Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 11 courses.

Climate Fresk - Discovery Workshop     show
Become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader in just a few hours with no prior knowledge of climate change required!

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Climate Fresk - Facilitator Training     show
Completed the Climate Fresk Discovery Workshop? Want to become a trainer Climate Fresk Workshop facilitator in only 3 hours? Then sign up here for the Climate Fresk Facilitator Training Workshop and become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader!

Target Audience: Staff and Students who have completed the Climate Fresk Discovery workshop

Climate Solutions Accelerator     show
This class is designed to equip future leaders with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complex landscape of climate change, integrating sustainable practices into the world.

Target Audience: All Staff and Students

Get Help With Anxiety - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Anxiety affects our minds and bodies, and the physical symptoms can be scary and uncomfortable as our nervous system fires into high alert. The good news? We can change our relationship with anxiety. We can learn how to respond to our bodies when the threat response is activated.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Introduction to Sustainable Development     show
This online course aims to provide you with the basic knowledge around the concept of Sustainable Development, how it has evolved and what aspects it covers.

Target Audience: All Staff and Students

Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (Faculty of Science)     show
This is an online presentation on Sustainable Development Goals

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)     show
This is an 8-week course consisting of eight classes, which are typically two hours long

Target Audience: Open to anyone

RI&C Week - Sustainability and Me!     show
In line with the University Strategy and Values, sustainability must be a key consideration of all research - from concept to final evaluation. Join us for this interactive workshop to find out how this relates to your work and get started on your sustainability journey.

Target Audience: All staff and students (PGR) involved in conducting, leading and enabling research

Social Walk     show
Social walk around the University campus.

Target Audience: The University community

SPIRAL - Developing & Engaging in Equitable & Ethical P'ship Research     show
This interactive training aims to support researchers to examine the principles of equitable and ethical partnerships for research, and will examine these through interactive case studies and discursive activities.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff

SPIRAL - Designing & Implementing Inter and Transdisciplinary Research     show
This interactive training aims to support researchers to examine the principles of inter and transdisciplinary research, and subsequently examine how their research could improve or benefit embracing these approaches.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff