Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 12 courses.

Accessibility in brief: Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit for Myplace     show
The Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit is an extension for Myplace that allows class authors to automatically check their class content for common accessibility issues. This session will demonstrate how to use its different features.

Target Audience: Staff

Example Course 1     show
This is an example course

Target Audience: Staff and PGs

Intro to Reading List Software     show
An annual information session intended for Admin staff. Find out about Leganto, the reading list software & learn about student engagement statistics.

Target Audience: Admin staff

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Online     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

Library Services courses     show
Library Skills training courses can now be booked on the Library Skills Training Calendar

Target Audience: Staff, Postgraduate, Undergraduate

Procurement Legislation and Guidelines     show
A presentation on understanding procurement legislation and guidelines.

Target Audience: All Staff, Postgraduates using University funds to Procure/ Purchase goods, works or services

Reading list training     show
Learn about Leganto, the reading list software.

Target Audience: Staff

STEP - Introduction to H5P Interactive Content     show
H5P tools are used for creating engaging interactive content in online classes. This session will provide participants with an overview of the suite of tools, and will demonstrate how to add an H5P activity to a MyPlace class.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

StrathApp - Campus Services     show
Provide input on the new version of StrathApp - focusing on campus services.

Target Audience: All staff and students

SUnBIRD User Training     show
SUnBIRD (Strathclyde University Business Intelligence Reports and Dashboards) browser-based system gives access to management information aligned to our strategic goals, provides easy-to-use interfaces, strong reporting and drill-down capability from the enterprise data warehouse.

Target Audience: All Staff

Travel Booking - February 2020     show
This sessions provides information and practical examples of how to book travel arrangements including flights and accommodation on key travels online booking tool.

Target Audience: All staff, Postgraduates using University funds to Procure Travel

Voice Dream Introduction     show
Introduction to Voice Dream research pilot for print-disabled students

Target Audience: Undergradute and post graduate