• Training Room

    Marketing Yourself & Your PhD
    Provider   Researcher Development Programme

    Participants will gain an overview of how to present themselves effectively during professional networking events, on CVs and in application forms.

Duration 1 full day

Course Type Workshop

Booking Status Now Booking

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Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Students will be asked to Complete the pre workshop tasks as detailed below in preparation for the afternoon workshop.



Participants will gain an overview of how to develop their own professional brand with the aim of presenting themselves effectively during professional networking events and in written form on CVs and in application forms when applying for opportunities in academia, research and beyond.

This course will be in a blended learning format - you will be required to work through tasks online on your own in the morning and in the afternoon there will be a group workshop on Zoom. All materials and links will be sent in advance of the course.

By the end of the workshop participants will have:

  • An understanding of what employers look for in written applications
  • The techniques to provide effective written evidence of suitability for a job
  • An understanding of what makes a really good CV/Application Form
  • Be able to adapt information to ensure recruitment criteria is addressed.

Delivered By: Careers Service


Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a course please cancel your place as soon as possible, with at least 3 working days notice via the online booking system http://bookings.strath.ac.uk/mybookings.asp.

Full details of booking conditions can be found at the link below.

Useful Links

Find out about the opportunities available to you as an early career researcher:

PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development

All postgraduate research students are eligible to access the Researcher Development Programme workshops. This workshop can contribute towards the PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PG Cert RPD).

You can find credit and class information in the Researcher Development Programme Handbook and in NEPTUNE (Engineering, HaSS) or SPIDER (Science).

Please check with your department or Supervisor to confirm if you are enrolled on the PG Cert RPD and how many credits you are expected to achieve if you are unsure.