Participants should attend the information session prior to taking part in the programme to ensure they are joining the programme at the appropriate level for their skills and experience.

All participants work towards the ILM level 2 Award in Effective Team Member Skills.  Costs for the qualification are met through the programme.


The programme requires attendance at 4 face to face sessions, and is complemented by 3 on-line modules.

Session 1  Team working preferences

Session 2  Effective Communication in the workplace

Session 3  Understanding workplace conflict

Session 4  Understanding own development


Cancellation Policy

When applying for a course, you should note that there will be a £50* charge to your Department / School if you do not attend your place on the course. There will be no charge as long as you cancel your booked place before the event or notify our staff at osdu@strath.ac.uk that you can no longer attend. 

A Department / School is welcome to send someone else in your place if they wish without incurring a charge, providing that person has the necessary prerequisites for the course. In the case of courses split over more than one day, you are expected to attend ALL parts of the course. 

*This is the standard charge for cancellation or non-attendance of a course of 1-day duration or less. For some courses, there may be a higher cancellation charge and if this is the case you will be advised of this at the time of booking

Delivered By: Janet Milne

