Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 25 courses.

2019 Entry Contextual Admissions and Recruitment Update     show
An important update for staff involved in selection for undergraduate degree programmes commencing in September 2019

Target Audience: Undergraduate Selectors

Admissions Selectors Information Session     show
An information session for academic selectors and those involved in admissions

Target Audience: Academic Selectors and anyone involved in admissions, centrally or within Faculties

An Introduction to Widening Access: Contextual Data and Admissions     show
This 5 week online programme introduces participants to the University's contextual admissions policies and processes

Target Audience: Primarily staff involved in the admissions/decision-making processes for undergraduate degree programmes

Anxiety Busters     show
Are you a University of Strathclyde student struggling with anxiety? Join our "Anxiety Busters" workshop and take control of your mental wellbeing!

Target Audience: Students Only

Building Resilience     show
This six-week online series looks at how we can understand and develop resilience to allow us to cope with the world in different ways. This is an ideal workshop series for those who want to understand more about the positive effects of resiliency.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Get Help With Anxiety - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Anxiety affects our minds and bodies, and the physical symptoms can be scary and uncomfortable as our nervous system fires into high alert. The good news? We can change our relationship with anxiety. We can learn how to respond to our bodies when the threat response is activated.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Introduction to Digital Accessibility     show
An introduction to Digital Accessibility

Target Audience: Staff

Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)     show
This is an 8-week course consisting of eight classes, which are typically two hours long

Target Audience: Open to anyone

New Scottish Qualifications and Admissions     show
A workshop for staff who play key roles in undergraduate recruitment and admissions processes, to hear about and discuss new qualifications which have arisen in Scotland.

Target Audience: UG Academic Selectors; Admissions staff; Student Recruitment Staff

Project SEARCH Meet and Greet     show
This event is an opportunity to meet people involved in this fantastic employability course for young people with an autistic spectrum condition and/or a learning disability.

Target Audience: Anyone who is interested in learning more about Project SEARCH

Race Equality Workshop     show
A workshop to discuss key issues with regard to race equality in Higher Education, to inform the work of Strathclyde's Race Equality Working Group.

Target Audience: All Staff

Recovery from Anxiety - The Dr. Claire Weekes way - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Join this 4 week in-person course to learn more about the Claire Weekes method to recover from anxiety.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Strathclyde Cares Mentoring Information Session     show
Information/briefing session for staff interested in volunteering as a mentor for Strathclyde Cares.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Transitions     show
Four UG student Interns worked on a project over the summer looking at Student Transitions into Higher Education. They would like to share their findings with you and we are keen to have a broader discussion about how the university takes those messages and recommendations forward.

Target Audience: Those most directly involved in supporting student transitions into University learning.

Student Transitions Network Event     show
This event is to share information about work being done by staff and students at Strathclyde around 'student transitions', the current QAA Enhancement Theme. Findings will be presented from a range of projects from across the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Supporting Children from Military Families     show
As part of its plans to better support members of the Armed Forces Community, the University looks to better support Children from Military Families in accessing and progressing in Higher Education.

Target Audience: University staff and students, and external guests.

Supporting Veterans and the Armed Forces Community     show
Presentations and discussions around how the University can support Veterans and members of the Armed Forces Community

Target Audience: University staff and students

Understanding and Supporting Estranged Students     show
This online session will expand your knowledge and understanding of estrangement, and estranged students in HE.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

Use of Contextual Data in Admissions: Training Session     show
The University's use of contextual data in undergraduate admissions facilitates our widening access ambitions. Candidates who meet one or more of our contextual indicators will have the academic portion of their application considered against the Minimum Entry Requirements (MER).

Target Audience: Academic Selectors are the main target audience; however any staff with an interest in Widening Access are welcome to attend.

Walk Leaders Course     show
Strathclyde Sport is launching a new training course which is designed to encourage staff members and students to incorporate more activity into their work/study day.

Target Audience: Staff and student community at the University of Strathc;yde

What does 'Community' at Strathclyde mean to you? Focus Group     show
The StrathApp team are interested in what community means to a Strathclyde student, and how StrathApp can help with this. There will be free pizza!

Target Audience: All staff and students

WhoCares? Scotland - Care-Experience and Corporate Parenting in HE     show
Training on care-experience and corporate parenting delivered by WhoCares? Scotland.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

Write to Recovery Group 7     show
9 therapeutic writing workshops for people experiencing emotional difficulties or mental ill-health. No writing experience is necessary. These facilitated sessions will support you to find your creative juices. "Writing helps you unravel the knots in your heart" Louise Desalvo.

Target Audience: All Students

Young Strathclyder: Consultation Workshop (in-person, on campus)     show
A consultation session to learn more about the University's new Young Strathclyder initiative.

Target Audience: All staff, including Academic and Professional Services

Young Strathclyder: Consultation Workshop (online)     show
A consultation session to learn more about the University's new Young Strathclyder initiative.

Target Audience: All staff, including Academic and Professional Services