Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 63 courses.

Active Bystander Training     show
This online session 'Active Bystander' is a 90 minute long, fast paced session which equips delegates with the skills to deal with bullying, sexual harassment and intimidation in the workplace.

Target Audience: All staff at all levels/disciplines

Admin/Professional Services Athena Swan Focus Group - Online     show
The University is currently working towards its resubmission for the gender equality Athena Swan Charter (due May 2023). An important part of that process is to engage with key groups across the University on their perspectives of gender in/equality and areas for change at Strathclyde

Target Audience: Administrative and Professional Services Staff

Administrative and Professional Services Athena Swan Focus Group     show
The University is working towards its resubmission for the gender equality Athena Swan Charter (due May 2023). An important part of that process is to engage with key groups across the University on their perspectives of gender in/equality and areas for change at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Administrative and Professional Services Staff

Allyship     show
An introduction to allyship

Target Audience: All staff

An Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Practice     show
To raise awareness of disability related issues in higher education To consider strategies to make your teaching and learning more inclusive

Target Audience: Academic Staff

Anti-Racism Workshop     show
This session will help participants develop confidence with terminology around race, understand systemic racism & anti-racism, and how to put anti-racism into practice.

Target Audience: all staff

Anti-Racist & Decolonising the Curriculum Workshop (Business)     show
The objective is to empower staff to effectively integrate 'Decolonising the Curriculum’ (DtC) principles into their teaching.

Target Audience: Faculty members, academic administrators, curriculum designers, and student representatives

Anxiety Busters     show
Are you a University of Strathclyde student struggling with anxiety? Join our "Anxiety Busters" workshop and take control of your mental wellbeing!

Target Audience: Students Only

Aurora Info Session for 2022/23 Cohort     show
Join this interactive online session to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative, hear from recent Strathclyde participants, and to find out about applying for a centrally-funded place at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: This session is primarily for Strathclyde staff who are a) women, and b) Grades 7, 8 and 9. Staff of any gender and any grade are also welcome to attend the session if they wish to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative.

Aurora Information Session for 2023/2024 Cohort     show
Join this interactive online session to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative, hear from recent Strathclyde participants, and to find out about applying for a centrally-funded place at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff

Aurora: Developing Influential, Impactful Female Leaders     show
An event to inform on Advance HE’s Aurora programme and to hear experiences from Strathclyde women who have taken part.

Target Audience: All staff

Book Readings     show
A number of authors and readers will provide reading of extracts to encourage reflection and discussion on various issues related to equality and diversity, including disability, sexuality, culture and gender.

Target Audience: All staff and students and those external to the University.

Building Resilience     show
This six-week online series looks at how we can understand and develop resilience to allow us to cope with the world in different ways. This is an ideal workshop series for those who want to understand more about the positive effects of resiliency.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Consent & Healthy Relationships     show
This workshop will help participants understand consent and its importance for healthy relationships

Target Audience: All staff

Cultural Diversity     show
Working with students and staff from different cultures and lifestyles is both rewarding and challenging. This workshop provides an opportunity to increase your skills in understanding, working with and providing appropriate support to people from diverse backgrounds.

Target Audience: University Staff

DDC Catch up - Reflection on semester 1 and revised academic year     show
An opportunity for Departmental/School Disability Coordinators to meet each other and members of the Disability Service.

Target Audience: Staff

DDC Disability Awareness     show
Workshop on Disability Awareness for Departmental Disability Contacts as part of a training and development programme.

Target Audience: Departmental Disability Contacts

Delivering the 'Tackling Racism On Campus' Training Resources     show
A one-hour session introducing the Advance HE ‘Tackling Racism on Campus’ Race Equality workshop resource for staff who wish to open up conversations on race within their faculties, directorates or departments.

Target Audience: Staff who would like to deliver Race Equality resources (from the 'Tackling Racism on Campus' Campaign)

Disability Awareness for Professional Services Staff     show
This is a three-hour disability awareness workshop aimed at professional services staff

Target Audience: Professional Services Staff

Disability History Month Digital Accessibility Training     show
In the context of Disability History Month, we would like to invite you to a training session on Digital Accessibility. It focuses on making digital content and services accessible to as many individuals as possible.

Target Audience: all staff, PGRs with teaching responsibilities

Dyslexia Awareness     show
Workshop on dyslexia awareness for academic staff as part of a training and development programme.

Target Audience: academic staff

EDI 101 Workshop     show
An introduction to equality, diversity & inclusion

Target Audience: All staff

Emily Test LISTEN Risk Assessment Training     show
The Emily Test is one of the University’s key partners in relation to our work to tackle gender-based violence and they will be coming to Strathclyde to deliver their L.I.S.T.E.N Risk Assessment training on 5th December.

Target Audience: all University and Strath Union staff

Equality Network: LGBT+ Awareness     show
LGBT+ Awareness Session (online)

Target Audience: All staff

Gender Socialisation and Culture     show
This workshop will help participants understand gender socialisation and culture and its relationship to gender-based violence.

Target Audience: All staff

Gender-Based Violence First-Responder Training (PART 1)     show
Gender-Based Violence First Responder Training

Target Audience: Staff

Get Help With Anxiety - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Anxiety affects our minds and bodies, and the physical symptoms can be scary and uncomfortable as our nervous system fires into high alert. The good news? We can change our relationship with anxiety. We can learn how to respond to our bodies when the threat response is activated.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Inclusive Language Workshop     show
An interactive introduction to inclusive language

Target Audience: All staff

Information Session - Diversifying Leadership training programme     show
The University of Strathclyde is offering a limited number of spaces for the Advance HE Diversifying Leadership programme. Register for this session to find out more about the programme and how to apply.

Target Audience: BAME staff interested in leadership

Interfaith Glasgow Scriptural Reasoning - Neighbours     show
Interfaith Glasgow will facilitate this event, which will offer an introduction to a particular kind of interfaith dialogue known as "Scriptural Reasoning". This involves people coming together in small groups to read extracts of scripture together in an informal, friendly setting.

Target Audience: All staff and students

International Womens Day 2015 - Make it Happen     show
To celebrate International Women's Day, staff and students are invited to an event on Friday, 20 March 2015.

Target Audience: All staff and students.

Intersectionality Workshop     show
An exploration of intersectionality and its applications in higher education

Target Audience: All staff

Introduction to Digital Accessibility     show
An introduction to Digital Accessibility

Target Audience: Staff

Introduction to Disability @ Strathclyde     show
This session will increase awareness of disability and examine how we can support disabled students and colleagues.

Target Audience: All staff & those with teaching responsibilities

Leadership Network Lunchtime series     show
This series of sessions is presented during a light lunch with various monthly topics and topical themes including leading wellbeing, managing disabilities and long term illness, working effectively with neuro-diverse colleagues and many more to come.

Target Audience: Leadership roles at Strathclyde

Leading the Change for an Anti-Racist Organisation     show
This session will explore how staff in leadership roles can leverage their influence to support anti-racist activity within the University.

Target Audience: Staff interested in anti-racist leadership - particularly those in management / leadership roles

LGBTQI+ Equity & Inclusion     show
An introduction to LGBTQI+ Equity & Inclusion within Higher Education and more generally

Target Audience: All staff

Microbehaviours     show
This 1.5-hour course developed by the Equality and Diversity Office is an introduction to Microbehaviours (including micro-aggressions and micro-affirmations).

Target Audience: All staff

Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)     show
This is an 8-week course consisting of eight classes, which are typically two hours long

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Mindfulness Session     show
Mindfulness combines techniques of meditation, yoga and breathing with attention to thinking "in the present" to help reduce stress and anxiety. Learn how a mindfulness based approach can help us in realising and accessing an existing inner understanding.

Target Audience: All staff and students

New Staff Induction Seminar     show
A seminar for newly appointed staff. The seminar will introduce you to working for the University of Strathclyde

Target Audience: Newly Appointed Staff to the University

Parents / Maternity / Paternity / Adoption Leave Focus Group (ONLINE)     show
The University is currently working towards its resubmission for the gender equality Athena Swan Charter (due May 2023). An important part of that process is to engage with key groups across the University on their perspectives of gender in/equality and areas for change at Strathclyde

Target Audience: Strathclyde member of staff who is a parent / or undertaken Maternity / Paternity / Adoption Leave

Preventing Gender-Based Violence – Active Bystander     show
This workshop will explore what is meant by Gender-Based Violence and how to be an Active Bystander.

Target Audience: All staff

Project SEARCH Meet and Greet     show
This event is an opportunity to meet people involved in this fantastic employability course for young people with an autistic spectrum condition and/or a learning disability.

Target Audience: Anyone who is interested in learning more about Project SEARCH

Race Equality Workshop     show
A workshop to discuss key issues with regard to race equality in Higher Education, to inform the work of Strathclyde's Race Equality Working Group.

Target Audience: All Staff

Recovery from Anxiety - The Dr. Claire Weekes way - Semester 2 2024/25     show
Join this 4 week in-person course to learn more about the Claire Weekes method to recover from anxiety.

Target Audience: Open to anyone

Relaunch of Women’s Network     show
We would be delighted if you would join us for the relaunch event of the Strathclyde Women’s Network.

Target Audience: Women's Week

SGSAH EDI Visit     show
SGSAH present EDI initiatives.

Target Audience: HaSS PGR Students & Supervisors

Strathclyde Cares Mentoring Information Session     show
Information/briefing session for staff interested in volunteering as a mentor for Strathclyde Cares.

Target Audience: Staff

Supporting Children from Military Families     show
As part of its plans to better support members of the Armed Forces Community, the University looks to better support Children from Military Families in accessing and progressing in Higher Education.

Target Audience: University staff and students, and external guests.

Supporting Neurodiverse Students (ADHD)     show
An introductory workshop exploring what you can do to support students with ADHD at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff (Academic & Professional Services)

Supporting Neurodiverse Students (Autism)     show
An introductory workshop exploring what you can do to support autistic students at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff (Academic & Professional Services)

Supporting Trans and Non-binary Staff and Students     show
This session will explore working with trans, non-binary and gender diverse students and staff, and consider the practical ways in which we can cultivate inclusive learning and working environments

Target Audience: Those involved in teaching, learning and assessment; those in professional services and support roles.

Supporting Veterans and the Armed Forces Community     show
Presentations and discussions around how the University can support Veterans and members of the Armed Forces Community

Target Audience: University staff and students

Understanding and Supporting Estranged Students     show
This online session will expand your knowledge and understanding of estrangement, and estranged students in HE.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

Understanding Racism and its impact on relationships at work     show
These workshops are to enable participants to develop a shared understanding of Racism within a student support context.

Target Audience: Staff within Student Services

Voice Dream Introduction     show
Introduction to Voice Dream research pilot for print-disabled students

Target Audience: Undergradute and post graduate

Voicedream Orientation Session     show
Orientation of Voicedream and Bookshare for Print Disabled students on pilot

Target Audience: students

WhoCares? Scotland - Care-Experience and Corporate Parenting in HE     show
Training on care-experience and corporate parenting delivered by WhoCares? Scotland.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential     show
Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Women in Academia: Optimising Our Potential     show
An event to hear about key findings and recommendations from Mags Watson’s book Women in Academia: Optimising Our Potential.

Target Audience: All staff

Working with students who are d/Deaf or hearing impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Write to Recovery Group 7     show
9 therapeutic writing workshops for people experiencing emotional difficulties or mental ill-health. No writing experience is necessary. These facilitated sessions will support you to find your creative juices. "Writing helps you unravel the knots in your heart" Louise Desalvo.

Target Audience: All Students