Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 105 courses.

RI&C Week - Diverse Careers in Academia     show
Join us to explore the possibilities and broaden your understanding of the paths available in the research community.

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone involved in research.

RI&C Wk - Unlock the power of storytelling in your CV     show
Join us for an interactive workshop to learn how to develop a Narrative CV that captures a diverse range of contributions, career journeys and achievements.

Target Audience: All university staff and postgraduate researchers involved in applying for, or supporting applications for, research funding in the UK

AA OSDU Course Template     show
Short summary of event - no longer than 285 characters

Target Audience: Who the course is aimed at

Accessibility in practice: Microsoft PowerPoint accessibility     show
This session will enable you to create Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Accessibility in practice: Microsoft Word accessibility     show
This practical session will enable you to create Microsoft Word documents that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Accessibility in practice: Myplace accessibility     show
Myplace is the University’s virtual learning environment (VLE), providing educators with a range of activities, assessments and resources to build their classes. This session provides a practical introduction to creating Myplace content that follows accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Accessibility in practice: TerminalFour accessibility     show
TerminalFour, also known as “T4”, is Strathclyde’s Content Management System for publishing content to the University website. This session provides a practical introduction to creating webpages in T4 that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Active Bystander Training     show
This online session 'Active Bystander' is a 90 minute long, fast paced session which equips delegates with the skills to deal with bullying, sexual harassment and intimidation in the workplace.

Target Audience: All staff at all levels/disciplines

ADR - Setting SMART Objectives     show
This 20 minute video will be of interest to all Staff who are involved in the ADR process as either a reviewer or reviewee. The video will look at the ADR process and how to set objectives for the ADR process.

Target Audience: All Staff

ADR: A Focused Conversation (Academic, Research, Teaching & KE)     show
This 60- minute online session provides information on the ADR process for reviewers & guidance on how to lead constructive, meaningful ADR conversations. It is targeted at ADR reviewers to those in Academic, Research, Teaching or KE roles.

Target Audience: Staff involved as reviewers in ADR for Academic, Research, Teaching or KE roles

An Introduction to Project Management     show
The PMO is excited to launch the revised "Introduction to Project Management" online course for University staff. It provides essential tools and techniques for managing projects, with modules covering key theories, frameworks, and real-life case studies.

Target Audience: Staff who would benefit from knowing more about Project Management

Aurora Info Session for 2022/23 Cohort     show
Join this interactive online session to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative, hear from recent Strathclyde participants, and to find out about applying for a centrally-funded place at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: This session is primarily for Strathclyde staff who are a) women, and b) Grades 7, 8 and 9. Staff of any gender and any grade are also welcome to attend the session if they wish to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative.

Awareness for First Aid for Mental Health     show
Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health is a blended course that will be facilitated by staff from the Disability and Wellbeing Service.

Target Audience: Staff

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness     show
This course enables staff to gain knowledge about what is business continuity and their role. It also covers the various risks involved in higher education.

Target Audience: All Staff

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness Programme for Leaders - Module 1     show
This is a self-paced online course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Business Continuity among University Leaders. It is the first of three modules and should take around 20-30 minutes to complete.

Target Audience: University Leaders

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness Programme for Leaders - Module 2     show
This is a self-paced online course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Business Continuity among University Leaders. It is the second of three modules and should take around 20-30 minutes to complete.

Target Audience: University Leaders

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness Programme for Leaders - Module 3     show
This is a self-paced online course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Business Continuity among University Leaders. It is the third of three modules and should take around 20-30 minutes to complete.

Target Audience: University Leaders

Conferencing & Event Organisation At Strathclyde     show
A half day session on the practicalities of organising a conference or event .

Target Audience: Staff members who organise conferences & events

Customer Service Skills     show
Participants in this workshop will gain invaluable skills and techniques that are the fundamentals of service professionalism and you will be encourage to take pride in what you do.

Target Audience: All Staff

Designing Multiple Choice Questions to Evaluate Higher Order Thinking     show
In this session you will explore how to design MCQs which are specifically targeted at demonstrating higher order skills as identified in Bloom’s taxonomy.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

Disability History Month Digital Accessibility Training     show
In the context of Disability History Month, we would like to invite you to a training session on Digital Accessibility. It focuses on making digital content and services accessible to as many individuals as possible.

Target Audience: all staff, PGRs with teaching responsibilities

Engaging Doctoral Students with Writing     show
This workshop will support doctoral supervisors to establish productive writing habits for their students. This workshop can be used as a ‘Academic Writing & the Viva Voce Exam’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Equality Network: LGBT+ Awareness     show
LGBT+ Awareness Session (online)

Target Audience: All staff

Get Help With Anxiety - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Anxiety affects our minds and bodies, and the physical symptoms can be scary and uncomfortable as our nervous system fires into high alert. The good news? We can change our relationship with anxiety. We can learn how to respond to our bodies when the threat response is activated.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

HEA Fellowship Information Session - Online     show
This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward.

Target Audience: Academic,Teaching APS Staff

Impactful Research - Linking Your Work to SDGs in Pure     show
This practical training will walk you through the simple-yet-important steps to having an up-to-date Pure profile and linking your work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for increased visibility and collaborations. Live Stream – to be recorded and published online

Target Audience: Research and academic staff

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Online     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

Introduction to Research Integrity (Online Course)     show
This self-paced online course, created by the UK Research Integrity Office, offers a short dive into the topic of research integrity, why it matters and what it means in practice – perfect as an introduction for new researchers or a refresher for more experienced colleagues.

Target Audience: Anyone conducting or managing research in any discipline, including early career researchers (research students, post-doctorates and fellows), technicians, and more experienced staff who need refresher training

Invitation to Strathclyde Doctoral School Roadshow 24 February 2-3pm     show
Professor Eleanor Shaw, Associate Principal and Director of Strathclyde Doctoral School (SDS) invites you to come along to this session find out more about SDS.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Leadership Development Prog (1st line leadership) - Info Session     show
This is a 30 minute, on-line session which will introduce participants to the course content and structure, how to engage in the optional elements of the programme, pre-programme objective setting and the options for ILM accreditation.

Target Audience: First Line Managers responsible for Supervising Staff

Leadership for Strategic Outcomes - Intro Session     show
This is a 30 minute, on-line session which will introduce participants to the course content and structure, how to engage in the optional elements of the programme, pre-programme objective setting and the options for ILM accreditation.

Target Audience: Team Leaders

New Staff Induction Seminar     show
A seminar for newly appointed staff. The seminar will introduce you to working for the University of Strathclyde

Target Audience: Newly Appointed Staff to the University

Professional Services Development Programme- Info Session     show
This is an hour session which will introduce participants to the course programme, content and structure

Target Audience: APS Staff Grade 4 and above

REF 2029: All Staff Information Session     show
REF is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. Please join Strathclyde’s REF team for an overview of REF 2029.

Target Audience: This course is open for all staff at Strathclyde, from across job families.

RI&C Week - Support Researchers -How To Make Research Open/Accessible     show
Overview of Open Research support available at the University of Strathclyde, with a focus on dissemination and accessibility.

Target Audience: All staff and post grad researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week - Understanding Narrative CVs     show
Join us for a panel discussion, with experts and plenty of opportunity for Q&A, to discuss the motivation behind the introduction of Narrative CVs and hear from researchers with experience of developing and using their Narrative CVs.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research, at any organisation involved in research, in the UK and internationally

RI&C Wk - Embedding commercialisation within research cultures     show
This online session will feature Strathclyde's academic staff and Skillfluence. They will explore how commercialisation can be embedded within a research culture by using live examples of projects that are creating research impact.

Target Audience: All academic staff and post graduate students, who would like to understand how they can create research impact through commercialisation.

RI&C Wk - Intersectionality Workshop     show
An exploration of intersectionality and its applications in higher education

Target Audience: All staff with an interest, particularly those involved in research. (Open to all)

RI&CW: Enabling international collaboration through good governance     show
This workshop introduces the key principles of Trusted Research & Innovation and provides attendees with frameworks and uses practical examples to allow them to consider the application of Trusted Research & Innovation in practice.  

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research.

SPIRAL - Developing & Engaging in Equitable & Ethical P'ship Research     show
This interactive training aims to support researchers to examine the principles of equitable and ethical partnerships for research, and will examine these through interactive case studies and discursive activities.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff

SPIRAL - Applying for your first role: in academic posts & fellowships     show
Aimed at Research Staff planning an academic career either through the independent researcher route (fellowships) or applying for their first lectureship (teaching and research).

Target Audience: Research staff planning an academic research career

SPIRAL - Attract Research Funding: Writing & Applying For Fellowships     show
Learn more about writing and applying for postdoctoral fellowships in this workshop - from planning and preparation to the process of application itself.

Target Audience: Research staff / postdocs

SPIRAL - Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde     show
Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde is a blended course, combining online modules and Zoom discussion sessions, to help you explore career options and prepare you for the next stage of your career. A 4-week course - designed to address key career issues for researchers.

Target Audience: Research Staff

SPIRAL - Communicate with Confidence: Straight Talking - Online     show
As you grow in seniority, your interactions with colleagues and clients can become more complex. This opens up exciting opportunities but also poses potential challenges. This half-day course is a practical and engaging exploration of these areas of communication.

Target Audience: Academic, Teaching, Research and KE staff

SPIRAL - Considering your Career Options     show
This session will provide participants with an overview of the possible career pathways, both academic and non-academic, available to research staff as well as how to progress along these tracks.

Target Audience: For Research Assistants, Research Associates and Research Fellows

SPIRAL - Designing & Implementing Inter and Transdisciplinary Research     show
This interactive training aims to support researchers to examine the principles of inter and transdisciplinary research, and subsequently examine how their research could improve or benefit embracing these approaches.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff

SPIRAL - Early Career Researchers: How to explore your career options     show
Explore diverse career options, both within and outside academia.

Target Audience: Research staff who are looking to take next steps in their career

SPIRAL - Engaging with Industrial Partners     show
This online ½ day workshop is to support academics become more effective at engaging with industry partners. It has a specific focus on Research and KE activities within a consultancy role to the industrial partner.

Target Audience: For those who are engaging with industry partners

SPIRAL - Figures, images & visualising information     show
This workshop is designed to introduce participants to various types of visual formats including standard graphs, information visualisations and graphics for publication.

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone else involved in research

SPIRAL - How to Build Your Reputation in 30 Mins per Day     show
Stand out in your career by learning how to shape your professional reputation in just 30 minutes a day. In this workshop, you will learn how to showcase your strengths and create opportunities for your career.

Target Audience: Open to all member of staff who are interested in building your professional reputation and profile.

SPIRAL - Impact and Influence     show
This lively and enjoyable session, run by VOX Coaching, will explore practical communication skills that will help you increase your confidence, become someone to whom others want to listen and achieve greater impact and influence.

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

SPIRAL - Introduction to Understanding & Recording Research Impact     show
This introductory course offers an overview of the key principles of research impact and developing an impact record. It will be helpful for those looking to understand how their research makes a difference in the world and how to evidence this change for REF and other contexts.

Target Audience: This course is appropriate for staff involved in research, especially those at an earlier stage in their career.

SPIRAL - IP Essentials Copyright, Teaching and Commercialisation     show
Novel intellectual property (IP) is created regularly by researchers in universities and it is becoming increasingly important for both staff and students to equip themselves with elementary knowledge of the subject.

Target Audience: This course is designed specifically for researchers working in universities and institutes.

SPIRAL - Leading and Managing Research Staff     show
This online workshop explores how you take a structured approach to leading and managing research staff to get the best from your team.

Target Audience: Academic / Fellows / Senior Postdocs

SPIRAL - Managing and Delivering Successful CPD Sessions     show
A highly practical full-day, fully online workshop for staff designing or delivering professional development sessions for external stakeholders (e.g. colleagues from other institutions, industry, government, etc.) with a focus on engagement and effectiveness.

Target Audience: For academics / researchers expected to deliver CPD sessions to groups of professionals

SPIRAL - Online Research Grant Application Writers’ Workshop     show
Self-paced online course, targeted at staff new to writing funding applications. Learn how research grants are awarded, how this affects the way to write applications; develop relevant skills; learn strategies to write a grant-application as quickly as possible

Target Audience: Academic, Research, KE and Teaching Staff

SPIRAL - Planning & Designing a Research Career     show
Interested in continuing in research? Then it is never too early to start planning your career trajectory & thinking about the direction you want to go. Research is exciting, competitive & a challenging career choice requiring strategic planning, seeking opportunities & networking.

Target Audience: Research staff / postdocs

SPIRAL - Productive writing: techniques, planning & finishing     show
In this interactive workshop, we will focus on starting, maintaining momentum and completing writing projects.

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone else involved in research

SPIRAL - Project Management for Research and K.E.     show
This online workshop will look at the tools and techniques used in managing research projects which will build processes and structures that support project delivery.

Target Audience: For academics / researchers managing projects

SPIRAL - Research Careers Outside Higher Educ.     show
This seminar event will explore the career paths and current roles of a number of speakers having moved from an academic research background into research roles outside of higher education. Come along to learn more about different types of careers!

Target Audience: Research staff members and any staff looking to explore their career options

SPIRAL - Research Funding Peer Network     show
This peer network is designed to connect and support those involved or interested to become involved in research funding.

Target Audience: All staff members who are involved or would like to become involved in gaining and managing research funding

SPIRAL - Research Integrity in Practice     show
This highly interactive workshop suits anyone looking to enhance their own & other’s practice. Exploration of fundamentals on research integrity, with discussion & application to your situation. We aim to make the subject lively and a vital part of daily practice as a researcher.

Target Audience: Anyone looking to enhance their own, or others' practice, especially researchers and academics in Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts for People and the Economy (SHAPE disciplines)

SPIRAL – Research Writing Workshop - Weekly Drop In     show
This informal, social writing workshop is intended for all staff who are looking for protected time and space to focus on their writing and legitimise writing tasks in their busy work weeks.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - Researcher Careers: Non-Academic Careers in Higher Education     show
This seminar event will explore the career paths and current roles of a number of speakers having moved from a research background into non-academic roles in higher education. Come along to learn more about different types of careers!

Target Audience: Research staff members and any staff looking to explore their career options

SPIRAL - Seven Secrets of Successful Research Supervision Online     show
You know what your research student should be doing, but it just does not seem to be happening. Despite your best efforts to set up good habits for your student, it does not work. Why is this, and what can you do to make completing a PHD easier for your students and for you?

Target Audience: For supervisors of doctoral research students

SPIRAL - Social Media for Business & Industry Engagement     show
This sessions offers the knowledge and skills to use social media for business and industry engagement. It covers all aspects of social media usage including analytics and social media marketing and management.

Target Audience: Staff, PGRs

SPIRAL - Strathclyde Spring Writing Retreat (online)     show
The Strathclyde Writing Retreat series supports participants wishing to make significant progress on writing projects by allowing sufficient time to immerse themselves in the writing activity and to benefit from peer support.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - Strathclyde Winter Writing Retreat     show
The Strathclyde Writing Retreat series supports participants wishing to make significant progress on writing projects by allowing sufficient time to immerse themselves in the writing activity and to benefit from peer support.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - Transitioning beyond academia Job search strategies that work     show
Learn job search strategies for moving from academia to industry, like using your connections, reaching out to recruiters, finding the right companies, improving your LinkedIn profile, and using effective job search methods.

Target Audience: Research staff who are looking to take next steps in their career

SPIRAL - Transitioning beyond academia: Write a non-academic CV     show
Learn to create a strong non-academic CV that effectively showcases your skills and experiences, tailored to attract recruiters and meet industry standards.

Target Audience: Research staff who are looking to take next steps in their career

SPIRAL - Turbocharge Your Writing (for staff) Online Session     show
Would you like to know the secret to high output, low stress scholarly writing? In academia it is often assumed that writing comes naturally. However, an overwhelming body of research shows that there are clear and practical strategies that can increase your writing productivity.

Target Audience: Academic/Research Staff, all levels

SPIRAL - UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Q & A Drop-In Session     show
This Q&A session will answer participants’ questions about the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships scheme and Strathclyde’s related internal candidate selection process and support.

Target Audience: Research Staff and Early Career Academic Staff.

SPIRAL - Working with Local Government     show
This event will feature a presentation on working with policy at a local level, given by Nick Bibby FRSA FAcSS, which will be followed by a conversation between Nick and Paul Godzik. Finally there will be an opportunity for questions to both speakers.

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone else involved with research. The event would also be of use to colleagues with a focus on impact and engagement, the civic university, or the relationship between research and place.

SPIRAL - Working with Policymakers: a Practical Guide     show
A practical introduction to engaging with policymakers in Scotland. This is an on-campus event, including a talk followed by a Q & A session.

Target Audience: Researchers, KE Staff, ECRs, research directors, directors of impact.

SPIRAL - Writing for The Conversation: 1-to-1 Editor Chats – HaSS/SBS     show
The Conversation is a news website with content written by researchers and academics working with professional journalists. This 20-minute one-to-one session with an editor will enable you to receive personalised advice and feedback on your writing ideas for The Conversation.

Target Audience: Any staff members in HaSS or SBS who are involved in research and would like to write for The Conversation

SPIRAL - Writing for The Conversation: 1-to-1 Editor Chats - Sci/Eng     show
The Conversation is a news website with content written by researchers and academics working with professional journalists. This 15-minute one-to-one session with an editor will enable you to receive personalised advice and feedback on your writing ideas for The Conversation.

Target Audience: Any staff members in Science or Engineering who are involved in research and would like to write for The Conversation

SPIRAL: Improving Cost Recovery on Research Projects     show
Understand the different cost elements of a research project and how the recovery of institutional costs (overheads) can be improved when a research project is costed.

Target Audience: All staff involved in costing research projects, approving costings of research projects, or managing departmental/faculty finances in relation to research.

SPIRAL-Careers Beyond Research/Applying Your Skills Outside Academia     show
There are a number of options outside of academia that are open to postdocs. Not everyone chooses to climb the academic ladder and many researchers are unaware of the variety of other options that are available.

Target Audience: Postdocs

SPIRAL-Developments in Research Impact for Established Academics     show
This practical workshop has been designed for established academics looking to better understand, articulate, and record how their research makes a difference in the world as well as how to support researchers in relation to impact for REF and other contexts.

Target Audience: This course is appropriate for researchers and research leaders who are established in their career, especially those with Departmental / Faculty responsibilities.

SPIRAL-Engaging 'Hard-to-Reach' Audiences/Widening Impact     show
This workshop will explore generalisable principles underpinning the successful delivery of a successful KE project and how they could be applied to a wide range of academic disciplines and audiences.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff

SPIRAL-Practical Perspectives on Academic Promotion in STEMM P2     show
This zoom session aims to support those considering going for academic promotion in the next 12 months. Session 2 will focus on supporting participants to translate their achievements into appropriate formats and language for their promotion application.

Target Audience: Academic professional staff who are eligible for academic promotion and planning to apply in the next 12 months

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Applying DtC Principles     show
These online workshops will be delivered by colleagues at the University of Glasgow who have been leading on efforts to decolonise the curriculum at Glasgow.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Communities of Practice     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues at the University of Glasgow who have been leading on efforts to decolonise the curriculum at Glasgow

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Introduction     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues at the University of Glasgow who have been leading on efforts to decolonise the curriculum at Glasgow

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Learning from HaSS & SBS     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues from across Strathclyde’s Faculties and Professional Services Directorates, highlighting the Strathclyde Experience, the excellent work that is underway, and good practices that can be applied across the University

Target Audience: Colleagues with an interest in Decolonialising the Curriculum, particularly those who teach and/or support learning

STEP - ‘Decolonising the Curriculum’ – Science & Strath Decol Academy     show
This online workshop will be delivered by colleagues from across Strathclyde’s Faculties and Professional Services Directorates, highlighting the Strathclyde Experience, the excellent work that is underway, and good practices that can be applied across the University

Target Audience: Colleagues with an interest in Decolonialising the Curriculum, particularly those who teach and/or support learning

STEP - AI2: Maintain Academic Integrity in an AI-enabled World-Online     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence,

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning

STEP - AI2: Maintaining Academic Integrity in an AI-enabled World     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence. This session is an In-Person session. Follow link in course description, if you would like to join remotely via Teams.

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning

STEP - Flipped Classroom - Where to Start?     show
This workshop will guide participants through the structure of flipped classroom and provides practical guidance on designing and implementing this in practice.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP - Introduction to H5P Interactive Content     show
H5P tools are used for creating engaging interactive content in online classes. This session will provide participants with an overview of the suite of tools, and will demonstrate how to add an H5P activity to a MyPlace class.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Pedagogy Reading Group     show
The pedagogy reading group meets to discuss articles / books on pedagogy. The aim of the group is to support participants' knowledge and understanding of varying pedagogies and how they may apply to teaching.

Target Audience: All staff with an interest in pedagogy

STEP - Pure – Not Just for Researchers     show
Pure is the University's information management system for tracking activities and outputs of Academic Professional staff.  

Target Audience: Learning and Teaching Academic Professional Staff who wish to establish or develop their Pure profile

STEP - Responding to module evaluation: Drop-in session     show
This course is to support staff in making sense of and responding to module evaluation data.

Target Audience: All staff involved in supporting and delivering learning and teaching

STEP - Studio in Your Pocket: Creating quality video for your teaching     show
This session aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to improve your confidence in using video as part of your teaching.

Target Audience: Teaching Staff

STEP Developing MCQs     show
This self-directed module guides participants through designing multiple choice questions (MCQs) in higher education.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support teaching and learning at Strathclyde

STEP: Designing inclusive curricula     show
This STEP workshop is designed to empower learning and teaching staff at Strathclyde to create curricula that are not only accessible to all but also reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of our student body.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning at Strathclyde

STEP-AI2: Maintaining Academic Integrity in AI-enabled World-via TEAMS     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence. This session is ONLINE (via Teams). Follow link in course description, if you would like to join in person.

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning

Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellows – Application Info & Support ONLINE     show
This is the booking page for ONLINE attendance. This workshop aims to provide support for potential applicants for this year’s Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellows Scheme, to understand how the hiring process works and what is expected in the application.

Target Audience: Anyone interested in applying to the Chancellors’ Fellow Scheme

Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellows –Application Info & Support In-Person     show
This is the booking page for IN-PERSON attendance. This workshop aims to provide support for potential applicants for this year’s Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellows Scheme, to understand how the hiring process works and what is expected in the application.

Target Audience: Anyone interested in applying to the Chancellors’ Fellow Scheme

Technical Staff Development Programme - Information Session     show
This introductory session is open to all Technical staff, and is designed to inform staff about the Technical Staff Development Programme.

Target Audience: Technical Staff Grade 3 - 8

The "I" in CIS     show
This is the first in a series of conversational events about research and KE expertise within the Faculty of Science, promoting collaboration with colleagues from across the University. This event is presented by iSchool – the School of Information Science (literally the "I in CIS").

Target Audience: Academic, KE and business development colleagues

Understanding and Supporting Estranged Students     show
This online session will expand your knowledge and understanding of estrangement, and estranged students in HE.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

UoS Research and Knowledge Exchange Space @ Glasgow Science Centre     show
This Information Session provides colleagues an update on the University’s partnership with Glasgow Science Centre, followed by a case study outlining successful development and installation of a University of Strathclyde ‘citizen science’ exhibit at the Glasgow Science Centre (GSC)

Target Audience: This Information Session is open to all and will be particularly relevant to those with an interest in knowledge exchange, public engagement, citizen science and the University’s partnership with the Glasgow Science Centre.

Workshop Assignment - The Peer Review Tool in Myplace     show
An in-depth demonstration of how the 'Workshop Assignment' tool in Myplace operates.

Target Audience: Maths and Stats dept.