Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 57 courses.

After Action Reviews     show
This course explores a quick and simple model to assess the impact of a piece of work and improve for the future.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

5S Workplace Organisation     show
Do you spend more time looking for files and emails than you do working on them? This session looks at workplace organisation and sustainable structure.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Anxiety Busters     show
Are you a University of Strathclyde student struggling with anxiety? Join our "Anxiety Busters" workshop and take control of your mental wellbeing!

Target Audience: Students Only

Ask, Tell Animations     show
To start an initial conversation around and raise basic awareness of mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention. Please note this is a zoom session.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

CI Practitioners Programme     show
The CI Practitioners Programme (previously called Lean for Leaders) is a great way to meet like-minded colleagues from across the University and pick up improvement skills that you can use straight away. It will also support you to deliver a project that you can be proud of.

Target Audience: Staff who are responsible for leading change or improvement initiatives and who want to deliver a meaningful Continuous Improvement Project.

CMA Compliance - Overview     show
Learn about our consumer law obligations to applicants and students. The workshop will give an overview of the CMA Guidelines and look at the impacts, opportunities and risks for the University. Explore the importance of transparency and fairness and discuss the University's approach.

Target Audience: Open to all but particularly relevant to academic and professional services colleagues who deal with applicants, programme information, marketing information.

CMA Compliance - Overview - Copy     show
Learn about our consumer law obligations to applicants and students. The workshop will give an overview of the CMA Guidelines and look at the impacts, opportunities and risks for the University. Explore the importance of transparency and fairness and discuss the University's approach.

Target Audience: Open to all but particularly relevant to academic and professional services colleagues who deal with applicants, programme information, marketing information.

CMA Compliance for Admissions and Recruitment     show
Learn about our consumer law obligations to applicants to the University. The workshop will give an overview of the CMA Guidelines and look at the impacts, opportunities and risks for Admissions and Recruitment.

Target Audience: Open to all but will have a particular focus on Admissions and Recruitment

Confidential Waste Information Session     show
An information session to introduce staff to the new confidential waste uplift procedure.

Target Audience: All University staff

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Opportunities 2022     show
The workshop will explain the benefits that IMechE membership brings, including access to great CPD resources.

Target Audience: Engineering Technicians

Effective Problem Solving     show
Lots of issues and not enough solutions? This session provides a systematic method of analysing an issue, implementing the best solution, and sustaining the change.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Effective Task Management     show
This session examines the fact that not all tasks are equal and explores how to categorise and prioritise to get best results.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

Effective Time Management     show
For those who feel time is not on their side, a short course of practical tips to create capacity in your day.

Target Audience: All staff

Faculty Forum     show
An opportunity for Faculty of Science Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Faculty Forum - Academic & Teaching Staff     show
An opportunity for Academic and Teaching Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Academic & Teaching Staff

Faculty Forum - Research Staff     show
An opportunity for Research Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Research staff

Faculty Forum - Technical staff     show
An opportunity for Technical staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Technical staff

Faculty of Science National Student Survey Celebration     show
A celebration of the Faculty's NSS 2019 Results

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Faculty of Science Town Hall on draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy.     show
The draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy which captures the priorities and aims for the new Strategic Plan has now been published. The Faculty of Science are facilitating a more detailed discussion on the consultation document through a Town Hall event for all staff across the Faculty,

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - All Staff

FLEC Annual Lecture/Faculty Teaching Excellence     show
Dr Alison Yao and Dr Morgan Finlay will present details of the initiatives they lead which resulted in them being given Faculty Teaching Excellent Awards

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Go & See     show
Do you feel wholly reliant on measures and numbers to understand how your processes are working? This session offers an alternative to really understand how the work is done.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Handling Frontline Complaints     show
Any member of staff can receive a complaint at any time. In this online, self-directed module learn when the University’s Complaints Handling Procedure should be used and how to handle and respond to a complaint at frontline.

Target Audience: All Staff

HaSS PGR Supervisors Workshop     show
Targeted HaSS Supervisor workshop to work through some of the complexities of supervising PGR students

Target Audience: PGR Supervisors in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Identify & Create Value     show
On average less than 5% of the lead time of any given process is spent on what the customer really wants. This session will give you the tools to grow the value in your processes by removing waste.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Improvement Kata     show
Is the big objective too overwhelming and you never progress toward it? This session demonstrates scientific improvement via small, considered experiments.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Intro to Reading List Software     show
An annual information session intended for Admin staff. Find out about Leganto, the reading list software & learn about student engagement statistics.

Target Audience: Admin staff

Introduction to Benefits     show
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to be able to identify what types of benefits could be achieved with an improvement mindset, and how these can be measured to demonstrate the improvement.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

Introduction to Facilitation     show
This course is aimed at developing your skills and confidence when facilitating improvement workshops.

Target Audience: Staff who are facilitating for the first time and are seeking a structure and guidance to develop from or staff currently involved in facilitation who seek tips and guidance to hone existing skills.

Key Issue Identification     show
In this course we explore a model to gain consensus of the key issues needing addressed for significant improvement to be made.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

Learning and Teaching Improvement Framework Forums 2023-24 Forum 1     show
Delivering an Outstanding Student Experience: LT Improvement Framework Forums

Target Audience: All academic, administrative and professional services staff responsible for delivering and supporting programmes

Learning and Teaching Improvement Framework Forums 2023-24 Forum 2     show
Delivering an Outstanding Student Experience: LT Improvement Framework Forums

Target Audience: All academic, administrative and professional services staff responsible for delivering and supporting programmes

NSS Reflection Event & Teaching Excellence Awards Ceremony     show
A celebration of Faculty of Science success at the Teaching Excellence Awards and reflection on our National Student Survey results.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Planning a Positive Retirement     show
This information session is for those either considering retirement or about to retire in the near future. This will be a face to face session in Graham Hills.

Target Audience: Anyone considering retirement or early or flexible retirement

Purchasing for IT Services Staff     show
A briefing session on Purchasing for IT Services staff

Target Audience: IT Services Staff

Ranking Data Workshop     show
Explore the university league table landscape. Learn about the work the University does in this area and explore the attributes of the main UK and global league tables. Look at pitfalls and risks in promoting ranking positions and discuss the opportunities for future development.

Target Audience: Colleagues with an interest in University ranking data

Reading list training     show
Learn about Leganto, the reading list software.

Target Audience: Staff

Recovery from Anxiety - The Dr. Claire Weekes way - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Join this 4 week in-person course to learn more about the Claire Weekes method to recover from anxiety.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Research & Knowledge Exchange Staff Costs Training     show
To help University Staff manage the financial aspects of their successful research and knowledge exchange awards. 

Target Audience: Principal Investigators, Project Managers, Administration Staff

SBS: Setup a Myplace Class/Page     show
Myplace is Strathclyde's virtual learning environment: our virtual place of useful learning. This session is designed to guide you on how to structure your SBS Myplace class/page.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup an IFM Class/Page     show
This session aims to demonstrate the new IFM platform and its features, along with some good practices in structuring the material to provide a smooth, engaging narrative and storytelling.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup Assessment Activities     show
Formative and summative assessment are both important in the learning process. Myplace has a variety of tools available that can be used to support assessment in Business Higher Education.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup Myplace Activities & Resources     show
Myplace is the University's virtual learning environment (VLE), providing a variety of educational activities to structure your class. In this session we are exploring the most popular activities available, as well as the best practices in Business Higher Education.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

Seeking Respectful Feedback     show
This course looks at two non obtrusive and stress free methods of gathering personal feedback to improve.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

SEES Gatherings: SIMS Project Update     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff. This session will focus on an update on the SIMS Project.

Target Audience: All SEES staff

SGSAH EDI Visit     show
SGSAH present EDI initiatives.

Target Audience: HaSS PGR Students & Supervisors

SPIRAL - How to Build Your Reputation in 30 Mins per Day     show
Stand out in your career by learning how to shape your professional reputation in just 30 minutes a day. In this workshop, you will learn how to showcase your strengths and create opportunities for your career.

Target Audience: Open to all member of staff who are interested in building your professional reputation and profile.

Standard Work     show
Issues with consistency within the team? Similar work but different outcomes? This session provides the skills to drive standardisation and consistency in the workplace.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Strategy Creation & Deployment     show
The Strategy Creation and Deployment programme is designed for Leaders that are looking for an impactful, tangible method of creating a local strategy which is aligned to both the University and team operations, and to adopt a deployment method focused on achieving goals.

Target Audience: The Strategy Creation and Deployment programme is designed for Leaders responsible for areas, departments, or teams in the University hoping to create or revisit their strategy.

StrathApp - Campus Services     show
Provide input on the new version of StrathApp - focusing on campus services.

Target Audience: All staff and students

Structured Communication     show
This course looks at how structured communication can help your team achieve their goals.

Target Audience: Staff who have line management responsibilities.

Student Module Evaluation Information Session     show
This session introduces staff to the Explorance Blue Student Module Evaluation system that is currently being implemented across the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Module Evaluation Surgery Sessions     show
Drop-In Surgery Sessions for staff to ask questions about the Student Module Evaluation process or to seek help with specific issues.

Target Audience: Staff

Systematic Improvement for Leaders     show
This course looks at integrating improvement seamlessly into your daily routine.

Target Audience: Staff who have line management responsibilities.

Team-based Innovation     show
This course identifies the behaviours and structures which create the environment for supporting staff to innovate within their own teams.

Target Audience: Staff with Team Lead responsibilities

The "I" in CIS     show
This is the first in a series of conversational events about research and KE expertise within the Faculty of Science, promoting collaboration with colleagues from across the University. This event is presented by iSchool – the School of Information Science (literally the "I in CIS").

Target Audience: Academic, KE and business development colleagues

Trainer Training     show
Trainer training for those delivering training as part of their role. This course involves working towards a nationally recognised SVQ unit

Target Audience: Anyone who is involved in delivering training session

UCAS Embargo Training 2017     show
This training course is aimed at staff who are involved in any aspect of admissions, confirmation and preparation for new students.

Target Audience: Staff