Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 24 courses.

An Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Practice     show
To raise awareness of disability related issues in higher education To consider strategies to make your teaching and learning more inclusive

Target Audience: Academic Staff

Anxiety Busters     show
Are you a University of Strathclyde student struggling with anxiety? Join our "Anxiety Busters" workshop and take control of your mental wellbeing!

Target Audience: Students Only

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)     show
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid.

Target Audience: Staff, Students+PG Researchers

ASIST Tune-Up     show
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Tune-up is a 3 hour refresher course developed by Living Works Education for participants who have completed ASIST 11.

Target Audience: ASIST 11 trained participants that wish to become more confident, competent in using the PAL Model, reflect on good practice and keep skills up-to-date

Ask, Tell Animations     show
To start an initial conversation around and raise basic awareness of mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention. Please note this is a zoom session.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Building Resilience     show
This six-week online series looks at how we can understand and develop resilience to allow us to cope with the world in different ways. This is an ideal workshop series for those who want to understand more about the positive effects of resiliency.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

DDC Catch up - Reflection on semester 1 and revised academic year     show
An opportunity for Departmental/School Disability Coordinators to meet each other and members of the Disability Service.

Target Audience: Staff

DDC Disability Awareness     show
Workshop on Disability Awareness for Departmental Disability Contacts as part of a training and development programme.

Target Audience: Departmental Disability Contacts

Departmental Disability Contact Role Briefing     show
The Disability Service is offering a Departmental Disability Contact (DDC) role briefing information session to all DDCs.

Target Audience: Departmental Disability Contacts (DDCs)

Disability Awareness for Professional Services Staff     show
This is a three-hour disability awareness workshop aimed at professional services staff

Target Audience: Professional Services Staff

Dyslexia Awareness     show
Workshop on dyslexia awareness for academic staff as part of a training and development programme.

Target Audience: academic staff

Get Help With Anxiety - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Anxiety affects our minds and bodies, and the physical symptoms can be scary and uncomfortable as our nervous system fires into high alert. The good news? We can change our relationship with anxiety. We can learn how to respond to our bodies when the threat response is activated.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)     show
This is an 8-week course consisting of eight classes, which are typically two hours long

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Mindfulness Orientation Session     show
This is an introduction to mindfulness for students who are wishing to explore what mindfulness is and how it may be helpful in their life. After this session you can decide whether you wish to book on to the 8 week Mindfulness programme within the university.

Target Audience: All Students and Staff

Recovery from Anxiety - The Dr. Claire Weekes way - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Join this 4 week in-person course to learn more about the Claire Weekes method to recover from anxiety.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

suicideTALK     show
SuicideTALK Training

Target Audience: Staff, Students+PG Researchers

Supporting Neurodiverse Students (ADHD)     show
An introductory workshop exploring what you can do to support students with ADHD at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff (Academic & Professional Services)

Supporting Neurodiverse Students (Autism)     show
An introductory workshop exploring what you can do to support autistic students at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff (Academic & Professional Services)

Understanding Racism and its impact on relationships at work     show
These workshops are to enable participants to develop a shared understanding of Racism within a student support context.

Target Audience: Staff within Student Services

Voice Dream Introduction     show
Introduction to Voice Dream research pilot for print-disabled students

Target Audience: Undergradute and post graduate

Voicedream Orientation Session     show
Orientation of Voicedream and Bookshare for Print Disabled students on pilot

Target Audience: students

Working with students who are blind or visually impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Working with students who are d/Deaf or hearing impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Working with students with Asperger’s Syndrome     show
To raise awareness of the needs of students with Asperger’s Syndrome and the barriers they face in Higher Education. To consider practical strategies to meet the specific needs and make the learning and wider university environment accessible to students with Asperger’s syndrome.

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff