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Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff
The Setup Myplace Class/Page session is designed to guide SBS academic and administrative staff through the process of setting up the basics before starting developing their Myplace class. The training aims to promote operational excelenency and to increase the student experience. By leveraging the integration of Myplace into teaching and learning, participants will learn to navigate through Myplace and setup high quality SBS classes or pages based on our values and aspirations.
The topics we cover are:
- Myplace navigation and class search.
- Class Settings: Description, Format, Appearance, Completion, Groups.
- Class Blocks: Location and Arrangement.
- Course Activity Completion Tracking.
- General Section: Class Info, Reading List, General Info.
By the end of this session, participants will be familiar with the Moodle environment, that Strathclyde has branded as Myplace, and will have the knowledge and skills to setup exemplary SBS Myplace classes.
Delivered By: The SBS Learning Technology Team