Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 27 courses.

Faculty Forum     show
An opportunity for Faculty of Science Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Faculty Forum - Academic & Teaching Staff     show
An opportunity for Academic and Teaching Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Academic & Teaching Staff

Faculty Forum - Research Staff     show
An opportunity for Research Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Research staff

Faculty Forum - Technical staff     show
An opportunity for Technical staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Technical staff

Faculty of Science - Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Success     show
The Faculty of Science is delighted to host Dr Jenny Burnham from the University of Sheffield on Monday 20th February from 2-3 pm when she will give a presentation entitled ‘Stories of Engagement, Empowerment and Success’.

Target Audience: This talk will be of interest to colleagues from across the University who are interested in developing their scholarship activity in a research-led institution.

Faculty of Science KE Costing & Pricing guide for Consultancy     show
The Faculty of Science is introducing a new costing and pricing model for consultancy services.

Target Audience: All Staff Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science National Student Survey Celebration     show
A celebration of the Faculty's NSS 2019 Results

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Faculty of Science Town Hall on draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy.     show
The draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy which captures the priorities and aims for the new Strategic Plan has now been published. The Faculty of Science are facilitating a more detailed discussion on the consultation document through a Town Hall event for all staff across the Faculty,

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - All Staff

Faculty-focused Staff Development Sessions on Gen-AI     show
Staff development session on Generative AI.

Target Audience: Staff supporting assessments. However, all staff are welcome

FLEC Annual Lecture/Faculty Teaching Excellence     show
Dr Alison Yao and Dr Morgan Finlay will present details of the initiatives they lead which resulted in them being given Faculty Teaching Excellent Awards

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

How to use The Public Contracts Scotland Website     show
Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) website, training session on how to register on the site, brief overview of how to use the portal, set up alerts and note interest. This will be an online zoom session and will be recorded. Zoom details will be sent prior to the meeting.

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (Faculty of Science)     show
This is an online presentation on Sustainable Development Goals

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

Invitation to Strathclyde Doctoral School Roadshow 24 February 2-3pm     show
Professor Eleanor Shaw, Associate Principal and Director of Strathclyde Doctoral School (SDS) invites you to come along to this session find out more about SDS.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Lecture 3 of 4: Strathclyde Support for Entrepreneurs     show
This is the third in the 'Knowledge Exchange: Developing IP, Consultancy and Commercial Outcomes from Your Research' programme.

Target Audience: PhD students, researchers, academics and other staff with an interest in knowledge exchange activities

Lecture 4 of 4:The Art of Networking     show
This is the fourth in the 'Knowledge Exchange: Developing IP, Consultancy and Commercial Outcomes from Your Research' programme.

Target Audience: PhD students, researchers, academics and other staff with an interest in knowledge exchange activities

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Workshop     show
A workshop for Academics and Researchers who would like to learn more about Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence activities in the Faculty of Science and how they could potentially apply ML/AI techniques in their research

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Academic/Research Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (Workshop 3)     show
Third workshop in a series of workshops on ML/AI

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence 5th Workshop     show
This fifth workshop is part of a series of workshops exploring ML/AI opportunities for collaboration with university colleagues.

Target Audience: University of Strathclyde Academic/Research Staff/PhD students

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence 6th Workshop     show
This sixth workshop is part of a series of workshops exploring ML/AI opportunities for collaboration with university colleagues, run between the Faculties of Science, Engineering and the Business School. Prior knowledge of the topic is not required.

Target Audience: University of Strathclyde Academic/Research Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Workshop (4)     show
We invite you to attend an in-person workshop on ML/AI on Thursday 14th of September 1:05 – 2:55pm at Collins CL 205.

Target Audience: University of Strathclyde Academic/Research Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Workshop (session 2)     show
We invite you to attend an in-person workshop on ML/AI on Monday the 13th of February 2.05 – 3.55 at Collins CL205. This is the second in a series of workshops exploring ML/AI opportunities for collaboration with university colleagues. Prior knowledge of the topic is not required.

Target Audience: University of Strathclyde Academic/Research Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Workshop 7     show
We invite you to attend an in-person workshop on ML/AI on Monday 16th of December 1:05 - 2:45pm in MC301 (McCance Building).

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

NSS Reflection Event & Teaching Excellence Awards Ceremony     show
A celebration of Faculty of Science success at the Teaching Excellence Awards and reflection on our National Student Survey results.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Science PGT Workshop (Feb 2024)     show
The Faculty of Science have arranged the next session in our series of PGT workshops. This will focus on efficiencies and enhancement in teaching delivery and assessment and we will be welcoming Dr Annamaria Lilienkampf from the University of Edinburgh.

Target Audience: Staff supporting PGT projects. However, all staff are welcome.

The "I" in CIS     show
This is the first in a series of conversational events about research and KE expertise within the Faculty of Science, promoting collaboration with colleagues from across the University. This event is presented by iSchool – the School of Information Science (literally the "I in CIS").

Target Audience: Academic, KE and business development colleagues

Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential     show
Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Workshop Assignment - The Peer Review Tool in Myplace     show
An in-depth demonstration of how the 'Workshop Assignment' tool in Myplace operates.

Target Audience: Maths and Stats dept.