Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 36 courses.

Climate Fresk - Discovery Workshop     show
Become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader in just a few hours with no prior knowledge of climate change required!

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Climate Fresk - Facilitator Training     show
Completed the Climate Fresk Discovery Workshop? Want to become a trainer Climate Fresk Workshop facilitator in only 3 hours? Then sign up here for the Climate Fresk Facilitator Training Workshop and become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader!

Target Audience: Staff and Students who have completed the Climate Fresk Discovery workshop

Designing Multiple Choice Questions to Evaluate Higher Order Thinking     show
In this session you will explore how to design MCQs which are specifically targeted at demonstrating higher order skills as identified in Bloom’s taxonomy.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

Engaging students through student-staff partnerships - Masterclass     show
This is a live in-person event. Ways of engaging students in higher education as partners in learning and teaching is arguably one of the most important issues facing higher education in the 21st Century and is a key factor influencing student success.

Target Audience: Strathclyde staff who are interested in working with students as partners

HEA Fellowship Information Session - Online     show
This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward.

Target Audience: Academic,Teaching APS Staff

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Online     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

STEP - Introduction to the MyPlace Gradebook     show
This session is aimed at staff who wish to work with the MyPlace Gradebook, or are involved in setting up and administering assessments on MyPlace. It provides practical experience of using the most common functions of the Gradebook and setting up and understand a simple Gradebook.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Using Your Calendar to Claw Back Time In Your Day     show
In this workshop, through a number of developmental activities, participants will take a proactive approach to their calendars to claw back time and work more effectively.

Target Audience: Any staff, particularly those involved in the delivery of teaching and learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Applying DtC Principles     show
These online workshops will be delivered by colleagues at the University of Glasgow who have been leading on efforts to decolonise the curriculum at Glasgow.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Communities of Practice     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues at the University of Glasgow who have been leading on efforts to decolonise the curriculum at Glasgow

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Community of Practice Launch     show
This in-person event marks the official launch of Strathclyde’s Decolonising the Curriculum Community of Practice.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Introduction     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues at the University of Glasgow who have been leading on efforts to decolonise the curriculum at Glasgow

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Learning from HaSS & SBS     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues from across Strathclyde’s Faculties and Professional Services Directorates, highlighting the Strathclyde Experience, the excellent work that is underway, and good practices that can be applied across the University

Target Audience: Colleagues with an interest in Decolonialising the Curriculum, particularly those who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Science & Strath Decol Academy     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues from across Strathclyde’s Faculties and Professional Services Directorates, highlighting the Strathclyde Experience, the excellent work that is underway, and good practices that can be applied across the University

Target Audience: Colleagues with an interest in Decolonialising the Curriculum, particularly those who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Focus On: Generative AI in L & T - Workshop 4     show
Facilitated by Education Enhancement and OSDU, we will be running a Mini-programme of workshops exploring the impact of generative-AI on learning, teaching, and assessment at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - AI2: Maintain Academic Integrity in an AI-enabled World-Online     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence,

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning

STEP - AI2: Maintaining Academic Integrity in an AI-enabled World     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence. This session is an In-Person session. Follow link in course description, if you would like to join remotely via Teams.

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning

STEP - Engaging Students in Online Learning: Collaboration     show
The aim of the workshop is to support participants to enhance the learning experience of their students, by exploring how structured collaborative learning activities can be used to engage students in the online learning environment.

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

STEP - Flipped Classroom - Where to Start?     show
This workshop will guide participants through the structure of flipped classroom and provides practical guidance on designing and implementing this in practice.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP - Getting Started with Myplace     show
This session is aimed at staff who would like to learn how to use Myplace. It provides practical experience in using the most common functions of Myplace, andthe basic skills required in setting up and managing a class.

Target Audience: Staff

STEP - HEA Fellowship Information Session Event     show
*Please check if the session is online or in-person. This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward.

Target Audience: Academic,Teaching APS Staff

STEP - Introduction to H5P Interactive Content     show
H5P tools are used for creating engaging interactive content in online classes. This session will provide participants with an overview of the suite of tools, and will demonstrate how to add an H5P activity to a MyPlace class.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Leadership in Learning and Teaching Network     show
This is a face to face meeting of the Leadership in Learning and Teaching network

Target Audience: Participants of the Leadership in Learning and Teaching Network

STEP - Pedagogy Reading Group     show
The pedagogy reading group meets to discuss articles / books on pedagogy. The aim of the group is to support participants' knowledge and understanding of varying pedagogies and how they may apply to teaching.

Target Audience: All staff with an interest in pedagogy

STEP - Planning Blended Learning     show
This session will provide guidance on planning for Blended Learning and highlight what support is available to teaching staff.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Pure – Not Just for Researchers     show
Pure is the University's information management system for tracking activities and outputs of Academic Professional staff.  

Target Audience: Learning and Teaching Academic Professional Staff who wish to establish or develop their Pure profile

STEP - Responding to module evaluation: Drop-in session     show
This course is to support staff in making sense of and responding to module evaluation data.

Target Audience: All staff involved in supporting and delivering learning and teaching

STEP - Selecting, Configuring & Administering Assessments in Myplace     show
This session is aimed at staff who are involved in the planning, setting up and administrating of assessments on MyPlace. It explains the different types of assessment, provides practical exercises in set-up and administration, and offers guidance on replicating exam conditions.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Senior Fellows Network     show
The Senior Fellows Network is a community for colleagues who have achieved SFHEA.

Target Audience: All staff who have achieved Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy 

STEP - Storytelling for Learning Design     show
This course provides an exploration into the power of storytelling and its application within the design of learning materials.

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

STEP - Studio in Your Pocket: Creating quality video for your teaching     show
This session aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to improve your confidence in using video as part of your teaching.

Target Audience: Teaching Staff

STEP - Teaching and Learning Online (TALON)     show
The aim of the course is to allow participants to develop an understanding of online pedagogies and the practical methodologies which support class development and delivery. At the same time, participants will get to experience the class as an online student.

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

STEP Developing MCQs     show
This self-directed module guides participants through designing multiple choice questions (MCQs) in higher education.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support teaching and learning at Strathclyde

STEP: Designing inclusive curricula     show
This STEP workshop is designed to empower learning and teaching staff at Strathclyde to create curricula that are not only accessible to all but also reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of our student body.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning at Strathclyde

STEP-AI2: Maintaining Academic Integrity in AI-enabled World-via TEAMS     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence. This session is ONLINE (via Teams). Follow link in course description, if you would like to join in person.

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning