Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 11 courses.

Accessibility in practice: Microsoft PowerPoint accessibility     show
This session will enable you to create Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Accessibility in practice: Microsoft Word accessibility     show
This practical session will enable you to create Microsoft Word documents that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Microsoft Forms demo (2023)     show
This video introduces the Microsoft Forms app.

Target Audience: Everyone at the University

Microsoft Planner demo (2023)     show
This video introduces the Microsoft Planner app.

Target Audience: Everyone at the University

Microsoft Power Automate Overview     show
An introduction to MS Power Automate, what it is and what it can do.

Target Audience: Staff and PGs with no experience of Power Automate

Microsoft Power Automate User Group     show
The Power Automate User Group is an informal, online group that supports the use of Power Automate at the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Microsoft Power BI Overview     show
An introduction to MS Power BI as a management information reporting tool.

Target Audience: Staff

Microsoft Power BI User Group     show
The Power BI User Group is an informal, online group that supports the use of Power BI at the University.

Target Audience: Staff

PowerBI Streaming Datasets     show
A knowledge sharing session for Information Services staff

Target Audience: Staff

Voice Dream Introduction     show
Introduction to Voice Dream research pilot for print-disabled students

Target Audience: Undergradute and post graduate

Working with students who are blind or visually impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff