• Training Room

    Aurora Women’s Leadership Programme information session
    Provider   Access, Equality & Inclusion

    Find out more about the Aurora programme, including how to apply, and hear from recent Strathclyde participants.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Now Booking

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: Staff

The Aurora programme, run by Advance HE, is for women up to senior lecturer level or the professional services equivalent who would like to develop and explore issues relating to leadership roles and responsibilities.


Aurora seeks to support women and their institutions to fulfil their leadership potential through thought-provoking activities, collaborative problem-solving activities and motivating stories supported by inspirational women role models. Participation embeds strong networks of early career women across the sector to share best practice, insights and experiences. The University provides annual funding and support for female staff to participate in Aurora.


Join this interactive online session to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative, hear from recent Strathclyde participants, and to find out about applying for a centrally-funded place at Strathclyde.

Delivered By: Equality and Diversity Office

