Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 15 courses.

Careers and Employabilty Service - online drop in for HaSS PGRs     show
For all your careers-related questions!

Target Audience: All HaSS registered PGR students

Careers and Employabilty Service overview - for HaSS PGR Students     show
An in-person overview of the Careers and Employability Service, specifically for PGR students registered in the HaSS Faculty

Target Audience: PGR Students in the HaSS Faculty

Careers and Employabilty Service overview - for HaSS PGRs (online)     show
An overview of the Careers and Employability Service, specifically for 2nd/3rd year PGR students registered in the HaSS Faculty

Target Audience: PGR Students in the HaSS Faculty (2nd and 3rd year students only)

Challenges in research dissemination via different platforms     show
This skills training session will explore how researchers can effectively navigate the opportunities and pitfalls of disseminating their work via social media.

Target Audience: HaSS PGR Students

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion support via SGSAH     show
An opportunity to have a chat with Dr Anindya Raychaudhuri so he can understand a bit more about how PGR students in Scotland are supported in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Target Audience: HaSS PGR students

HaSS PGR Supervisors Workshop     show
Targeted HaSS Supervisor workshop to work through some of the complexities of supervising PGR students

Target Audience: PGR Supervisors in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

HaSS PGR support session for 1st year students - January 2025 starters     show
This workshop is devised for new PGR students in HaSS, who commenced studies in January 2025.

Target Audience: PGR students in HaSS who started in January 2025

HaSS PGR support session for 1st year students - part 1 of 2     show
This workshop is devised for new PGR students in HaSS, who commenced studies in October 2024.

Target Audience: PGR students in HaSS who started in October 2024

HaSS PGR support session for 1st year students - part 2 of 2     show
This workshop is devised for new PGR students in HaSS, who commenced studies between August 2024 and November 2024.

Target Audience: First year PGR students in HaSS

HaSS PGR workshop for those about to enter the 'completing' stage     show
A supportive workshop to guide students who are about to enter the completion stage of their research

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research students in HaSS who will enter their completing (writing-up) stage in 2024/25

HaSS PGR Workshop for those in the "Completing" Stage     show
This session is for postgraduate research students in HaSS who are in the 'completing' stage of their award.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research students in HaSS

Options with your PGR degree – PGR Alumni Panel Event     show
A chance to hear HaSS PGR alumni discuss their career paths post graduation

Target Audience: PGR Students in the HaSS Faculty

SGSAH EDI Visit     show
SGSAH present EDI initiatives.

Target Audience: HaSS PGR Students & Supervisors

Using the Careers Service as a PGR Student/Graduate     show
The Careers and Employability Service provides specialist support for PGR students.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research students in HaSS

World Sleep Day talk     show
As part of the Faculty's wellbeing calendar of events, Dr Leanne Fleming will be speaking about the importance of sleep health.

Target Audience: Staff and PGR students in HaSS