Courses Search Results

There are 668 courses.

Enhancing Negotiation and Networking Skills     show
Master the art of negotiation and networking. Develop your knowledge and understanding of negotiation and networking skills and how to apply them as a manager at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Leaders and Managers across the institution

Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde     show
Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde is a blended course, combining online modules and Zoom discussion sessions, to help you explore career options and prepare you for the next stage of your career. A 4-week course - designed to address key career issues for researchers.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Finishing your PhD on Time     show
Participants learn a combination of project management and time management skills & methods applied specifically to the challenge of completing a high quality PhD thesis on time with minimal stress and anxiety. Increased confidence & optimism about completing their PhD thesis on time

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Managing your career - get that job!     show
Please note that this course is now archived and is no longer run by the Researcher Development Team.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Postgraduate Research: Introduction to Teaching     show
This course has been developed by the Researcher Development Team specifically for PGRs who will undertake teaching during their time at Strathclye.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

“What’s the Harm” - Students     show
This course provides information on; dispelling myths around self harm, and how to support someone who is self harming. Please be advised that this course contains description of sexual abuse.

Target Audience: Students

“What’s the Harm” Staff+Students     show
This course provides information on; dispelling myths around self harm, and how to support someone who is self harming. Please be advised that this Training course contains description of sexual abuse.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

2019 Entry Contextual Admissions and Recruitment Update     show
An important update for staff involved in selection for undergraduate degree programmes commencing in September 2019

Target Audience: Undergraduate Selectors

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Grant Funding for Early-Career Researchers     show
Join us for a behind-the-scenes look into research grant funding! Bringing together a panel of successful academics and RKES professionals, you will learn more about funding opportunities, the grant lifecycle, funding review processes and insider tips on crafting your proposal.

Target Audience: Staff interested in applying for research funding, especially those early in their career

A Career in Academia -     show
Participants will discover what it takes to make it as an academic and will have the opportunity to talk to early career academics about their experiences.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

A Career in Academia - Online     show
Participants will discover what it takes to make it as an academic and will have the opportunity to talk to early career academics about their experiences.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

A Guide to Reflective Writing     show
This day-long course will guide participants through the process of producing reflective writing, outlining techniques for planning and drafting, and detailing the benefits reflective writing can bring.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

A Guide to Reflective Writing (Online)     show
This online course will guide participants through the process of reflective writing, outlining techniques for planning and editing, and detailing the benefits reflective writing can bring.

Target Audience: PGR Students

AA OSDU Course Template     show
Short summary of event - no longer than 285 characters

Target Audience: Who the course is aimed at

Academic Development Information Session     show
An opportunity for academic professional staff (traditional academic, teaching, research and knowledge exchange staff) to come along to meet with a member of the Academic Development team in order to benefit from support in understanding the development opportunities available.

Target Audience: Staff seeking to engage with academic development programmes

Academic Poster Design     show
Participants will leave with a foundation in what aspects should be considered when preparing their research findings for visual presentation.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Academic Poster Design - Online     show
Participants will leave with a foundation in what aspects should be considered when preparing their research findings for visual presentation.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Academic Writing - Online     show
This class has been developed for Online delivery and will be offered Online for the forseeable future

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

Accessible web development fundamentals     show
This practical session will enable you to create websites that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff performing web development activities

Active Bystander Training     show
Active Bystander is a 90 minute long, fast paced session which equips delegates with the skills to deal with bullying, sexual harassment and intimidation in the workplace.

Target Audience: All staff at all levels/disciplines

Admin/Professional Services Athena Swan Focus Group - Online     show
The University is currently working towards its resubmission for the gender equality Athena Swan Charter (due May 2023). An important part of that process is to engage with key groups across the University on their perspectives of gender in/equality and areas for change at Strathclyde

Target Audience: Administrative and Professional Services Staff

Administrative and Professional Services Athena Swan Focus Group     show
The University is working towards its resubmission for the gender equality Athena Swan Charter (due May 2023). An important part of that process is to engage with key groups across the University on their perspectives of gender in/equality and areas for change at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Administrative and Professional Services Staff

Admissions Selectors Information Session     show
An information session for academic selectors and those involved in admissions

Target Audience: Academic Selectors and anyone involved in admissions, centrally or within Faculties

ADR - Setting SMART Objectives     show
This 20 minute video will be of interest to all Staff who are involved in the ADR process as either a reviewer or reviewee. The video will look at the ADR process and how to set objectives for the ADR process.

Target Audience: All Staff

ADR Development Conversations: Drop-In Session for Reviewees     show
This is a drop-in ‘Question & Answer’ session for anyone who has a question about having a conversation about career & professional development with their ADR reviewer.

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone else with questions about having a development conversation as part of their ADR

ADR: A Focused Conversation (Academic, Research, Teaching & KE)     show
This 60- minute online session provides information on the ADR process for reviewers & guidance on how to lead constructive, meaningful ADR conversations. It is targeted at ADR reviewers to those in Academic, Research, Teaching or KE roles.

Target Audience: Staff involved as reviewers in ADR for Academic, Research, Teaching or KE roles

Advanced Project Management     show
You will be introduced to tried & tested management techniques for dealing with complex and collaborative projects. This course in complement to previous PM sessions focuses on the remaining material needed for the CAPM exam as well as introducing new advanced techniques and concepts

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Advanced Purchasing Workshop     show
An advanced session of FMS purchasing for users who are proficient with the purchasing elements of FMS and want to learn more advanced functions.

Target Audience: Staff who frequently make purchases from FMS

AFHEA information session for PGRs who Teach     show
Information session for Postgraduate Researchers who Teach wishing to apply for Associate Fellowship of the HEA.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Researchers who Teach

AFRC AED Operation Overview     show
Provides staff with an overview of the operation of fully automatic external defibrillators.

Target Audience: AFRC Staff

AFRC Safe Use Of Ladders     show
This course gives an overview of the requirements for using ladders as a place of work at height and is aimed at AFRC personnel who use ladders themselves or need to evaluate the possible use of ladders by external service providers.

Target Audience: All AFRC staff

AFRC_PUWER Refresher     show
To provide refresher training on the requirements of the Provision & Use of Work equipment Regulations.

Target Audience: AFRC Machine Owners, Engineering, Technical & Research Staff

AFRC_Team Lead H&S Culture Awareness     show
AFRC Team Lead H&S Culture Awareness.

Target Audience: AFRC Management & Team Leads.

Allyship     show
An introduction to allyship

Target Audience: All staff

An Introduction to Inclusive Teaching Practice     show
To raise awareness of disability related issues in higher education To consider strategies to make your teaching and learning more inclusive

Target Audience: Academic Staff

An Introduction to Project Management     show
The aim of this introductory course is to help you understand the principles and terminology of project management as well as giving you essential tools and techniques to help you scope, plan and deliver successful projects.

Target Audience: Staff who are needing an introduction to Project Management

An Introduction to Widening Access: Contextual Data and Admissions     show
This 5 week online programme introduces participants to the University's contextual admissions policies and processes

Target Audience: Primarily staff involved in the admissions/decision-making processes for undergraduate degree programmes

Anti-Racism Workshop     show
This session will help participants develop confidence with terminology around race, understand systemic racism & anti-racism, and how to put anti-racism into practice.

Target Audience: all staff

Anti-Racist & Decolonising the Curriculum Workshop (Business)     show
The objective is to empower staff to effectively integrate 'Decolonising the Curriculum’ (DtC) principles into their teaching.

Target Audience: Faculty members, academic administrators, curriculum designers, and student representatives

Apply Design Thinking to your Research     show
Participants will be introduced to the basic principles of design thinking.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

AquaFit for Carers Week 2024     show
Exercise class in the water

Target Audience: Staff Carers

Asbestos Awareness     show
The training provides a brief overview of asbestos and how the University manages the risks arising from asbestos containing materials; it does NOT train you to work with any asbestos containing materials.

Target Audience: Department Safety Coordinators, technicians and staff with responsibility for maintenance of department facilities.

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)     show
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid.

Target Audience: Staff, Students+PG Researchers

ASIST Tune-Up     show
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Tune-up is a 3 hour refresher course developed by Living Works Education for participants who have completed ASIST 11.

Target Audience: ASIST 11 trained participants that wish to become more confident, competent in using the PAL Model, reflect on good practice and keep skills up-to-date

Ask, Tell Animations     show
To start an initial conversation around and raise basic awareness of mental health, self-harm and suicide prevention. Please note this is a zoom session.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Assessment for Learning in Higher Education     show
According to the principle of Assessment for Learning (AfL), assessment and feedback should always help students learn and succeed. AfL is at the heart of Strathclyde’s Assessment and Feedback Policy.

Target Audience: For all staff involved in assessment and feedback , or those with particular interest in Assessment for Learning

Aurora Info Session for 2022/23 Cohort     show
Join this interactive online session to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative, hear from recent Strathclyde participants, and to find out about applying for a centrally-funded place at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: This session is primarily for Strathclyde staff who are a) women, and b) Grades 7, 8 and 9. Staff of any gender and any grade are also welcome to attend the session if they wish to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative.

Aurora Information Session for 2023/2024 Cohort     show
Join this interactive online session to learn more about the Aurora women’s leadership development initiative, hear from recent Strathclyde participants, and to find out about applying for a centrally-funded place at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff

Aurora: Developing Influential, Impactful Female Leaders     show
An event to inform on Advance HE’s Aurora programme and to hear experiences from Strathclyde women who have taken part.

Target Audience: All staff

Awareness for First Aid for Mental Health     show
Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health is a blended course that will be facilitated by staff from the Disability and Wellbeing Service.

Target Audience: Staff

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness     show
This course enables staff to gain knowledge about what is business continuity and their role. It also covers the various risks involved in higher education.

Target Audience: All Staff

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness Programme for Leaders - Module 1     show
This is a self-paced online course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Business Continuity among University Leaders. It is the first of three modules and should take around 20-30 minutes to complete.

Target Audience: University Leaders

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness Programme for Leaders - Module 2     show
This is a self-paced online course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Business Continuity among University Leaders. It is the second of three modules and should take around 20-30 minutes to complete.

Target Audience: University Leaders

BCM-Business Continuity Awareness Programme for Leaders - Module 3     show
This is a self-paced online course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Business Continuity among University Leaders. It is the third of three modules and should take around 20-30 minutes to complete.

Target Audience: University Leaders

Becoming a Strathclyde Supervisor     show
This workshop aims to provide an introduction to the practices and policies relating to supervising postgraduate research students at Strathclyde. This is a core workshop of the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Biological Safety Training - Introduction - Modules 1 - 3     show
An introduction to working safely with biological materials for all members of staff and postgraduate students who will be working with biological material.

Target Audience: Staff. Postgraduate Students

Biological Safety Training - Module 4     show
An introduction to working safely with biological materials for all members of staff and postgraduate students who will be working with genetically modified material.

Target Audience: Staff, Postgraduate Students

Biological Safety Training - Module 5     show
An introduction to working safety with biological materials for all members of staff and postgraduate students with higher hazard group material and includes specified animal pathogens.

Target Audience: Staff, Postgraduate Students

Biological Safety Training - Module 6     show
An introduction to working safely with biological materials for all members of staff and postgraduate students who may be involved in the transport of infectious material either within or outwith the University campus.

Target Audience: Staff, Postgraduate Students

Book Readings     show
A number of authors and readers will provide reading of extracts to encourage reflection and discussion on various issues related to equality and diversity, including disability, sexuality, culture and gender.

Target Audience: All staff and students and those external to the University.

Briefing Session - Managing Work Related Stress for Managers     show
The University is responsible for the implementation of measures to prevent work related stress. It is essential that managers are advised and trained in managing this issue. We have a duty to risk assess all hazards in the workplace.

Target Audience: Staff

Building a Successful Research Career     show
Building a Successful Research Career is run by OSDU (the Organisational & Staff Development Unit). It is designed for existing and aspiring research staff, particularly those in the early part of their career

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

Business Beyond the Bottom Line     show
Participants will examine how to make a living that is aligned with their personal motivations, and consider business and enterprise from that angle.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

CAPM Exam Preparation     show
Preparation to pass the CAPM examination. This course will touch on the necessary background theory required for the exam, however it will focus on the techniques required to score highly in the multiple choice question format.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Carbon Literacy Training at Strathclyde     show
An interactive series of workshops, giving you an awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.

Target Audience: All Staff and Students

Careers Beyond Research: Applying your Skills outside Academia     show
Participants will explore a number of careers and what particular options might be compatible with individuals.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Carers Group Session - Panel Discussion     show
An in-person Carers Group session involving a panel discussion with colleagues with caring responsibilities sharing experiences and responding to questions.

Target Audience: Carers - Strathclyde University

Carers Week - Online Autism Sensory Processing Session     show
An online session exploring the topic of sensory processing in Autism

Target Audience: Carers - Strathclyde University

Carers Week - Online Autism Session - The impact of autism on families     show
An online session exploring what research has found on the impact of autism on families.

Target Audience: Carers - Strathclyde University

Carers Week 2024 - Online Awareness Event     show
Online awareness event to celebrate Carers Week 2024

Target Audience: All Staff / Line Managers and Supervisors

Carers Week- Guided Meditation for Relaxation     show
A guided meditation to help you relax and unwind. Some time just for YOU!

Target Audience: Carers - Strathclyde University

Carers Week- Relaxing Sound Bath Experience     show
A unique experience using the power of sound to help you relax and have some well deserved 'me' time.

Target Audience: Carers - Strathclyde University

CDIO & ISD Staff Session December 2021     show
Meeting with the Chief Digital & Information Officer

Target Audience: ISD Staff

CDIO Strathclyde 2030 Update     show
Update on the Strathclyde 2030 strategy. In-person in the library lecture theatre or remotely (see below).

Target Audience: ISD & CID Staff

CDIO update to ISD & CID staff Nov 2022     show
Meeting with Beth Lawton, CDIO

Target Audience: ISD & CID staff

Changes to the Temporary IT access system – Information Session     show
This information session is to inform the departments and faculties about policy and system changes to the Pegasus Temporary IT access system for external collaborators who need to access to our systems in line with our cyber security policies.

Target Audience: Staff

Christmas Gathering     show
Our Christmas gathering is great fun and a lovely opportunity to spend time together. As usual we'll be serving seasonal treats and refreshments - and not just mince pies, I promise!

Target Audience: SEES, Strategy and Policy and Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Christmas Gathering 2018     show
Our Christmas gathering is great fun and a lovely opportunity to spend time together. As usual we'll be serving seasonal treats and refreshments - and not just mince pies, I promise!

Target Audience: SEES, Strategy and Policy and Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing and Internal Audit

CI Practitioners Programme     show
The CI Practitioners Programme (previously called Lean for Leaders) is a great way to meet like-minded colleagues from across the University and pick up improvement skills that you can use straight away. It will also support you to deliver a project that you can be proud of.

Target Audience: Staff who are responsible for leading change or improvement initiatives and who want to deliver a meaningful Continuous Improvement Project.

Climate Fresk - Discovery Workshop     show
Become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader in just a few hours with no prior knowledge of climate change required!

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Climate Fresk - Facilitator Training     show
Completed the Climate Fresk Discovery Workshop? Want to become a trainer Climate Fresk Workshop facilitator in only 3 hours? Then sign up here for the Climate Fresk Facilitator Training Workshop and become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader!

Target Audience: Staff and Students who have completed the Climate Fresk Discovery workshop

Climate Fresk - Facilitator Training - Copy     show
Completed the Climate Fresk Discovery Workshop? Want to become a trainer Climate Fresk Workshop facilitator in only 3 hours? Then sign up here for the Climate Fresk Facilitator Training Workshop and become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader!

Target Audience: Staff and Students who have completed the Climate Fresk Discovery workshop

Coaching Skills Course for Leaders and Managers     show
This practical workshop will introduce you to coaching as a leadership strategy and approach. You will learn about using the GROW model to facilitate positive growth, productivity and motivation with colleagues.

Target Audience: Strathclyde Leaders and Managers

Communicating with Confidence: Nerves, Resilience and Pro-Resilience     show
A lively and interactive day designed around the issues and complexities of confidence -and dealing with it’s ab- sence- with games and professional activities to help postgraduates focus on what they want out of their life and PhD.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Preparing for the Viva     show
This workshop clarifies the process, practice and preparation for the Viva, and gives suggestions and answers to your questions, so you can approach it effectively.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Public Speaking for PGRs - Beginners     show
The workshop will be highly interactive and all course participants will gain the knowledge and skills to present their research projects with impact to a variety of audiences both academic and non academic.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Public Speaking for PGRs - Intermediate     show
A second stage highly interactive and enjoyable workshop where participants will gain the knowledge & skills to present their research projects with more advanced techniques to a variety of specialist demanding audiences and at large scale events such as conferences & public lectures

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Working with Nerves and Confidence     show
Whether it's supervision, the viva, difficult conversations, presenting, submitting work, impostor syndrome or many others, a PhD is full of challenges to practice confidence and overcome nerves – however unwelcome those may be.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with large general audiences at public events     show
A final stage (advanced) presentation skills course that looks at engaging large international conference audiences or large seminar/workshop audiences

Target Audience: PGR Students

Complying with EPSRCs Policy Framework on Research Data     show
This course will introduce researchers to the stipulations made by EPSRC in relation to research data when in receipt of their funding for research.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Conducting a Systematic Literature Review     show
Expand your knowledge of systematic literature reviews. Exporting data from repositories, establishing a unique naming convention, knowledge of JabRef, collating all studies using JabRef, data handling, screening studies using JabRef, creating inclusion and exclusion criteria

Target Audience: Postgraduate Researchers

Conferencing & Event Organisation At Strathclyde     show
A half day session on the practicalities of organising a conference or event .

Target Audience: Staff members who organise conferences & events

Confidential Waste Information Session     show
An information session to introduce staff to the new confidential waste uplift procedure.

Target Audience: All University staff

Conflict prevention and resolution in the supervisory relationship     show
This workshop will address the relational aspects of the supervisory process through the lens of mediation. This workshop can be used as a ‘Day-to-Day Supervision Skills’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Consent & Healthy Relationships     show
This workshop will help participants understand consent and its importance for healthy relationships

Target Audience: All staff

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Opportunities 2022     show
The workshop will explain the benefits that IMechE membership brings, including access to great CPD resources.

Target Audience: Engineering Technicians

COSHH Assessors Online     show
This course combines COSHH Essentials training and eCOSHH Familiarisation training for those responsible for carrying out a COSHH assessment or for those responsible for authorising and signing off a COSHH assessment.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduates

COSHH Essentials Online     show
The COSHH Essentials online course provides a basic introduction to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended) and introduces the concept of COSHH Assessment and the safety precautions associated with working with hazardous substances.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduates

Costing and Pricing Module Training: General Course     show
Introduction to CPM for users across the University who have not yet completed training.

Target Audience: Staff required to create costings

Course (Re) Design - Online     show
This class has been developed for Online delivery and will be offered Online for the forseeable future.

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

Create focus using Key Issue Identification     show
In this course we explore a model to gain consensus of the key issues needing addressed for significant improvement to be made.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

Creating a Good Supervision Relationship     show
The course will provide individuals with techniques to manage their perspectives and their behaviour in respect of their supervision relationships, ensuring they are active partners in constructing clear, respectful communication and minimising the impact of any problems.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Creating accessible documents (Microsoft Word)     show
This practical session will enable you to create Microsoft Word documents that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Creating accessible Myplace classes     show
Myplace is the University’s virtual learning environment (VLE), providing educators with a range of activities, assessments and resources to build their classes. This session provides a practical introduction to creating Myplace content that follows accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Creating accessible presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint)     show
This session will enable you to create Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Creating accessible web forms     show
This practical session will enable you to create web forms that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff performing web development activities

Creating Research Data Management Plans     show
This course will help answer your questions about data management planning and lead you through the process of completing a plan.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Student

Creating Research Data Management Plans - Online     show
This course will help answer your questions about data management planning and lead you through the process of completing a plan.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Student

Creative Problem Solving - Online     show
Participants will learn a number of tools that help them generate ideas for solving real problems.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Cultural Diversity     show
Working with students and staff from different cultures and lifestyles is both rewarding and challenging. This workshop provides an opportunity to increase your skills in understanding, working with and providing appropriate support to people from diverse backgrounds.

Target Audience: University Staff

Customer Service Skills     show
Participants in this workshop will gain invaluable skills and techniques that are the fundamentals of service professionalism and you will be encourage to take pride in what you do.

Target Audience: All Staff

Customers and Sales     show
This course explains how to raise sales orders/invoices online.

Target Audience: Any member of staff who will be raising Sales Orders in FMS

CWC: Networking, marketing and building your professional profile     show
Essential skills for building networks, marketing yourself and understanding how effective and targeted communication strategies can work to market your core competencies to others.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

CWC: Networking, marketing and building your professional profile -Onl     show
Essential skills for building networks, marketing yourself and understanding how effective and targeted communication strategies can work to market your core competencies to others.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

CWC: Public Speaking for PGRs - Beginners - Online     show
The workshop will be highly interactive and all course participants will gain the knowledge and skills to present their research projects with impact to a variety of audiences both academic and non academic.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

CWC: Public Speaking for PGRs - Intermediate - Online     show
A second stage highly interactive and enjoyable workshop where participants will gain the knowledge & skills to present their research projects with more advanced techniques to a variety of specialist demanding audiences and at large scale events such as conferences & public lectures

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Cyber Security Awareness (Students)     show
This is a self-paced course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Cyber Security issues.

Target Audience: PGR Students

DAT Booking System issues test course     show
DAT Booking System issues test course

Target Audience: Staff, PGs and UGs

DAT Booking System issues test course - Copy     show
DAT Booking System issues test course

Target Audience: Staff, PGs and UGs

Data Deposit, DOIs and Data Availability Statements     show
This session will cover the main steps to publishing your research data, specifically when the data supports a research publication or thesis. The session will cover FAIR data deposit in Pure, what a DOI is and how it should be used in a publication Data Availability Statement.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students in the latter stages of PhD, Research Staff

Data Management Plans: Workshop     show
This workshop will guide researchers through the rudiments of research data management planning and will look at the various tools & methods available when implementing/embedding a DMP into a project.

Target Audience: Researchers (staff & PGR students)

DDC Catch up - Reflection on semester 1 and revised academic year     show
An opportunity for Departmental/School Disability Coordinators to meet each other and members of the Disability Service.

Target Audience: Staff

DDC Disability Awareness     show
Workshop on Disability Awareness for Departmental Disability Contacts as part of a training and development programme.

Target Audience: Departmental Disability Contacts

Dealing with Conflict on Projects     show
As part of our project management theme this short session will introduce the kinds of conflicts you might experience when managing projects and some strategies and techniques for dealing with them.

Target Audience: All Staff

Delegation Skills - all staff     show
This course is an introduction to delegation. Delegation is a skill which can be learned and aids team productivity and morale. It is a development process and helps people and teams to develop to their full potential.

Target Audience: All Staff

Delivering the 'Tackling Racism On Campus' Training Resources     show
A one-hour session introducing the Advance HE ‘Tackling Racism on Campus’ Race Equality workshop resource for staff who wish to open up conversations on race within their faculties, directorates or departments.

Target Audience: Staff who would like to deliver Race Equality resources (from the 'Tackling Racism on Campus' Campaign)

Departmental Disability Contact Role Briefing     show
The Disability Service is offering a Departmental Disability Contact (DDC) role briefing information session to all DDCs.

Target Audience: Departmental Disability Contacts (DDCs)

Departmental Fire Safety Training (Online)     show
This course enables Departments to comply with the employers' duties under current fire safety legislation, ensuring that Departments have sufficient trained staff to assist with the management of fire safety (at a local level) within their areas of control.

Target Audience: Departmental Fire Safety Coordinators and Fire Marshals nominated by the Head of Department.

Departmental Safety Coordinator Training (Online)     show
This course provides guidance on best practice for all Departmental Safety Coordinators to enable departments to comply with the University's Health & Safety Policy.

Target Audience: Staff appointed by each Head of Department to carry out the functions of Departmental Safety Coordinator (DSC) and Deputy DSC's.

Departmental Safety Inspection (Online)     show
To provide DSCs, members of the Safety Committee, relevant management and where appropriate students with a greater understanding of safety inspections to allow these to be completed in an effective manner and to facilitate development of an effective Departmental Safety Action Plan.

Target Audience: DSC's members of the Safety Committee, relevant management and where appropriate students.

Designing and Implementing Inter and Transdisciplinary Research     show
This interactive training aims to support researchers to examine the principles of inter and transdisciplinary research, and subsequently examine how their research could improve or benefit embracing these approaches.

Target Audience: PGR and Academic Staff

Designing Multiple Choice Questions to Evaluate Higher Order Thinking     show
In this session you will explore how to design MCQs which are specifically targeted at demonstrating higher order skills as identified in Bloom’s taxonomy.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

Developing inclusive web applications     show
This practical session will enable you to create web applications that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff performing web development activities

Developing an Effective Relationship with Your Supervisor     show
The relationship between research student and supervisor is critical to your PhD.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Developing and Engaging in Equitable Ethical Partnerships for Research     show
Please note that this course is now archived and is no longer run by the Researcher Development Team.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff

Developing Your Voice in your Academic Writing     show
Participants will learn a range of techniques to help develop their own personal style in their academic writing.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Developments in the International Vertically Integrated Project (VIP)     show
Since its inception a few years ago the Vertically Integrated Project Consortium (of which Strathclyde is a founding member) has grown considerably taking in new programs in South East Asia and the Far East.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Digital Exams Workshop     show
A workshop to investigate the benefits and challenges of digital exams.

Target Audience: Administrative and Teaching Staff

Disability Awareness for Professional Services Staff     show
This is a three-hour disability awareness workshop aimed at professional services staff

Target Audience: Professional Services Staff

Disability History Month Digital Accessibility Training     show
In the context of Disability History Month, we would like to invite you to a training session on Digital Accessibility. It focuses on making digital content and services accessible to as many individuals as possible.

Target Audience: all staff, PGRs with teaching responsibilities

Discovering Skills for Effective Delegation     show
Improve your management skills by learning practical techniques for effective delegation.

Target Audience: Managers and supervisors looking to utilise the power of delegation to manage their workload and develop their team

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Risk Assessors Training     show
To equip staff with the knowledge and skills to perform Display Screen Assessments.

Target Audience: Staff nominated as a DSE Risk Assessor

Display Screen Equipment On-Line Awareness - Registration     show
On-line course for all Display Screen Equipment users.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduate Students who receive payment for their research

Draft course for testing     show

Target Audience: Test

Drug and Alcohol Training for Managers.     show
This session is offered by the Scottish Drugs Forum and is aimed at raising awareness of the current issues surrounding drug and alcohol misuse in Scotland, avenues of support and initiatives for harm reduction.

Target Audience: Managers / Line Managers

DSEAR Awareness (Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regs)     show
This training course is for all staff and post graduate students who work with dangerous substances or explosive atmospheres. It provides an overview of the legal requirements and controls required when working with these dangerous substances or explosive atmospheres.

Target Audience: This training course is for all staff and post graduate students who work with dangerous substances or explosive atmospheres

DSEAR Workshop (Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regs)     show
This course is for all staff and postgraduate students who work with dangerous substances or explosive atmospheres and who are also responsible for undertaking a DSEAR Assessment. It provides information on design, installation, use of and/or maintenance of equipment or systems.

Target Audience: This course is for all staff and postgraduate students who work with dangerous substances or explosive atmospheres and who are also responsible for undertaking a DSEAR Assessment.

DTC Student allocation     show
One to one session demonstrating the allocation of students to teaching activities.

Target Audience: Departmental Timetable Coordinators

DUAS Selector Service     show
An introduction to the selector services using the Direct Admissions system (DUAS).

Target Audience: Faculty Selectors

Dyslexia Awareness     show
Workshop on dyslexia awareness for academic staff as part of a training and development programme.

Target Audience: academic staff

EDI 101 Workshop     show
An introduction to equality, diversity & inclusion

Target Audience: All staff

Effective Task Management     show
This session examines the fact that not all tasks are equal and explores how to categorise and prioritise to get best results.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

Effective Time Management     show
For those who feel time is not on their side, a short course of practical tips to create capacity in your day.

Target Audience: All staff

Emergency First Aid at Work     show
The course is designed for people who want to receive training in emergency first aid and is especially suited for nominated first aiders in smaller, low risk working environments.

Target Audience: Staff

Emily Test LISTEN Risk Assessment Training     show
The Emily Test is one of the University’s key partners in relation to our work to tackle gender-based violence and they will be coming to Strathclyde to deliver their L.I.S.T.E.N Risk Assessment training on 5th December.

Target Audience: all University and Strath Union staff

Engaging Beyond Academia: Industry, Networking and Opportunity Online     show
Participants will be introduced to various aspects of engagement with external organisations, including industry.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Engaging Doctoral Students with Writing     show
This workshop will support doctoral supervisors to establish productive writing habits for their students. This workshop can be used as a ‘Academic Writing & the Viva Voce Exam’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Enhancing Negotiation and Networking Skills     show
Master the art of negotiation and networking. Develop your knowledge and understanding of negotiation and networking skills and how to apply them as a manager at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Leaders and Managers across the institution

EPSRC Health Technologies Team Visit - Funding & Strategy Session     show
Join us for an exclusive session with the EPSRC Health Technologies Team, where you will learn more about the refreshed Health Technologies Strategy, funding opportunities, panel insights and patient & public involvement and engagement (PPIE).

Target Audience: Any staff involved in research related to health technologies

Equality Network: LGBT+ Awareness     show
LGBT+ Awareness Session (online)

Target Audience: All staff

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion support via SGSAH     show
An opportunity to have a chat with Dr Anindya Raychaudhuri so he can understand a bit more about how PGR students in Scotland are supported in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Target Audience: HaSS PGR students

ESD, Me and a Cup of Tea with Gregor Colville     show
ESD, Me and a Cup of Tea is an informal lunchtime monthly meet up where Strathclyde staff share their experience of embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their teaching and curriculum

Target Audience: Staff

ESD, Me and a Cup of Tea with Iain Black     show
ESD, Me and a Cup of Tea is an informal lunchtime monthly meet up where Strathclyde staff share their experience of embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their teaching and curriculum

Target Audience: Staff

ESD, Me and a Cup of Tea with Mark Heslop (part 2)     show
ESD, Me and a Cup of Tea is an informal lunchtime monthly meet up where Strathclyde staff share their experience of embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their teaching and curriculum

Target Audience: Staff, Postgraduate Researchers

ESRC Impact Acceleration Account – Bid Development     show
During these two workshops, you will receive information on the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA), the different funding opportunities available, as well as guidance and support to write your proposals.

Target Audience: Staff members who intend to apply for ESRC IAA funding

Evacuation Chair Training – Part 1     show
This course enables Departments to comply with their employer's duties under current fire safety legislation, to ensure all persons for whom they are responsible, can evacuate buildings safely.

Target Audience: Those nominated to assist with the safe evacuation of persons with a mobility impairment.

Evacuation Chair Training – Part 2     show
This course enables Departments to comply with their employer's duties under current fire safety legislation, to ensure all persons for whom they are responsible, can evacuate buildings safely.

Target Audience: Those nominated to assist with the safe evacuation of persons with a mobility impairment and who have completed the Evacuation Chair Training – Part 1 course.

Example Course 1     show
This is an example course

Target Audience: Staff and PGs

Example Course 2     show
This is an example course

Target Audience: Everyone at the University

Example Course 3     show
This is an example course

Target Audience: Everyone at the University

Expenses     show
This course provides an overview of claiming expenses and advances and the main business processes that surround them.

Target Audience: All Staff and Postgraduate students using FMS to raise expenses claims.

Exploring Research Integrity & Culture in Practice for PGRs     show
This workshop will explore the practical contexts of culture and integrity from PGR perspective. We will examine case studies and complex scenarios, enabling participants to consider factors that contribute to developing positive research cultures.

Target Audience: PGRs

Facilitation     show
This course is aimed at developing your skills and confidence when facilitating improvement workshops.

Target Audience: Staff who are facilitating for the first time and are seeking a structure and guidance to develop from or staff currently involved in facilitation who seek tips and guidance to hone existing skills.

Faculty Forum     show
An opportunity for Faculty of Science Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Faculty Forum - Academic & Teaching Staff     show
An opportunity for Academic and Teaching Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Academic & Teaching Staff

Faculty Forum - Research Staff     show
An opportunity for Research Staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Research staff

Faculty Forum - Technical staff     show
An opportunity for Technical staff to meet with the Dean and to raise any concerns that they have.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - Technical staff

Faculty of Science - Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Success     show
The Faculty of Science is delighted to host Dr Jenny Burnham from the University of Sheffield on Monday 20th February from 2-3 pm when she will give a presentation entitled ‘Stories of Engagement, Empowerment and Success’.

Target Audience: This talk will be of interest to colleagues from across the University who are interested in developing their scholarship activity in a research-led institution.

Faculty of Science KE Costing & Pricing guide for Consultancy     show
The Faculty of Science is introducing a new costing and pricing model for consultancy services.

Target Audience: All Staff Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science National Student Survey Celebration     show
A celebration of the Faculty's NSS 2019 Results

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Faculty of Science Town Hall on draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy.     show
The draft Strathclyde 2030 Strategy which captures the priorities and aims for the new Strategic Plan has now been published. The Faculty of Science are facilitating a more detailed discussion on the consultation document through a Town Hall event for all staff across the Faculty,

Target Audience: Faculty of Science - All Staff

Faculty-focused Staff Development Sessions on Gen-AI     show
Staff development session on Generative AI.

Target Audience: Staff supporting assessments. However, all staff are welcome

Fast Track to Impact     show
Participants will be given access to weekly exercises to fast track their impact no matter what discipline they work in.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Fear of the Blank Page     show
Participants will be introduced to how to start writing and how to keep motivated planning your writing and finishing

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Fieldwork Safety Course     show
This course is ideally suited for University staff, postgraduate students and anyone planning to carry out research in remote environments.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduate Students

Finishing your PhD on Time - Online     show
Participants learn a combination of project management and time management skills & methods applied specifically to the challenge of completing a high quality PhD thesis on time with minimal stress and anxiety. Increased confidence & optimism about completing their PhD thesis on time

Target Audience: PGRs

Fire Extinguisher Part 1 (Theory)     show
This training provides nominated staff with guidance, information and advice regarding: • Fire extinguisher theory; • Guidance on the safe use of portable fire extinguishers.

Target Audience: Staff nominated by the Departmental HoD.

Fire Extinguisher Part 2 (Practical)     show
This training provides nominated staff with practical fire safety instruction.

Target Audience: Staff nominated by the Departmental HoD.

Fire Safety Awareness     show
This short course is designed to provide a basic level of instruction and guidance so that you know what actions to take in the event of a fire i.e. how to raise the alarm and the arrangements for safely evacuating the building.

Target Audience: This is mandatory for all ‘Red Card applicants’, ‘lone workers’ and all staff working on University premises.

First Aid at Work     show
Ideal for anyone wishing to become a first aider. It provides learners with the skills and knowledge to deal with first aid situations in higher risk workplaces or workplaces with an increased number of employees.

Target Audience: Staff

First Aid at Work Re-qualification     show
Refresher training for first aiders who's certificate may have expired. It provides learners with the skills and knowledge to deal with first aid situations in higher risk workplaces or workplaces with an increased number of employees.

Target Audience: Staff

Fix Your Own Bike (JA Campus)     show
Trained bike mechanics from Sustainable Strathclyde team will be available to deliver tools, consumables and assistance with maintaining your bike.

Target Audience: Staff & Students

FLEC Annual Lecture/Faculty Teaching Excellence     show
Dr Alison Yao and Dr Morgan Finlay will present details of the initiatives they lead which resulted in them being given Faculty Teaching Excellent Awards

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

FMS 1-1 Session     show
One to one support on FMS

Target Audience: All FMS users

Freedom of Information     show
A general overview of Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation.

Target Audience: Staff

Freelancing: All you need to know     show
Freelancing is a legitimate way of engaging in knowledge exchange and/or entrepreneurship for employed and, of course, self-employed people. This session sets out all you need to know to start freelancing and how to easily get started.

Target Audience: Open to all

FreshService – Deeper Dive     show
Exploring more functionality of the FreshService helpdesk system.

Target Audience: Information Services - Business Systems

FreshService – Intro/Refresher     show
Introduction and refresher on the FreshService helpdesk system.

Target Audience: Information Services - Business Systems

FreshService – Reports & Change Management     show
Guidance on Reports & Change Management using the FreshService helpdesk system.

Target Audience: Information Services - Business Systems

Full body stretch and relaxation class     show
Full body stretches.

Target Audience: LIR staff

Gender Socialisation and Culture     show
This workshop will help participants understand gender socialisation and culture and its relationship to gender-based violence.

Target Audience: All staff

Gender-Based Violence First-Responder Training (PART 1)     show
Gender-Based Violence First Responder Training

Target Audience: Staff

Getting Published in Academic Journals     show
Participants will practice a range of writing techniques to aid them in developing a repertoire of writing strategies for journal writing, draft journal abstracts and draft outlines.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Getting Published in Academic Journals - Online     show
Participants will practice a range of writing techniques to aid them in developing a repertoire of writing strategies for journal writing, draft journal abstracts and draft outlines.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Getting to Grips with Fellowships     show
Participants will learn why research grant applications require a different style of writing from papers and theses. They will learn a formula for a good grant application and a recipe for producing that formula.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Getting to Grips with Grant Writing     show
Participants will be introduced to grant writing and the process of writing winning research proposals.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Go & See for Success     show
Do you feel wholly reliant on measures and numbers to understand how your processes are working? This session offers an alternative to really understand how the work is done.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Gradebook Combined     show
A combination of the 2 'Quick Step' sessions on Gradebook Weightings and Grade Visibility.

Target Audience: Teaching or Admin Staff Responsible for Grading/Releasing Grades

Group Session - Coping as a carer     show
A group session/seminar exploring the techniques to support you and the people you care for.

Target Audience: Carers - Strathclyde University

Handling Frontline Complaints     show
Any member of staff can receive a complaint at any time. In this online, self-directed module learn when the University’s Complaints Handling Procedure should be used and how to handle and respond to a complaint at frontline.

Target Audience: All Staff

HaSS PGR Supervisors Workshop     show
Targeted HaSS Supervisor workshop to work through some of the complexities of supervising PGR students

Target Audience: PGR Supervisors in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

HaSS PGR workshop for those about to enter the 'completing' stage     show
A supportive workshop to guide students who are about to enter the completion stage of their research

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research students in HaSS who will enter their completing (writing-up) stage in 2024/25

HaSS PGR Workshop for those in the "Completing" Stage     show
This session is for postgraduate research students in HaSS who are in the 'completing' stage of their award.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research students in HaSS

HaSS Workshop for First Year PGR students     show
A supportive session to discuss how students have settled into the Faculty, the University and their PGR studies

Target Audience: PGR students in HaSS who started from January 2024 onwards

HEA Fellowship Information Session - Online     show
This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward.

Target Audience: Academic,Teaching APS Staff

Head of Department Legal Responsibilities Training     show
This course is mandatory for all Heads of Departments to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Target Audience: Heads of Departments / Services / Schools and Directors of Professional Services

How to be an Effective Researcher     show
This course is a chance to step-away from your day-to-day research, and to develop an understanding of what a doctorate actually is and therefore what is required of you to manage it effectively, so as to succeed in the process and get the best out of your supervisor and yourself.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

How to be an Effective Researcher (Online)     show
This course is a chance to step-away from your day-to-day research, and to develop an understanding of what a doctorate actually is and therefore what is required of you to manage it effectively, so as to succeed in the process and get the best out of your supervisor and yourself.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

How to Conduct an After Action Review     show
This course explores a quick and simple model to assess the impact of a piece of work and improve for the future.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

How to do a PhD     show
Please note that this course is now archived and is no longer run by the Researcher Development Team.

Target Audience: PGR Students

How to review a data management plan     show
Aimed at Doctoral Supervisors, short course covers the key elements of data management planning.

Target Audience: PGR (Doctoral) Supervisors

Hybrid Teaching     show
This session will communicate key information to teaching staff on Hybrid Teaching at Strathclyde according to the Hybrid Teaching and Learning Guidance.

Target Audience: Any staff involved in learning and teaching

Identify & Optimise Value for Success     show
On average less than 5% of the lead time of any given process is spent on what the customer really wants. This session will give you the tools to grow the value in your processes by removing waste.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Immortalising your Research: Ethics, Sharing and Being Open     show
Participants will be introduced to a number of different platforms have recently been developed to facilitate the data sharing and distribution process.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Impactful Research - Linking Your Work to SDGs in Pure     show
This practical training will walk you through the simple-yet-important steps to having an up-to-date Pure profile and linking your work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for increased visibility and collaborations. Live Stream – to be recorded and published online

Target Audience: Research and academic staff

Impactful Research - Linking Your Work to SDGs in Pure.     show
This practical training will walk you through the simple-yet-important steps to having an up-to-date Pure profile and linking your work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for increased visibility and collaborations. Live Stream – to be recorded and published online

Target Audience: PGRs

Improvement Kata for Success     show
Is the big objective too overwhelming and you never progress toward it? This session demonstrates scientific improvement via small, considered experiments.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Incident Reporting and Investigation     show
To introduce the Safety Incident Reporting system and procedure and to provide guidance on incident investigation. This training covers the recording, initial assessment and investigation of incidents which arise from the University’s undertaking.

Target Audience: Any member of staff with a safety role who has a responsibility for the management of safety incidents.

Inclusive Language Workshop     show
An interactive introduction to inclusive language

Target Audience: All staff

Interdisciplinary Collaboration     show
Participants will learn about the latest thinking behind Interdisciplinary Collaborate Research.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Interfaith Glasgow Scriptural Reasoning - Neighbours     show
Interfaith Glasgow will facilitate this event, which will offer an introduction to a particular kind of interfaith dialogue known as "Scriptural Reasoning". This involves people coming together in small groups to read extracts of scripture together in an informal, friendly setting.

Target Audience: All staff and students

International Funding Opportunities (2nd Presentation)     show
This session will focus on funding opportunities in the "South Asia" region and other relevant funding opportunities for international collaboration and fellowship applications.

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

International Womens Day 2015 - Make it Happen     show
To celebrate International Women's Day, staff and students are invited to an event on Friday, 20 March 2015.

Target Audience: All staff and students.

Intersectionality Workshop     show
An exploration of intersectionality and its applications in higher education

Target Audience: All staff

Introducing Staff to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)     show
This session is aimed at staff who have had limited exposure to Generative AI tools, but who would like to learn how to get started, and understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: Staff at Strathclyde who have little/no experience in AI use.

Introducing Students to Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)     show
This session is aimed at students who are interested in Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools and want to understand some of the potential of, and issues related to, these technologies.

Target Audience: All registered students at Strathclyde

Introduction to Digital Accessibility     show
An introduction to Digital Accessibility

Target Audience: Staff

Introduction to Disability @ Strathclyde     show
This session will increase awareness of disability and examine how we can support disabled students and colleagues.

Target Audience: All staff & those with teaching responsibilities

Introduction to Finance     show
This course provides an introduction to University Finance and the Financial Management System (FMS)

Target Audience: All Staff and Postgraduate Students with access to FMS

Introduction to LaTeX     show
Participants will be introduced to the LaTeX package for scientific word-processing and type-setting.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to Leadership for PhD Supervisors     show
This workshop will introduce Leadership as a model for establishing and maintaining successful PhD supervisions

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Introduction to NVivo     show
The NVivo course is now archived. Training and development is now provided by self-study materials only, these materials are provided here -

Target Audience: Postgraduate Reseach

Introduction to Project Planning (1 day)     show
A high-level overview of key PM techniques and concepts. It offers an introduction to the process of managing projects and the tools to assist in planning and tracking progress.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to Project Planning (series)     show
Part 1 examines how to initially identify the building blocks for a successful project. Part 2 builds on the previous topics to begin to craft the scope or the outputs of the project. Part 3 looks at the process of creating a rigorous and robust project plan.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to Research Data Management and Sharing     show
Participants will introduce researchers to the concepts involved in research data management and sharing as well as what the Strathclyde approach is and what practical steps you should take to ensure you are following best practice.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to Research Integrity (Online Course)     show
This self-paced online course, created by the UK Research Integrity Office, offers a short dive into the topic of research integrity, why it matters and what it means in practice – perfect as an introduction for new researchers or a refresher for more experienced colleagues.

Target Audience: Anyone conducting or managing research in any discipline, including early career researchers (research students, post-doctorates and fellows), technicians, and more experienced staff who need refresher training

Introduction to research methods: Systematic Literature Review     show
Find out about types of literature reviews, find out about the significance of systematic literature reviews. Why are they needed? Why now? Unique qualities of SLRs. Who conducts SLRs? Parts and steps of SLRs.

Target Audience: Early stage PGRs

Introduction to Student Lifecycle Services     show
This is a knowledge sharing session for staff.

Target Audience: Staff

Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (Faculty of Science)     show
This is an online presentation on Sustainable Development Goals

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

Introduction to the Chief Digital and Information Officer     show
Introduction to the Chief Digital and Information Officer via Zoom webinar

Target Audience: Staff from Information Services Directorate

Introduction to Understanding & Recording Research Impact     show
This introductory course offers an overview of the key principles of research impact and developing an impact record. It will be helpful for those looking to understand how their research makes a difference in the world and how to evidence this change for REF and other contexts.

Target Audience: This course is appropriate for staff involved in research, especially those at an earlier stage in their career. and PGRs

Introductory Training for PGRs who Teach     show
Participants will be given an induction to the skills and attitudes required to teach at the University of Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Invitation to Strathclyde Doctoral School Roadshow 24 February 2-3pm     show
Professor Eleanor Shaw, Associate Principal and Director of Strathclyde Doctoral School (SDS) invites you to come along to this session find out more about SDS.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

Job Interview Techniques     show
Participants will gain a better understanding of the purpose of an interview, what interviewers are really looking and how to prepare effectively.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Journals and Budget Transfers (Virements)     show
This course provides an overview on how Journals and Budget Transfers (Virements) can be raised on FMS.

Target Audience: All Staff and Post Graduates raising Journals and Budget Transfers (Virements)

Keeping on Top of Your PhD: Time Management Strategies (1 day)     show
The challenge of creating momentum and structure for the duration of a PhD, which is often characterised by long periods of independent work, demands effective, resilient time management skills.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Knowledge Exchange: Monetising Your Research and Ideas     show
Knowledge Exchange: Monetising Your Research and Ideas Through Collaboration, Impact, IP Protection and Commercialisation.

Target Audience: Postgraduate students, researchers and staff

Ladies Lifting     show
Support and introduction to weightlifting focussing on key movement patterns.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Leadership & Teambuilding     show
Any PhD student looking towards embarking their professional journey - whether academic, commercial research or any other field - will benefit from understanding and being able to demonstrate good leadership characteristics.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Leadership Development Prog (1st line leadership) - Info Session     show
This is a 30 minute, on-line session which will introduce participants to the course content and structure, how to engage in the optional elements of the programme, pre-programme objective setting and the options for ILM accreditation.

Target Audience: First Line Managers responsible for Supervising Staff

Leadership for Strategic Outcomes - Intro Session     show
This is a 30 minute, on-line session which will introduce participants to the course content and structure, how to engage in the optional elements of the programme, pre-programme objective setting and the options for ILM accreditation.

Target Audience: Team Leaders

Leading First Aid for Mental Health at SCQF Level 6     show
This qualification will provide you with the knowledge to recognise a wide range of mental health conditions and learn about the support/therapy provided by professional healthcare providers.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Learn how to use the DAT Booking System.     show
The Development and Training (DAT) Booking System is used by University training providers to create and manage training courses

Target Audience: Staff

Learning and Teaching Improvement Framework Forums 2023-24 Forum 1     show
Delivering an Outstanding Student Experience: LT Improvement Framework Forums

Target Audience: All academic, administrative and professional services staff responsible for delivering and supporting programmes

Learning and Teaching Improvement Framework Forums 2023-24 Forum 2     show
Delivering an Outstanding Student Experience: LT Improvement Framework Forums

Target Audience: All academic, administrative and professional services staff responsible for delivering and supporting programmes

Learning Session - Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC)     show
Learning session - ‘Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC) – disruptive medicines manufacturing technology and opportunities for UoS collaboration’

Target Audience: Staff, research active

Lecture 3 of 4: Strathclyde Support for Entrepreneurs     show
This is the third in the 'Knowledge Exchange: Developing IP, Consultancy and Commercial Outcomes from Your Research' programme.

Target Audience: PhD students, researchers, academics and other staff with an interest in knowledge exchange activities

Lecture 4 of 4:The Art of Networking     show
This is the fourth in the 'Knowledge Exchange: Developing IP, Consultancy and Commercial Outcomes from Your Research' programme.

Target Audience: PhD students, researchers, academics and other staff with an interest in knowledge exchange activities

Lecture capture - pilot project and system demonstration     show
A small-scale pilot project to trial the use of lecture capture was approved by the University’s Learning Enhancement Committee in Dec 2017. This event will enable you to explore lecture capture technology and to interact with the lecture capture operating system from Echo360.

Target Audience: Staff

Lessons from Antarctica on Equality, Sustainability and Leadership     show
Join Strathclyders Stephanie Ordonez, Maria Weikum and Wendy Pring in this lunchtime seminar to hear more about their recent voyage to Antarctica exploring collective leadership, equality & inclusion, sustainability, Antarctic science and more.

Target Audience: All staff

LEV Awareness and Practical Course     show
This course will provide users with an awareness of Local Exhaust Ventilation systems and the information and skills required to undertake face velocity tests.

Target Audience: Staff undertaking Face Velocity Tests

LEV Management and Practical Course     show
Participation is advised for Local Exhaust Ventilation Coordinators / Estates Engineers who may be required to advise on the design and installation of LEV systems to control airborne contaminants or those who are responsible for the management and effective operation of LEV systems.

Target Audience: Local Exhaust Ventilation Coordinators / Estates Engineers.

LGBTQI+ Equity & Inclusion     show
An introduction to LGBTQI+ Equity & Inclusion within Higher Education and more generally

Target Audience: All staff

Library Services courses     show
Library Skills training courses can now be booked on the Library Skills Training Calendar

Target Audience: Staff, Postgraduate, Undergraduate

Lifestyle & Fitneness Consultations for Carers week 2024     show
One-to-one appointment

Target Audience: Staff Carers

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Workshop     show
A workshop for Academics and Researchers who would like to learn more about Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence activities in the Faculty of Science and how they could potentially apply ML/AI techniques in their research

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Academic/Research Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (Workshop 3)     show
Third workshop in a series of workshops on ML/AI

Target Audience: Academics/Researchers/KE Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence 5th Workshop     show
This fifth workshop is part of a series of workshops exploring ML/AI opportunities for collaboration with university colleagues.

Target Audience: University of Strathclyde Academic/Research Staff/PhD students

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Workshop (4)     show
We invite you to attend an in-person workshop on ML/AI on Thursday 14th of September 1:05 – 2:55pm at Collins CL 205.

Target Audience: University of Strathclyde Academic/Research Staff

Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Workshop (session 2)     show
We invite you to attend an in-person workshop on ML/AI on Monday the 13th of February 2.05 – 3.55 at Collins CL205. This is the second in a series of workshops exploring ML/AI opportunities for collaboration with university colleagues. Prior knowledge of the topic is not required.

Target Audience: University of Strathclyde Academic/Research Staff

Management Development: Complaint Investigation Skills - Online     show
The aim of this course is to help participants develop and improve their investigation skills with a specific focus on complaints handling. The course is offered to nominated members of staff who will conduct complaints investigations at Stage 2.

Target Audience: Investigating Officers for Stage 2 complaints ONLINE

Managing Projects and Sub Projects     show
This course explains the way FMS will be used to manage 'Projects' and 'Sub Projects'.

Target Audience: University staff with direct or devolved responsibility for (Sub) Projects and Budgets

Managing Safely®     show
This course is designed to get managers up to speed on the practical actions they need to take to effectively manage health and safety matters within their teams.

Target Audience: Any staff/students in a management role

Managing Safely® (six half days)     show
This course is designed to get managers up to speed on the practical actions they need to take to effectively manage health and safety matters within their teams. This version of the course takes place over six half days.

Target Audience: Any staff/students in a management role

Manual Handling and Backcare Awareness     show
Recommended for staff involved in medium to high risk manual handling activities, either on a regular or occasional basis e.g. technical staff, trades staff etc. It is also suitable for those who require refresher training, which is recommended every 3 years.

Target Audience: Staff

Manual Handling On-Line Awareness - Registration     show
On-Line course for Manual Handling users

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduates

Manual Handling Risk Assessors     show
For staff nominated to carry out manual handling assessments. Provides information and a step by step approach to the assessment of risks from manual handling activities.

Target Audience: Staff

Marketing Yourself & Your PhD     show
Participants will gain an overview of how to present themselves effectively during professional networking events, on CVs and in application forms.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

MATLAB training     show
Self paced basic and advanced training in MATLAB online via Mathworks

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Meet the Team     show
Come along and meet the Admissions and Student Lifecycle Services team members.

Target Audience: Staff

Menopause Yoga     show
Yoga designed for women approaching and transitioning through the Menopause.

Target Audience: Females

Mental Health Awareness Week - 2024     show
This is an exciting morning breakfast event – come along and have a bite to eat, network with colleagues and enjoy three short presentations from our invited guests. We are going to be looking at Mental Health, Sleep Health, and Active Health.

Target Audience: All Staff

Microbehaviours     show
This 1.5-hour course developed by the Equality and Diversity Office is an introduction to Microbehaviours (including micro-aggressions and micro-affirmations).

Target Audience: All staff

Microsoft Power Automate Overview     show
An introduction to MS Power Automate, what it is and what it can do.

Target Audience: Staff and PGs with no experience of Power Automate

Microsoft Power Automate User Group     show
The Power Automate User Group is an informal, online group that supports the use of Power Automate at the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Microsoft Power BI Overview     show
An introduction to MS Power BI as a management information reporting tool.

Target Audience: Staff

Microsoft Power BI User Group     show
The Power BI User Group is an informal, online group that supports the use of Power BI at the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)     show
The mindfulness based stress reduction programme (MBSR) is designed to help you learn new ways of managing difficult physical sensations, feelings and moods. The core skill that you will learn is mindfulness, a way of paying attention, on purpose, non judgementally.

Target Audience: undergraduate and postgraduate students

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programme     show
An 8 week Mindfulness Stress Reduction Programme for staff running each Wednesday from 10th May to 28th June (1.00pm to 3.00pm with the final session running 10.00am to 3.00pm)

Target Audience: All Staff

Mindfulness Orientation Session     show
This is an introduction to mindfulness for students who are wishing to explore what mindfulness is and how it may be helpful in their life. After this session you can decide whether you wish to book on to the 8 week Mindfulness programme within the university.

Target Audience: All Students and Staff

Mindfulness Session     show
Mindfulness combines techniques of meditation, yoga and breathing with attention to thinking "in the present" to help reduce stress and anxiety. Learn how a mindfulness based approach can help us in realising and accessing an existing inner understanding.

Target Audience: All staff and students

Myplace 2017-2018 Upgrade Workshop     show
An overview of new features in Myplace for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Target Audience: Administrative and Teaching Staff

Myplace 2018-2019 Upgrade Workshop     show
An overview of new features in Myplace for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Target Audience: Administrative and Teaching Staff

Myplace User Group     show
Myplace User Group meeting for all staff members who use Myplace for teaching and learning at the University.

Target Audience: Staff users of Myplace

Navigating Peer Review     show
Participants will explore the peer review process.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

New Look Reading List Software     show
A new user interface is coming!

Target Audience: Staff

New Scottish Qualifications and Admissions     show
A workshop for staff who play key roles in undergraduate recruitment and admissions processes, to hear about and discuss new qualifications which have arisen in Scotland.

Target Audience: UG Academic Selectors; Admissions staff; Student Recruitment Staff

New Staff Induction Seminar     show
A seminar for newly appointed staff. The seminar will introduce you to working for the University of Strathclyde

Target Audience: Newly Appointed Staff to the University

NMIS _Engaging & Controlling External Service Providers     show
This course provides NMIS staff with an understanding of why external service providers must be controlled and the way in which this is achieved.

Target Audience: NMIS Staff

NMIS Hydrofluoric Acid Training Course     show
To provide an overview of the nature and hazards of working with Hydrofluoric Acid, and the process and controls required to work safely with this acid.

Target Audience: NMIS Staff

NSS Reflection Event & Teaching Excellence Awards Ceremony     show
A celebration of Faculty of Science success at the Teaching Excellence Awards and reflection on our National Student Survey results.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

OHS Induction Part 1     show
This online course provides essential information to help you stay healthy and safe at work and study. It will allow you to gain an understanding of the University's commitment to ensuring a safe, healthy and secure work environment for all those affected by its work activities.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduates

Online Exam Boards - Decisions     show
An overview of the decisions available for use at Online Exam Boards.

Target Audience: Staff involved in decision making and decision entry at Examination/Assessment boards

Online Exam Boards - Demonstration via Zoom     show
An online demonstration of the new Online Exam Board applications.

Target Audience: Staff involved in the administration of Exam/Assessment Boards

Online Exam Boards & Decisions 1:1     show
An opportunity to discuss the use of the new decision framework and the new online exam board system 1:1.

Target Audience: Staff involved in the administration of Exam/Assessment Boards

Open Access and Research Data Management for Researchers     show
Participants will be introduced to Open Access, and be given practical help on the issues that researchers will face in their career.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Organising for Success (5S)     show
Do you spend more time looking for files and emails than you do working on them? This session looks at workplace organisation and sustainable structure.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Outdoor First Aid for Fieldworkers - Level 2     show
This two-day practical course is designed for those who work in outdoor remote environments.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduate Students

P1 - Overview of Procurement and FMS Suppliers     show
This course is for users who have knowledge of the University's Procurement guidelines, understand the appropriate purchasing methods available and learn how to request new suppliers.

Target Audience: All Staff and Postgraduates with access to FMS

P2 - Requisitions & Purchase Orders     show
This course provides an overview of the University's Purchasing framework and demonstrates with practical examples the purchasing module within FMS

Target Audience: All Staff and Postgraduates with access to FMS

P3 - FMS Purchasing Reports     show
This course provides an overview on Purchasing Reports within FMS Web

Target Audience: All Staff and Postgraduates with access to FMS

Parents / Maternity / Paternity / Adoption Leave Focus Group (ONLINE)     show
The University is currently working towards its resubmission for the gender equality Athena Swan Charter (due May 2023). An important part of that process is to engage with key groups across the University on their perspectives of gender in/equality and areas for change at Strathclyde

Target Audience: Strathclyde member of staff who is a parent / or undertaken Maternity / Paternity / Adoption Leave

Pedagogy & Leadership in HE: New Research Sub-theme     show
Our overarching aim is to support staff undertaking scholarship, research, and innovation in higher and professional education

Target Audience: staff undertaking scholarship, research, and innovation in higher and professional education

Pegasus Dashboard Design and Requirements Gathering     show
This is an initial meeting with the Pegasus team involved in redesigning and developing the new Pegasus Dashboard.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Pegasus Design Consultation     show
As part of the Oracle upgrade project the Pegasus platform will be going through some significant changes.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

PG Cert RPD - Drop In Session: On Campus     show
We would like to offer support for all PhD candidates registered on the PG Cert RPD.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

PG Cert RPD - Drop In Session: Zoom     show
We would like to offer support for all PhD candidates registered on the PG Cert RPD.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

PG Cert RPD Information Session     show
This session will cover what the PG Cert RPD is, and how to successfully complete it.

Target Audience: New postgraduate students

PG Essentials:Digital Scholarship Skills     show
Participants will develop their digital scholarship skills

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

PGR Selector Training (live demonstration via zoom)     show
A guide for selectors on the new PGR Application system.

Target Audience: PGR Selectors

PhD to Postdoc: Making the Transition     show
Participants will learn about becoming a post-doctoral researcher.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Pilates for Carers Week 2024     show
Traditional Pilates Mat based class

Target Audience: Staff Carers

Planning a Positive Retirement     show
This information session is for those either considering retirement or about to retire in the near future. This will be a face to face session in Graham Hills.

Target Audience: Anyone considering retirement or early or flexible retirement

Planning a Systematic Literature Review     show
Formulating and specifying research question. Developing search strings.Understanding Boolean operators for search strings.Utilizing word variants.Selection of databases – where to search?Importance of naming conventions. Developing a search results summary.Exploring JabRef interface.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Researchers

Planning your Professional Development     show
Participants will gain insight into strategies for developing the skills needed for a successful doctoral research degree and career.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Post Award Life-Cycle     show
This course explains the project life cycle post award

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Research Staff, Support & Administrative Staff involved in externally funded research or KE projects

Postgraduate Researcher Induction     show
This session will provide you with an overview of the University, the support and services available to you and expectations of our postgraduate researchers.

Target Audience: First Year Postgraduate Research Students

Postgraduate Stop and Write     show
The aim of the postgraduate stop and write session is to provide you with dedicated time and space to focus on a your own writing project.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Researchers

Preparing for your Viva - Online     show
This online course aims to prepare you for your viva.

Target Audience: PGRs

Preparing to be an Examiner or Convener     show
The PhD viva is a core part of the examination of PhD students and yet there is very little written about, and training given, in how to effectively examine PhD students. For many examiners the only training will have been their own viva and learning from peers on the job.

Target Audience: All Academic Staff

Preparing Your Student for Viva     show
This session is designed to complement the training offered to Viva candidates at Strathclyde. This workshop can be used as a ‘Academic Writing & the Viva Voce Exam’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Presentation for Naseem Anwar     show
Invitation to leaving presentation for Naseem Anwar, Equality & Diversity Manager

Target Audience: All staff

Presenting Online and Handling Questions at a Conference Presentation     show
Please note that this course is now archived and is no longer run by the Researcher Development Team.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Preventing Gender-Based Violence – Active Bystander     show
This workshop will explore what is meant by Gender-Based Violence and how to be an Active Bystander.

Target Audience: All staff

Principles and Practice of Risk Assessment (Online)     show
The course will enable departments to comply with the current Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and with the University Health and Safety Policy. Mandatory for those who are currently, or could potentially, be responsible for undertaking general risk assessments.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduates

Problem Solving in Reality     show
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would provide us with the picture of a completed PhD project, showing a happy researcher, and a clear path to help us get there?

Target Audience: PGR Students

Problem Solving: Five Creative and Powerful Methods     show
Your PhD research must answer an academic challenge, and active research requires the solution of countless problems. So, you have to know how to approach challenge constructively, how to create new ideas and turn them into practical steps.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Procurement Legislation and Guidelines     show
A presentation on understanding procurement legislation and guidelines.

Target Audience: All Staff, Postgraduates using University funds to Procure/ Purchase goods, works or services

Professional Networking for Researchers     show
Participants will explore networking strategies, engagement methods and how to "pitch" themselves and their ideas.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Professional Networking for Researchers - Online     show
Participants will explore networking strategies, engagement methods and how to "pitch" themselves and their ideas.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Professional Services Development Programme- Info Session     show
This is an hour session which will introduce participants to the course programme, content and structure

Target Audience: APS Staff Grade 4 and above

Professional Services Networking Lunch     show
A chance for administrators to come together and network, sharing information and best practice

Target Audience: Suitable for anyone who undertakes any administration role

Project Management in the Real World     show
Participants will become more comfortable using the PM techniques learned through planning and re-planning a project; to more confidently present their projects and proposals to managers, colleagues, funders and other stakeholders.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Project SEARCH Meet and Greet     show
This event is an opportunity to meet people involved in this fantastic employability course for young people with an autistic spectrum condition and/or a learning disability.

Target Audience: Anyone who is interested in learning more about Project SEARCH

Promoting Research Integrity through Supervision     show
This workshop will support Supervisors to develop an approach that encourages positive research practices within their team.

Target Audience: Staff involved in Doctoral Student Supervision

Publishing accessible web content in T4     show
TerminalFour, also known as “T4”, is Strathclyde’s Content Management System for publishing content to the University website. This session provides a practical introduction to creating webpages in T4 that follow accessibility best practices.

Target Audience: Staff

Pure, Open Access and Research Data Management     show
This session will give an overview of Research Data Management and Open Access. Also introduces research staff and PGR students to Pure, Strathclyde's research information management system.

Target Audience: New and Existing Research Staff and PGR Students

Qualitative Face Fit Testing     show
Where face masks (respiratory protective equipment) are used as a control measure against airborne contaminants, they must fit the wearer correctly to be effective. This course provides the knowledge and understanding necessary to conduct qualitative face fit testing.

Target Audience: This course is available to Staff who have been nominated by their Departmental Safety Coordinator to conduct face fit tests.

Race Equality Workshop     show
A workshop to discuss key issues with regard to race equality in Higher Education, to inform the work of Strathclyde's Race Equality Working Group.

Target Audience: All Staff

Radiation : Departmental Protection Supervisor Training     show
Specialised training for those nominated as Departmental Radiation Protection Supervisors to ensure the safe use of Ionising radiations from radioactive materials or X-ray generators as required by the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017.

Target Audience: This course is only available to those who have been nominated by their Head of Department.

Radiation Safety Awareness for Estates and Security Personnel     show
The aim of this course is to give Estates Services staff a basic awareness of the hazards and risks from various ionising and non-ionising radiation sources that are used across the University.

Target Audience: Estates Services staff

Radiation: Laser Safety     show
Staff or students within departments who are using laser equipment. This course (LBAW02) is delivered on-line.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Radiation: Sealed use of Radioactive Sources     show
Staff and students within departments who are working with sealed radioactive sources. Individuals responsible for supervising users and work involving radioactive sources.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Radiation: Unsealed Radioactive Sources     show
This course is mandatory for staff and students working with unsealed radioactive sources. This course (UNIR05) is delivered on-line.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Radiation: X-ray Sources     show
This course is mandatory for staff and students working with X-Ray generating equipment or sources. This course (BXXW06) is delivered on-line.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Ranking Data Workshop     show
Explore the university league table landscape. Learn about the work the University does in this area and explore the attributes of the main UK and global league tables. Look at pitfalls and risks in promoting ranking positions and discuss the opportunities for future development.

Target Audience: Colleagues with an interest in University ranking data

Reading list training     show
Learn about Leganto, the reading list software.

Target Audience: Staff

Recognition of Learning and Teaching for Technical Staff     show
This one hour session is designed to provide information to technical staff on how they can gain formal professional recognition (Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy) for their formal or informal role in supporting learning and teaching.

Target Audience: Technical Staff

REF 2029 Open Access Consultation: Staff Sessions     show
These sessions will support participants to understand, explore, and influence the key questions and messages at the heart of the University of Strathclyde’s response to the REF 2029 Open Access Policy Consultation, led by expert team members from IS and RKES.

Target Audience: This event is appropriate for any researchers, research leaders or professional services staff interested in the Open Access Policy requirements for REF 2029.

Relaunch of Women’s Network     show
We would be delighted if you would join us for the relaunch event of the Strathclyde Women’s Network.

Target Audience: Women's Week

Reporting on FMS Web     show
This course provides an overview of reporting on FMS Web including some of the key reports

Target Audience: All Staff and Postgraduates using FMS to run reports

Research & Knowledge Exchange Staff Costs Training     show
To help University Staff manage the financial aspects of their successful research and knowledge exchange awards. 

Target Audience: Principal Investigators, Project Managers, Administration Staff

Research Funding Landscape Information Session     show
An online open session designed to provide updates to academic researchers on UK & international funding strategy, priorities & opportunities in the Engineering, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences research areas.

Target Audience: Academic staff, particularly early career colleagues

Research Integrity     show
Participants will learn about how to employ the highest standards of research integrity. You will be introduced to potential pitfalls and how to avoid your authority as a researcher being undermined by your own actions or the actions of others.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Research Integrity in Practice     show
This highly interactive workshop is suitable for those looking to explore such questions, to enhance their own professional knowledge and conduct, and those wanting to learn from the conduct of others also.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Research Integrity Online     show
Participants will explore all aspects of Research integrity

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Research Integrity Online - Staff     show
Participants will explore all aspects of Research Integrity.

Target Audience: All Academic, Research, KE & Teaching Staff as well as any other staff members interested in this area.

Research Interns Poster Event     show
An event to celebrate the outputs of research internships undertaken by undergraduate students in the summer of 2019.

Target Audience: Staff, students

Research Internships 2017 Poster Celebration     show
Event to celebrate the research of undergraduate students that conducted research internships in the summer of 2017.

Target Audience: Staff, students, friends and family.

Research Professional Administrator Training Workshop     show
This workshop aims to provide insightful learning on how to use Research Professional to find/promote targeted funding opportunities, manage research workgroups and facilitate bid development.

Target Audience: For research & KE professionals; faculty/department/research centre/cluster administrators and bid officers

Researcher’s Group AGM     show
The Researchers’ Group annual general meeting is held to review the year’s achievements and look forward as a group, including the election of new committee members who provide a voice for researchers’ throughout the university.

Target Audience: Research Staff

Researchers' Group AGM     show
Annual General Meeting to review achievements and take a look at things going forward.

Target Audience: Research Staff

Researchers Guide to Ethics     show
Participants will gain a good knowledge of ethics so that they recognise when ethics is a consideration in their own work and they have the skills to obtain ethics approval when necessary.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Resilience for Researchers     show
Participants will learn to use self-awareness to increase resilience, creativity and lead a more balanced research career.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Resource Booker – Scientia Third Party Software implementation     show
Knowledge sharing session for staff.

Target Audience: Staff

Responsible Research & Innovation     show
This one-day interactive workshop introduces principles & concepts of responsible research & innovation & provides attendees with tools, processes, and frameworks for developing innovations responsibility. Funded by University of Strathclyde EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).

Target Audience: Anyone involved in research and innovation

Responsible Research and Innovation Series     show
This course introduces principles and concepts of responsible research and innovation and provides attendees with tools, processes, and frameworks for developing innovations responsibility. It is funded through the University of Strathclyde EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).

Target Audience: PGR students, including Impact Champions

Review of the Year     show
A knowledge sharing session on a review of the year for ISD Technical Services staff.

Target Audience: Information Services Directorate Staff

Revised Complaints Handling Procedure     show
This 60 minute briefing session will focus on the revised Complaints Handling Procedure implemented from 1 April 2021. It is aimed at staff who are familiar with, and have been working with, the University's Complaints Handling Procedure which has been in place since 2013.

Target Audience: All Staff

Rhetoric and Composition (Online)     show
This course covers the principles of written argument

Target Audience: SBS Staff

RI&C Week: NHS Ethics – Thinking about PPI and Participant Materials     show
This workshop will provide guidance on the NHS Research Ethics Committee review process and the value the committee places on PPI as part of an application. The recently introduced NHS Ethics Quality Standards design and review principles will also be addressed.

Target Audience: Research staff and students submitting NHS ethics and R&D applications using the IRAS system

RI&C Week: Addressing Questionable Research Practice and Misconduct     show
This workshop will explore how research misconduct can, and should, be addressed within a positive research culture, with discussions on how issues of research misconduct arise, how these can be dealt with, and what this means for researchers, participants, and the University.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: AI Integrity in Practice     show
This discussion-focused workshop will explore the implications of AI use for research integrity.

Target Audience: All staff involved in leading, conducting or supporting research.

RI&C Week: Anonymisation of Research Data     show
This workshop will provide practical guidance on the data management processes necessary when collecting personal data from research participants, from considerations for GDPR & participant consent to how personal data collection can be embedded effectively in data management plans.

Target Audience: Researchers (staff and PGR students) who are collecting and processing personal data in their work

RI&C Week: Embedding Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)     show
This World Café workshop will explore the topic of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Participants will have opportunity to discuss with internal and external colleagues the relevance of RRI as well as practical ways to implement RRI concepts through different dimensions.

Target Audience: All staff involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Inclusion from the Start – Embedding EDI in Research     show
This workshop will explore how issues around equality, diversity and inclusion can be integrated within research projects from their inception.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Inclusivity and Diversity in Research Cultures     show
Join us as we hear from researchers and practitioners in a series of short talks on how we can embed equality, diversity and inclusion into our research and innovation culture to ensure everyone can thrive in academia.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Making Your Data Open Access in Social Sciences     show
The session will address the benefits of open data in social sciences, show examples of projects with existing datasets and provide tips on how to make open access data more straightforward for other researchers to use for secondary data analysis.

Target Audience: Anyone involved in social sciences research

RI&C Week: Mental Health for Managers     show
This session aims to support managers to support their staff. It will provide an overview for managers to help start the conversation & feel comfortable & confident to talk to staff about mental health & wellbeing, with a practical approach focused on ‘take away’ tools and skills.

Target Audience: Staff in formal or informal supervisory / manager roles

RI&C Week: Open Research – What Is It and How Does It Benefit Us?     show
Join us as we hear from researchers and practitioners in a series of short talks on what open research is and the wide range of benefits that adopting open research practices can bring.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Open Session Research Development & Culture Sub-Committee     show
Join the open meeting of the Research Development & Culture Sub-Committee to influence the University’s future research culture priorities. Share your insights on what these priorities should look like and learn how the committee can put them into practice.

Target Audience: All staff involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Participant Considerations, Wellbeing and Rights     show
This event provides guidance on the process of obtaining informed consent from participants & advises how researchers can demonstrate their commitment to the dignity, respect & data protection rights of participants - both during & after the active research phase.

Target Audience: Researchers conducting human subject research where they are working with and collecting data and/or tissue from human participants (including research which involves the co-creation of outputs, materials, or sensitive data collection)

RI&C Week: Reframing Failure in Research     show
This event will offer a conversation about failure and resilience in research & innovation, where we’ll hear diverse perspectives from Strathclyde and external speakers on research setbacks, fueling innovation, and reshaping our perception of failure.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Research Integrity and Culture Marketplace     show
Come along and meet your colleagues involved in supporting a positive research culture and embedding research integrity! You can chat all things research integrity and culture with experts whilst enjoying lunch and networking with other staff and PGRs.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Research Integrity in the Age of AI     show
This expert panel discussion explores intersection of AI technologies & integrity in the context of research environments. Participants will be able to learn more about opportunities and risks of using AI in research and research management as well as ideas on how to navigate them.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Researchers’ Guide to Ethics     show
Participants will gain a good knowledge of ethics so that they recognise when ethics is a consideration in their own work and they have the skills to obtain ethics approval when necessary.

Target Audience: Postgraduate research students + staff involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Sustainability and Me!     show
Have you always wondered how to consider sustainability within your research? Then wonder no longer. Join the Centre for Sustainable Development team for an interactive guide to how you can embed sustainability in your research plans, outcomes and activities.

Target Audience: All staff and students (PGR) engaged in research

RI&C Week: Trusted Research and Innovation     show
This workshop introduces the key principles of Trusted Research & Innovation and provides attendees with frameworks and practical examples to allow them to consider aspects of their work in relation to Trusted Research & Innovation.

Target Audience: All staff involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

RI&C Week: Where Next for Responsible Research Assessment?     show
Responsible research assessment recognizes and rewards the wide range of contributions that maximise the quality of research. With insights from experts across the UK research sector, this event explores the next steps for achieving systemic reform of research assessment.

Target Audience: All staff and postgraduate researchers involved in leading, conducting or supporting research

Risk Management (1 day)     show
A solid grounding in the major tools and techniques to identify, assess and plan for risks. Delegates will also learn to identify the likely areas of risk, to apply a standard methodology for quantifying risks and to develop solutions and contingency.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Risk Management (series)     show
This two-part series of online training webinars aims to provide participants with tools and techniques to proactively identify and respond to risks within their own project environment.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Running Effective Meetings     show
Unlock productive meetings! Learn to set clear goals, create focused agendas, encourage participation, and keep discussions on track in your meetings

Target Audience: All staff who plan and lead effective meetings

Safe Talk     show
Suicide Awareness Training

Target Audience: Staff,Students+PG Researchers

SBS Grant Writing Challenge - Spring 2024     show
The Challenge will offer a structured programme of workshops designed to enhance participants’ grant writing skills and help them develop a proposal

Target Audience: SBS Academic staff at all levels who have identified a potential funder for a proposed grant application and would like additional in-depth support to enhance their chances of success

SBS Writing Retreat - Session 1 (Online)     show
The aim of these shorter writing workshops is to consolidate writing practices, make time for writing and increase discussion of writing-in-progress.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGRs

SBS Writing Retreat - Session 2 (Online)     show
The aim of these shorter writing workshops is to consolidate writing practices, make time for writing and increase discussion of writing-in-progress.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGRs

SBS Writing Retreat - Session 3 (Online)     show
The aim of these shorter writing workshops is to consolidate writing practices, make time for writing and increase discussion of writing-in-progress.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGRs

SBS Writing Retreat - Session 4 (Online)     show
The aim of these shorter writing workshops is to consolidate writing practices, make time for writing and increase discussion of writing-in-progress.

Target Audience: SBS Staff

SBS: Setup a Myplace Class/Page     show
Myplace is Strathclyde's virtual learning environment: our virtual place of useful learning. This session is designed to guide you on how to structure your SBS Myplace class/page.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup an IFM Class/Page     show
This session aims to demonstrate the new IFM platform and its features, along with some good practices in structuring the material to provide a smooth, engaging narrative and storytelling.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup Assessment Activities     show
Formative and summative assessment are both important in the learning process. Myplace has a variety of tools available that can be used to support assessment in Business Higher Education.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup Myplace Activities & Resources     show
Myplace is the University's virtual learning environment (VLE), providing a variety of educational activities to structure your class. In this session we are exploring the most popular activities available, as well as the best practices in Business Higher Education.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup the Gradebook & Reports     show
This session aims to demonstrate the best practices on setting up the gradebook and how to export reports to assess both the student's learning and the effectiveness of the educational scenario.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

SBS: Setup the Question Bank     show
To make a formative or a summative assessment quiz activity first you need to design and develop a question bank.

Target Audience: SBS Academic Staff

SBS: Zoom Essentials     show
This session is an introduction to the video conferencing platform, Zoom, from scheduling to delivering an online meeting, lecture, or office hours.

Target Audience: SBS Academic & Administrative Staff

Science PGT Workshop (Feb 2024)     show
The Faculty of Science have arranged the next session in our series of PGT workshops. This will focus on efficiencies and enhancement in teaching delivery and assessment and we will be welcoming Dr Annamaria Lilienkampf from the University of Edinburgh.

Target Audience: Staff supporting PGT projects. However, all staff are welcome.

Seeking Respectful Feedback     show
This course looks at two non obtrusive and stress free methods of gathering personal feedback to improve.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

SEES Gathering: Marketing at Strathclyde     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES and sharing best practice.

Target Audience: Staff

SEES Gathering: Mobile Phone App     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES and sharing best practice.

Target Audience: All SEES staff

SEES Gathering: Safety, Health & Wellbeing     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES and sharing best practice.

Target Audience: All SEES Staff

SEES Gatherings Estates Services     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES; sharing best practice.

Target Audience: All SEES staff

SEES Gatherings: Annual Plans & Engagement Session     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff. This session will focus on the directorate's annual plans for 2016/17.

Target Audience: All SEES staff

SEES Gatherings: Mentoring     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES; sharing best practice.

Target Audience: All SEES staff

SEES Gatherings: Research & Knowledge Exchange Services     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES; sharing best practice.

Target Audience: All SEES staff.

SEES Gatherings: SIMS Project Update     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff. This session will focus on an update on the SIMS Project.

Target Audience: All SEES staff

SEES Gatherings: Strategy & Policy     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES; sharing best practice.

Target Audience: All SEES staff.

SEES XMAS Gathering     show
Our SEES Christmas Celebration is great fun and a lovely opportunity to spend time together. As usual we'll be serving seasonal treats and refreshments - and not just mince pies, I promise!

Target Audience: All SEES staff

Session for MPhil and MRes students     show
A workshop to support MPhil and MRes students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Target Audience: Students studying for an MPhil or MRes in HaSS

Shaping the Next REF:Your Thoughts on Strathclyde's Consultation Input     show
Have your say on Strathclyde’s response to the ongoing Research Excellence Framework (REF) consultation - join us at one of two online workshops to discuss the REF 2028 initial decisions and help to shape our institutional response.

Target Audience: All staff involved in conducting, enabling or supporting research, knowledge exchange and/or innovation

SIRIS (formerly Safe360) System User Training     show
To introduce the SIRIS Safety Incident Reporting and Investigation system and provide training in the operation and use of the system to users. The training will also provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

Target Audience: Any member of staff with a safety role who has a responsibility for the management of safety incidents and has been provided with system permissions and access to the SIRIS Incident Reporting and Management System.

Social Walk     show
Social walk around the University campus.

Target Audience: The University community

Spectacular Information and Visualising Data     show
Participants will be introduced to various types of visual formats including standard graphs, mapping data and infographics.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

SPIRAL - Developing & Engaging in Equitable & Ethical P'ship Research     show
This interactive training aims to support researchers to examine the principles of equitable and ethical partnerships for research, and will examine these through interactive case studies and discursive activities.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff

SPIRAL UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Information Session     show
This open session will provide information about the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships scheme and Strathclyde’s related internal processes.

Target Audience: Anyone interested in applying for a Future Leaders Fellowship, in particular Research and Early-Career Academic Staff.

SPIRAL - Applying for your first role: in academic posts & fellowships     show
Aimed at Research Staff planning an academic career either through the independent researcher route (fellowships) or applying for their first lectureship (teaching and research).

Target Audience: Research staff planning an academic research career

SPIRAL - Attract Research Funding: Writing & Applying For Fellowships     show
Learn more about writing and applying for postdoctoral fellowships in this workshop - from planning and preparation to the process of application itself.

Target Audience: Research staff / postdocs

SPIRAL - Broadcast Media Training for Academics     show
This sessions offers the knowledge and skills to communicate research through the media. It covers broadcast interview training and discussion on how to understand what the media are looking for.

Target Audience: Staff, PGRs

SPIRAL - Building Productive Relationships with Industry     show
This course will contain a mix of information and practical activities.

Target Audience: Anyone looking to build or improve their network.

SPIRAL - Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde     show
Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde is a blended course, combining online modules and Zoom discussion sessions, to help you explore career options and prepare you for the next stage of your career. A 4-week course - designed to address key career issues for researchers.

Target Audience: Research Staff

SPIRAL - Communicate with Confidence: Straight Talking - Online     show
As you grow in seniority, your interactions with colleagues and clients can become more complex. This opens up exciting opportunities but also poses potential challenges. This half-day course is a practical and engaging exploration of these areas of communication.

Target Audience: Academic, Teaching, Research and KE staff

SPIRAL - Communicating Your Research Through Digital Storytelling     show
Learn how to communicate your research to a wide audience through digital storytelling – a simple form of video. Ideal for anyone new to video-making or with limited experience, the course covers how to write a narrative, plan and create a video using images and simple animation.

Target Audience: Staff involved in research who want to know how to effectively communicate their research to a lay audience in an engaging but simple video format

SPIRAL - Considering your Career Options     show
This session will provide participants with an overview of the possible career pathways, both academic and non-academic, available to research staff as well as how to progress along these tracks.

Target Audience: For Research Assistants, Research Associates and Research Fellows

SPIRAL - Designing & Implementing Inter and Transdisciplinary Research     show
This interactive training aims to support researchers to examine the principles of inter and transdisciplinary research, and subsequently examine how their research could improve or benefit embracing these approaches.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff

SPIRAL - E4A - Getting Started with Entrepreneurship     show
Interested in becoming an entrepreneur?  Thinking about developing a micro business or looking for an opportunity?  This session explores how to find inspiration and get started with a business and get it off the ground in the simplest way.

Target Audience: Anyone across the university who is interested in getting started with a business.

SPIRAL - Engaging with Industrial Partners     show
This online ½ day workshop is to support academics become more effective at engaging with industry partners. It has a specific focus on Research and KE activities within a consultancy role to the industrial partner.

Target Audience: For those who are engaging with industry partners

SPIRAL - Figures, images & visualising information     show
This workshop is designed to introduce participants to various types of visual formats including standard graphs, information visualisations and graphics for publication.

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone else involved in research

SPIRAL - Grant Writing     show
This session delivers all you need to know for planning and writing winning grant applications. It includes finding funding, promoting your concept, and working out the finance.

Target Audience: Any staff interested in applying for research grants

SPIRAL - Growing Up in Higher Education     show
‘Growing Up in Higher Education’ is an event series focusing on the unofficial stories behind successful academic careers. Each session invites a different speaker to discuss and reflect on their career journey – examining doubts, struggles and detours as well as successes.

Target Audience: Research and early career academic staff

SPIRAL - Hosting conferences and events     show
This in-person session will give an overview of the venues and services available at the University for hosting conferences and events. Refreshments will be provided.

Target Audience: For those wishing to attract and host conferences and events at the University

SPIRAL - How to Build Your Reputation in 30 Mins per Day     show
Stand out in your career by learning how to shape your professional reputation in just 30 minutes a day. In this workshop, you will learn how to showcase your strengths and create opportunities for your career.

Target Audience: Open to all member of staff who are interested in building your professional reputation and profile.

SPIRAL - How to Develop 'Real World' Impact with Academic Research     show
A two-hour online interactive workshop that explores how you can ensure your academic research has a positive impact beyond academia.

Target Audience: All staff involved in research, in particular early- to mid-career researchers

SPIRAL - How to get Customers, Free Funding and Support: The Life Hack     show
Finding and getting customers is the lifeblood of any small enterprise. How can target markets be defined and approached for low or no-cost?

Target Audience: Open to all staff (Teaching, Research, KE & Entrepreneurship, Professional Services)

SPIRAL - Impact and Influence     show
This lively and enjoyable session, run by VOX Coaching, will explore practical communication skills that will help you increase your confidence, become someone to whom others want to listen and achieve greater impact and influence.

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

SPIRAL - Introduction to Understanding & Recording Research Impact     show
This introductory course offers an overview of the key principles of research impact and developing an impact record. It will be helpful for those looking to understand how their research makes a difference in the world and how to evidence this change for REF and other contexts.

Target Audience: This course is appropriate for staff involved in research, especially those at an earlier stage in their career.

SPIRAL - IP Essentials Copyright, Teaching and Commercialisation     show
Novel intellectual property (IP) is created regularly by researchers in universities and it is becoming increasingly important for both staff and students to equip themselves with elementary knowledge of the subject.

Target Audience: This course is designed specifically for researchers working in universities and institutes.

SPIRAL - Leading and Managing Research Staff     show
This online workshop explores how you take a structured approach to leading and managing research staff to get the best from your team.

Target Audience: Academic / Fellows / Senior Postdocs

SPIRAL – Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network     show
This peer network is designed to support those managing and supervising researchers.

Target Audience: Academic staff and all others involved in managing and supervising researchers

SPIRAL - Managing and Delivering Successful CPD Sessions     show
A highly practical full-day, fully online workshop for staff designing or delivering professional development sessions for external stakeholders (e.g. colleagues from other institutions, industry, government, etc.) with a focus on engagement and effectiveness.

Target Audience: For academics / researchers expected to deliver CPD sessions to groups of professionals

SPIRAL - Monitoring and recording research impact     show
REF Workshop

Target Audience: research staff

SPIRAL - Motivating and Developing Teams     show
This workshop will help you manage your research team to deliver successful projects, work effectively through your team delivering results and develop others' capability to perform. The workshop will offer a range of practical tools and approaches to extend your management skills.

Target Audience: Research leaders and those aspiring to be

SPIRAL - Online Research Grant Application Writers’ Workshop     show
Self-paced online course, targeted at staff new to writing funding applications. Learn how research grants are awarded, how this affects the way to write applications; develop relevant skills; learn strategies to write a grant-application as quickly as possible

Target Audience: Academic, Research, KE and Teaching Staff

SPIRAL - Personal Effectiveness : Understanding yourself and others     show
This workshop will use a personality profiling tool to give a framework which will help you understand your own behaviours and actions and that of others. It will offer an insight into communication styles, decision making approaches and working styles.

Target Audience: Academic, Research, KE and Teaching staff

SPIRAL - Planning & Designing a Research Career     show
Interested in continuing in research? Then it is never too early to start planning your career trajectory & thinking about the direction you want to go. Research is exciting, competitive & a challenging career choice requiring strategic planning, seeking opportunities & networking.

Target Audience: Research staff / postdocs

SPIRAL - Productive writing: techniques, planning & finishing     show
In this interactive workshop, we will focus on starting, maintaining momentum and completing writing projects.

Target Audience: Research staff and anyone else involved in research

SPIRAL - Project Management for Research and K.E.     show
This online workshop will look at the tools and techniques used in managing research projects which will build processes and structures that support project delivery.

Target Audience: For academics / researchers managing projects

SPIRAL - Research Careers Outside Higher Educ.     show
This seminar event will explore the career paths and current roles of a number of speakers having moved from an academic research background into research roles outside of higher education. Come along to learn more about different types of careers!

Target Audience: Research staff members and any staff looking to explore their career options

SPIRAL - Research Funding Peer Network     show
This peer network is designed to connect and support those involved or interested to become involved in research funding.

Target Audience: All staff members who are involved or would like to become involved in gaining and managing research funding

SPIRAL - Research Integrity in Practice     show
This highly interactive workshop suits anyone looking to enhance their own & other’s practice. Exploration of fundamentals on research integrity, with discussion & application to your situation. We aim to make the subject lively and a vital part of daily practice as a researcher.

Target Audience: Anyone looking to enhance their own, or others' practice, especially researchers and academics in Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts for People and the Economy (SHAPE disciplines)

SPIRAL - Research Staff Induction     show
Research staff induction is targeted at Research Staff new to Strathclyde or new to a Research Staff role at Strathclyde. It provides an introduction to the support /opportunities available to help in your current role as well as an opportunity to meet some other Researchers.

Target Audience: Research Staff new to the University or new to a Research Staff role

SPIRAL – Research Writing Workshop - Weekly Drop In     show
This informal, social writing workshop is intended for all staff who are looking for protected time and space to focus on their writing and legitimise writing tasks in their busy work weeks.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - Researcher Careers: Non-Academic Careers in Higher Education     show
This seminar event will explore the career paths and current roles of a number of speakers having moved from a research background into non-academic roles in higher education. Come along to learn more about different types of careers!

Target Audience: Research staff members and any staff looking to explore their career options

SPIRAL - Researchers Group - Meet the Faculty     show
An informal event highlighting research activity in a specific faculty and bringing together researchers to network with their peers.

Target Audience: Open to all research staff, particularly those who identify as early career.

SPIRAL - Responsible assessment of research outputs     show
REF Workshop

Target Audience: research staff

SPIRAL - Responsible Research & Innovation     show
This one-day interactive workshop introduces principles & concepts of responsible research & innovation & provides attendees with tools, processes, and frameworks for developing innovations responsibility. Funded by University of Strathclyde EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).

Target Audience: Anyone involved in research and innovation

SPIRAL - Seven Secrets of Successful Research Supervision Online     show
You know what your research student should be doing, but it just does not seem to be happening. Despite your best efforts to set up good habits for your student, it does not work. Why is this, and what can you do to make completing a PHD easier for your students and for you?

Target Audience: For supervisors of doctoral research students

SPIRAL - Side Hustles: How to start and grow them.     show
Side Hustles can be a passion project - opportunity to upskill, to work with new people, a chance to earn some extra income or for developing a social enterprise idea. This session looks at some side hustle ideas and also sets out the playbook for running a side hustle successfully.

Target Audience: Open to all (Teaching, Research, KE and Entrepreneurship, Professional Services)

SPIRAL - Social Media for Business & Industry Engagement     show
This sessions offers the knowledge and skills to use social media for business and industry engagement. It covers all aspects of social media usage including analytics and social media marketing and management.

Target Audience: Staff, PGRs

SPIRAL - Start & Run a Thriving, Flourishing Business.     show
Ever wondered if you would like setting up and running your own business? Not sure where to start and what is involved? Find out the answers from an experienced start-up and edupreneur Dr Kate Smith who discusses practical tips, tricks and common pitfalls.

Target Audience: Open to all

SPIRAL - Strathclyde Spring Writing Retreat (In Person)     show
The Strathclyde Writing Retreat series supports participants wishing to make significant progress on writing projects by allowing sufficient time to immerse themselves in the writing activity and to benefit from peer support.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - Strathclyde Spring Writing Retreat (online)     show
The Strathclyde Writing Retreat series supports participants wishing to make significant progress on writing projects by allowing sufficient time to immerse themselves in the writing activity and to benefit from peer support.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - Strathclyde Winter Writing Retreat     show
The Strathclyde Writing Retreat series supports participants wishing to make significant progress on writing projects by allowing sufficient time to immerse themselves in the writing activity and to benefit from peer support.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - Turbocharge Your Writing (for staff) Online Session     show
Would you like to know the secret to high output, low stress scholarly writing? In academia it is often assumed that writing comes naturally. However, an overwhelming body of research shows that there are clear and practical strategies that can increase your writing productivity.

Target Audience: Academic/Research Staff, all levels

SPIRAL - UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Q & A Drop-In Session     show
This Q&A session will answer participants’ questions about the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships scheme and Strathclyde’s related internal candidate selection process and support.

Target Audience: Research Staff and Early Career Academic Staff.

SPIRAL - Working with Policymakers: a Practical Guide     show
A practical introduction to engaging with policymakers in Scotland. This is an on-campus event, including a talk followed by a Q & A session.

Target Audience: Researchers, KE Staff, ECRs, research directors, directors of impact.

SPIRAL - Writing for The Conversation     show
The Conversation is a news website with content written by researchers and academics working with professional journalists. This session explores what The Conversation does, how you can become involved and what benefits writing for a more general audience can bring to your research.

Target Audience: Any staff members involved in research

SPIRAL - Writing for The Conversation: 1-to-1 Editor Chats – HaSS/SBS     show
The Conversation is a news website with content written by researchers and academics working with professional journalists. This 15-minute one-to-one session with an editor will enable you to receive personalised advice and feedback on your writing ideas for The Conversation.

Target Audience: Any staff members in HaSS or SBS who are involved in research and would like to write for The Conversation

SPIRAL - Writing for The Conversation: 1-to-1 Editor Chats - Sci/Eng     show
The Conversation is a news website with content written by researchers and academics working with professional journalists. This 15-minute one-to-one session with an editor will enable you to receive personalised advice and feedback on your writing ideas for The Conversation.

Target Audience: Any staff members in Science or Engineering who are involved in research and would like to write for The Conversation

SPIRAL -Personal Effectiveness Series: Effecting Positive Engagements     show
This workshop will offer tools and techniques to present yourself in a confident and assertive manner. It will help you get your message across and influence others in an effective and positive way whilst still maintaining your authenticity.

Target Audience: Academic, research, KE & teaching staff

SPIRAL: Improving Cost Recovery on Research Projects     show
Understand the different cost elements of a research project and how the recovery of institutional costs (overheads) can be improved when a research project is costed.

Target Audience: All staff involved in costing research projects, approving costings of research projects, or managing departmental/faculty finances in relation to research.

SPIRAL-Careers Beyond Research/Applying Your Skills Outside Academia     show
There are a number of options outside of academia that are open to postdocs. Not everyone chooses to climb the academic ladder and many researchers are unaware of the variety of other options that are available.

Target Audience: Postdocs

SPIRAL-Developments in Research Impact for Established Academics     show
This practical workshop has been designed for established academics looking to better understand, articulate, and record how their research makes a difference in the world as well as how to support researchers in relation to impact for REF and other contexts.

Target Audience: This course is appropriate for researchers and research leaders who are established in their career, especially those with Departmental / Faculty responsibilities.

SPIRAL-Engaging 'Hard-to-Reach' Audiences/Widening Impact     show
This workshop will explore generalisable principles underpinning the successful delivery of a successful KE project and how they could be applied to a wide range of academic disciplines and audiences.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff

SPIRAL-Practical Perspectives on Academic Promotion in STEMM P1     show
This in person face event aims to support those considering going for academic promotion in the next 12 months. Session 1 focuses on enabling participants to gain better understanding of promotion procedures & type of achievements & documentation applicants needed for promotion.

Target Audience: Academic professional staff who are eligible for academic promotion and planning to apply in the next 12 months

SPIRAL-Practical Perspectives on Academic Promotion in STEMM P2     show
This zoom session aims to support those considering going for academic promotion in the next 12 months. Session 2 will focus on supporting participants to translate their achievements into appropriate formats and language for their promotion application.

Target Audience: Academic professional staff who are eligible for academic promotion and planning to apply in the next 12 months

SPIRAL-Research Professional Training Workshop - Engineering & Science     show
This course is for users from Faculty of Engineering and Science who are interested in using Research Professional to search for funding opportunities, create personalised funding alerts and keep up to date with the funding climate

Target Audience: For users from Faculty of Engineering and Science

SPIRAL-Research Professional Training Workshop - HaSS & SBS     show
For users from Faculty of HaSS and SBS who are interested in using Research Professional to search for funding opportunities, create personalised funding alerts and keep up to date with the funding climate.

Target Audience: This course is restricted to Research Professional users from Faculty of HaSS and Strathclyde Business School

STACK Users at Strathclyde     show
STACK is an online assessment system for STEM subjects, designed to assess students’ answers to questions with numeric or algebraic answers.

Target Audience: Academic/Teaching staff using, or interested in using, STACK for online assessment and feedback

Staff Photo Sessions     show
Photo sessions for staff

Target Audience: Staff

Standard Work for Success     show
Issues with consistency within the team? Similar work but different outcomes? This session provides the skills to drive standardisation and consistency in the workplace.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Stats for the Fearful     show
This course starts with a reminder of basic statistics and then introduces the principles behind statistical inference and hypothesis testing. The emphasis is on interpreting outputs from such analysis as might appear in academic journals.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

STEP - Introduction to the MyPlace Gradebook     show
This session is aimed at staff who wish to work with the MyPlace Gradebook, or are involved in setting up and administering assessments on MyPlace. It provides practical experience of using the most common functions of the Gradebook and setting up and understand a simple Gradebook.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Teaching with Zoom     show
A short 90 minute tutorial to introduce participants to running interactive teaching sessions with the Zoom application

Target Audience: Teaching Staff

STEP - Using Your Calendar to Claw Back Time In Your Day     show
In this workshop, through a number of developmental activities, participants will take a proactive approach to their calendars to claw back time and work more effectively.

Target Audience: Any staff, particularly those involved in the delivery of teaching and learning

STEP - ‘Focus On: Generative AI in L & T - Workshop 4     show
Facilitated by Education Enhancement and OSDU, we will be running a Mini-programme of workshops exploring the impact of generative-AI on learning, teaching, and assessment at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - AI2: Maintain Academic Integrity in an AI-enabled World-Online     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence,

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning

STEP - AI2: Maintaining Academic Integrity in an AI-enabled World     show
This session provides attendees with a briefing on academic integrity & Generative Artificial Intelligence,

Target Audience: Staff who teach or support learning

STEP - Climate Fresk Workshop Programme *ONLINE*     show
Climate Fresk - Become a Strathclyde Climate Education Leader in just a few hours with no prior knowledge of climate change required! ONLINE session

Target Audience: All staff

STEP - Developing MCQs     show
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) can be an excellent tool for assessment, whether formative or summative. In this self-directed module, explore how to avoid common mistakes in designing MCQs and techniques for using MCQs to evaluate higher order thinking skills such as judgement.

Target Audience: Staff involved in learning and teaching

STEP - Engaging Students in Online Learning: Collaboration     show
The aim of the workshop is to support participants to enhance the learning experience of their students, by exploring how structured collaborative learning activities can be used to engage students in the online learning environment.

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

STEP - Flipped Classroom - Where to Start?     show
This workshop will guide participants through the structure of flipped classroom and provides practical guidance on designing and implementing this in practice.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP - Focus On: Generative AI in L & T - Workshop 1     show
Facilitated by Education Enhancement and OSDU, we will be running a Mini-programme of workshops exploring the impact of generative-AI on learning, teaching, and assessment at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - Focus On: Generative AI in L& T - Workshop 2     show
Facilitated by Education Enhancement and OSDU, we will be running a Mini-programme of workshops exploring the impact of generative-AI on learning, teaching, and assessment at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - Focus On: Generative AI in L& T - Workshop 3     show
Facilitated by Education Enhancement and OSDU, we will be running a Mini-programme of workshops exploring the impact of generative-AI on learning, teaching, and assessment at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Professionals who teach and/or support learning

STEP - HEA Fellowship Information Session In-Person     show
This workshop will introduce you to the Strathclyde Recognition Pathways, discuss the requirements for recognition, assist you in selecting the most appropriate Descriptor category to work toward.

Target Audience: Academic,Teaching APS Staff

STEP - Helping Your Students Make the Most of Feedback In-Person     show
This STEP session will explore a number of strategies that can help support your students to make the most of feedback. The session will be responsive, practical, and focussed on discovering solutions to real challenges.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP - Helping Your Students Make the Most of Feedback Online     show
This STEP session will explore a number of strategies that can help support your students to make the most of feedback. The session will be responsive, practical, and focussed on discovering solutions to real challenges.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP - Helping your students make the most of groupwork     show
Working in groups can improve learning outcomes  & support the development of key graduate attributes for students. However, group work can be challenging for many.

Target Audience: Staff delivering learning and teaching

STEP - Helping your students make the most of groupwork - Assessment     show
Working in groups can improve learning outcomes and support the development of key graduate attributes for students. However, assessing group work can be a challenge for both staff and students

Target Audience: Staff delivering learning and teaching

STEP – How to become a JiTTER (Just in Time Teacher)     show
Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) is a strategy designed to promote the use of class time for active learning. In this STEP session, we will look at the benefits of JiTT and explore some simple, practical steps to help you become a JiTTer

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP - How to use Myplace - Reflective learning Activities     show
This session will allow staff to explore tools, methods and principles of supporting reflective learning activities online

Target Audience: Staff involved in teaching

STEP - How to... use Myplace Peer Review     show
This session will allow staff to explore the MOODLE/Myplace activity ‘Workshop: Assignment’ used for peer review.

Target Audience: Teaching Staff

STEP - Introduction to H5P Interactive Content     show
H5P tools are used for creating engaging interactive content in online classes. This session will provide participants with an overview of the suite of tools, and will demonstrate how to add an H5P activity to a MyPlace class.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Leadership in Learning and Teaching Network     show
This is a face to face meeting of the Leadership in Learning and Teaching network

Target Audience: Participants of the Leadership in Learning and Teaching Network

STEP - Myplace Groups & Groupings     show
This session will provide staff with an understanding of how Groups and Groupings work in Myplace, which can be the key to administering many classes.

Target Audience: All staff engaged in teaching

STEP - Online - Getting Started with Myplace     show
This session is aimed at staff who would like to learn how to use MyPlace. It provides practical experience in using the most common functions of MyPlace, and the basic skills required in setting up and managing a class.

Target Audience: Staff

STEP - Pedagogy Reading Group     show
The pedagogy reading group meets to discuss articles / books on pedagogy. The aim of the group is to support participants' knowledge and understanding of varying pedagogies and how they may apply to teaching.

Target Audience: All staff with an interest in pedagogy

STEP - Planning Blended Learning     show
This session will provide guidance on planning for Blended Learning and highlight what support is available to teaching staff.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP - Programme Leader’s Network 2023     show
The Network being established is intended to bring together programme leaders from across the university to support role development, problem solving, and generate resources and training support for existing and new programme leaders.

Target Audience: Academic Programme Leaders

STEP - Quick 1 hour STEP session on ASSIGNMENT     show
This short lunchtime session will teach you the basics about the Myplace assignment activity, which provides a space into which students can submit work for teachers to grade and give feedback on.

Target Audience: Teaching Staff

STEP - Responding to module evaluation: Drop-in session     show
This course is to support staff in making sense of and responding to module evaluation data.

Target Audience: All staff involved in supporting and delivering learning and teaching

STEP - Senior Fellows Network     show
The Senior Fellows Network is a community for colleagues who have achieved SFHEA.

Target Audience: All staff who have achieved Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy 

STEP - Setting Up a Basic Forum     show
This Zoom Taught course introduces participants to the pedagogical considerations of setting up a meaningful discussion forum. It will also provide a student perspective of using such and supervised practical experience in setting-up and configuring this flexible active learning tool.

Target Audience: Teaching and Admin Staff

STEP - Setting up Basic Quizzes     show
This course will introduce participants to the main pedagogical uses of quizzes and the key principles of good question design.

Target Audience: Teaching and Admin Staff

STEP - Teaching and Learning Online (TALON)     show
The aim of the course is to allow participants to develop an understanding of online pedagogies and the practical methodologies which support class development. At the same time, participants will get to experience the class as an online student.

Target Audience: Teaching & Professional Services staff with a relevant role and interest

STEP Developing MCQs     show
This self-directed module guides participants through designing multiple choice questions (MCQs) in higher education.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support teaching and learning at Strathclyde

STEP- Selecting, Configuring and Administering Assessments in MyPlace     show
This session is aimed at staff who are involved in the planning, setting up and administrating of assessments on MyPlace. It explains the different types of assessment, provides practical exercises in set-up and administration, and offers guidance on replicating exam conditions.

Target Audience: Teaching and Administrative Staff

STEP- Studio in Your Pocket- Creating quality video for your teaching     show
This session aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to improve your confidence in using video as part of your teaching.

Target Audience: Teaching Staff

STEP: Designing inclusive curricula     show
This STEP workshop is designed to empower learning and teaching staff at Strathclyde to create curricula that are not only accessible to all but also reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of our student body.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning at Strathclyde

STEP: Helping Students Make the Most of Independent Study     show
This workshop explores some of the strategies that teachers and/or those who support learning can adopt to maximise the effectiveness of students’ independent study.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP: How to Assess and Provide Feedback to Large Classes     show
In this STEP workshop, we will explore a number of strategies for assessing and providing feedback to large classes. In the context of assessment, this will include assessment design and – where possible – minimising the assessment burden on staff and students.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

STEP: How to Encourage Active Learning in Large Classes     show
In this STEP workshop, we will explore a number of strategies for engaging students in active learning in large classes, whether delivered predominantly online or on campus.

Target Audience: All staff who teach and/or support learning

Strategy Creation & Deployment     show
The Strategy Creation and Deployment programme is designed for Leaders that are looking for an impactful, tangible method of creating a local strategy which is aligned to both the University and team operations, and to adopt a deployment method focused on achieving goals.

Target Audience: The Strategy Creation and Deployment programme is designed for Leaders responsible for areas, departments, or teams in the University hoping to create or revisit their strategy.

StrathApp - Campus Services     show
Provide input on the new version of StrathApp - focusing on campus services.

Target Audience: All staff and students

Strathclyde Cares Mentoring Information Session     show
Information/briefing session for staff interested in volunteering as a mentor for Strathclyde Cares.

Target Audience: Staff

Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellows – Application Information & Support     show
This workshop aims to provide support for potential applicants for this year’s Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellows Scheme, to understand how the hiring process works and what is expected in the application.

Target Audience: Anyone interested in applying to the Chancellors’ Fellow Scheme

Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme - Assessment Session     show
During the session participants will deliver their final assessment presentations for the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme. Each session will have 4 participants.

Target Audience: Strathclyde staff that have completed the required number of workshops in the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme

StrathMethods - Dr David Wilson     show
StrathMethods lunch and learn series can help you improve your research in a relaxed and exciting environment.

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Postgraduate Researchers

StrathMethods - Dr Jack Laverick     show
StrathMethods lunch and learn series can help you improve your research in a relaxed and exciting environment.

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Postgraduate Researchers

Stress Awareness (Online)     show
This 30 minute online Stress Awareness course will help staff learn how to recognise and manage their own stress, encouraging them to talk and talk action.

Target Audience: Staff

Structured Communication     show
This course looks at how structured communication can help your team achieve their goals.

Target Audience: Staff who have line management responsibilities.

Structured Problem Solving for Success     show
Lots of issues and not enough solutions? This session provides a systematic method of analysing an issue, implementing the best solution, and sustaining the change.

Target Audience: Staff who have an interest in improving performance incrementally day by day.

Student Discipline Procedure: Stage 1 Overview     show
The briefing session has been designed to support members of staff involved in managing reports of student misconduct (academic and non-academic) and to ensure that investigations are conducted and concluded in accordance with University policy and procedures.

Target Audience: Academic, Professional Services and Admin/Support staff, particularly those in a front-line role or directly involved in student misconduct cases.

Student Module Evaluation Information Session     show
This session introduces staff to the Explorance Blue Student Module Evaluation system that is currently being implemented across the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Module Evaluation Surgery Sessions     show
Drop-In Surgery Sessions for staff to ask questions about the Student Module Evaluation process or to seek help with specific issues.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Transitions     show
Four UG student Interns worked on a project over the summer looking at Student Transitions into Higher Education. They would like to share their findings with you and we are keen to have a broader discussion about how the university takes those messages and recommendations forward.

Target Audience: Those most directly involved in supporting student transitions into University learning.

Student Transitions February 2016     show
This event is to share information about the current work being done by staff and students to support student transitions at Strathclyde. We will have guest speakers from Robert Gordon University, after which participants in five projects at Strathclyde will present their findings.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Transitions Network Event     show
This event is to share information about work being done by staff and students at Strathclyde around 'student transitions', the current QAA Enhancement Theme. Findings will be presented from a range of projects from across the University.

Target Audience: Staff

Student Transitions: Projects 2014-15     show
Following a call for proposals across the institution in February, five projects were identified and offered funding to progress the Student Transitions theme within Strathclyde. Representatives of the five projects will be invited to outline their projects. In addition, Associate Dep

Target Audience: Those most directly involved in supporting student transitions into University learning.

suicideTALK     show
SuicideTALK Training

Target Audience: Staff, Students+PG Researchers

SUnBIRD User Training     show
SUnBIRD (Strathclyde University Business Intelligence Reports and Dashboards) browser-based system gives access to management information aligned to our strategic goals, provides easy-to-use interfaces, strong reporting and drill-down capability from the enterprise data warehouse.

Target Audience: All Staff

Supervising Postgraduate Research     show
This module enables you to engage with the professional and theoretical underpinnings and political drivers of national developments in research and research supervision in Higher Education in the UK.

Target Audience: Academic , Research KE and Teaching Staff

Supervision and Making it Work for You     show
Of course, the supervisor’s role is just one aspect of that and another, rather critical, part is you and your contributions to it – how effective are they? Hopefully you’ve thought about such questions? If so, and if not, this workshop could be for you.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Supervisor Development Programme - SPARK Credits Information Session     show
This session will provide information about how to gain SPARK credits through the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme for the SPARK module “Supervising Postgraduate Research”

Target Audience: Staff interested in gaining SPARK credits through the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme

Supplier Development Review     show

Target Audience: IS Technical Services Staff

Supporting Children from Military Families     show
As part of its plans to better support members of the Armed Forces Community, the University looks to better support Children from Military Families in accessing and progressing in Higher Education.

Target Audience: University staff and students, and external guests.

Supporting Early Researchers' Careers:: A Workshop for Line Managers     show
Career development is an increasingly important aspect of the PhD journey. This workshop aims to support supervisors of doctoral students in promoting their student’s career development.

Target Audience: Staff involved in Doctoral Student Supervision or the Line Manager for Research Staff

Supporting Neurodiverse Students (ADHD)     show
An introductory workshop exploring what you can do to support students with ADHD at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff (Academic & Professional Services)

Supporting Neurodiverse Students (Autism)     show
An introductory workshop exploring what you can do to support autistic students at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Staff (Academic & Professional Services)

Supporting Quality Research & Researcher Development (On Campus)     show
This workshop will introduce the new Researcher Development Time Policy, Research Code of Practice and Research Data Management & Sharing Policy – exploring what these policies mean in practice, why they are relevant and how they will impact those involved in research.

Target Audience: Any staff involved in research or research support

Supporting Quality Research & Researcher Development (Online)     show
This workshop will introduce the new Researcher Development Time Policy, Research Code of Practice and Research Data Management & Sharing Policy – exploring what these policies mean in practice, why they are relevant and how they will impact those involved in research.

Target Audience: Any staff involved in research or research support

Supporting Trans and Non-binary Staff and Students     show
This session will explore working with trans, non-binary and gender diverse students and staff, and consider the practical ways in which we can cultivate inclusive learning and working environments

Target Audience: Those involved in teaching, learning and assessment; those in professional services and support roles.

Supporting Veterans and the Armed Forces Community     show
Presentations and discussions around how the University can support Veterans and members of the Armed Forces Community

Target Audience: University staff and students

Supporting Your Strathclyde PGR Student     show
This workshop will provide tools and advice on getting your postgraduate research students off to the best start at Strathclyde. It is a Core Workshop of the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Sustainable Dev'ment Goals - Multiplier Training (Gaia Education)     show
This one day SDG Training of Multipliers workshop led by Gaia Education will build capacity of participants to use interactive methods and games to engage with students, stakeholders and communities in vitally important conversations about the implementation of the 17 SDGs.

Target Audience: PGR and academic staff

Sustainable Labs Lunch     show
S-Labs lunch catch-up

Target Audience: Current lab members and any new interested staff and students

Systematic Improvement for Leaders     show
This course looks at integrating improvement seamlessly into your daily routine.

Target Audience: Staff who have line management responsibilities.

t4 Content Management System     show
This is an online, practical, introductory course covering the use of t4 to produce web pages that make use of university templates.

Target Audience: Staff

Taking Charge of Your Time: Avoid Drifting     show
Learn some simple techniques to make the most of your time, day by day, week by week. Ensuring you make good use of your time will increase your productivity. This will also boost your mood and your motivation, helping you sustain your work output over the long-haul of PhD study.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Teaching in Strathclyde Learning Spaces     show
A drop-in session with colleagues from Education Enhancement who will offer support with teaching using the new on-campus Audio Visual facilities. This takes place in the Learning and Teaching Building.

Target Audience: Teaching staff with a relevant role and interest.

Teaching Learning and Assessment within the Disciplines (Online)     show
This class has been developed for Online delivery and will be offered Online for the foreseeable future

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

Teaching with Zoom for PGR Students     show
A 90 minutes tutorial to introduce participants to the Zoom application

Target Audience: Teaching Post Graduate Student

Team Approaches to Problem Solving     show
De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats theory and it’s use in problem solving and meeting management

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Team-based Innovation     show
This course identifies the behaviours and structures which create the environment for supporting staff to innovate within their own teams.

Target Audience: Staff with Team Lead responsibilities

Technical Staff Development Programme - Information Session     show
This introductory session is open to all Technical staff, and is designed to inform staff about the Technical Staff Development Programme.

Target Audience: Technical Staff Grade 3 - 8

Technical Staff Network series     show
A chance for Technical Staff to come together and network, sharing information and best practice

Target Audience: Suitable for anyone who undertakes any Technical role

Techniques for Confident Professional Communication     show
This course addresses the psychological and practical challenges of communicating in a range of professional settings, e.g.: communicating with senior colleagues and supervisors; presenting to groups; negotiating with collaborators.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Test Classroom session.     show

Target Audience: staff

Test webinar     show
Test webinar

Target Audience: Everyone

TESTA workshop     show
Theory, evidence, strategies: learning from TESTA data about programme-wide assessment and feedback. Dr Tansy Jessop (Winchester University)

Target Audience: Staff

The "I" in CIS     show
This is the first in a series of conversational events about research and KE expertise within the Faculty of Science, promoting collaboration with colleagues from across the University. This event is presented by iSchool – the School of Information Science (literally the "I in CIS").

Target Audience: Academic, KE and business development colleagues

The Art and Craft of Editing     show
Participants will learn how practical editing skills can improve their writing.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

The Key Steps to Benefits Realisation     show
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to be able to identify what types of benefits could be achieved with an improvement mindset, and how these can be measured to demonstrate the improvement.

Target Audience: Those who have an interest in Continuous Improvement

Thesis Writing Bootcamp     show
This workshop explores the practicalities of thesis writing, including planning techniques, appropriate writing style and how to make writing more productive.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Three Minute Thesis Training     show
Participants will gain the knowledge and skills required to compete in the University of Strathclyde's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Time and Self-Management for Researchers     show
Every PhD has busy-ness and stillness; many also have overload and procrastination. So much so, that managing time becomes more about managing ourselves, our priorities and motivation than simply ticking things off a to-do list.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Time and Self-Management for Researchers - Online     show
Every PhD has busy-ness and stillness; many also have overload and procrastination. So much so, that managing time becomes more about managing ourselves, our priorities and motivation than simply ticking things off a to-do list.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Time management, motivation & prioritising     show
Time management and motivation is not about working more, it’s about working smarter. This half day workshop is designed specifically for researchers who are interested in developing their time management skills and optimising their working hours.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Trainer Training     show
Trainer training for those delivering training as part of their role. This course involves working towards a nationally recognised SVQ unit

Target Audience: Anyone who is involved in delivering training session

Trainer Training - 3 Sessions     show
Trainer training for those delivering training as part of their role. This course involves working towards a nationally recognised SVQ unit

Target Audience: Anyone who is involved in delivering training session

Transitioning from Academia: Group Career Support for Research Staff     show
Would you like to transition from academia to industry? Join a 90-min group career support appointment. Explore options, get peer support, and advice from a Career Development Adviser. Find encouragement and clarity for your future career path.

Target Audience: Open to Research Staff who want to transition beyond academia

Travel & Expenses Information Session     show
This is an overview of the new Travel Policy and the updated Expenses Policy for all staff who travel on University business

Target Audience: Staff

Travel & Expenses Information Session for Finance Staff     show
This session is to update Finance Directorate staff on the amendments to the Expenses policy and the implementation of the new Travel Policy

Target Audience: Finance Directorate Staff

Travel & Expenses Information Session Webinar     show
This is an overview of the new Travel Policy and the updated Expenses Policy for all staff who travel on University business

Target Audience: Staff

Travel Booking - February 2020     show
This sessions provides information and practical examples of how to book travel arrangements including flights and accommodation on key travels online booking tool.

Target Audience: All staff, Postgraduates using University funds to Procure Travel

Turn'd Up Fitness (Dance Class) for Carers Week     show
Fun Dance Calss

Target Audience: Staff Carers

UCAS Embargo Training 2017     show
This training course is aimed at staff who are involved in any aspect of admissions, confirmation and preparation for new students.

Target Audience: Staff

UKRO Annual Visit Webinar - Horizon Europe Updates     show
This session targets audience who are interested in applying for Horizon Europe funding. It aims to provide the newest updates and novelties on Horizon Europe funding programme with an update on the UK’s association to the programme.

Target Audience: Strathclyde colleagues who are interested in applying for Horizon Europe funding and gaining the most updated information about status of UK’s association to Horizon Europe.

UKVI Audit Preparation Briefing Session - Feb 2024     show
UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) will be visiting the University on the 20 February 2024 to undertake a compliance Audit. This presentation will provide further information on what to expect during an audit and to assist Faculties in preparing for this visit.

Target Audience: Staff within academic departments and professional services involved in the recruitment, admission, and/or teaching of students and the administration of their studies.

Understanding and Exploring Knowledge Exchange Online     show
This class has been developed for Online delivery and will be offered Online for the forseeable future.

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

Understanding and Supporting Estranged Students     show
This online session will expand your knowledge and understanding of estrangement, and estranged students in HE.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

University Connecting Regulators Practical Workshop     show
Provides an awareness of how to correctly connect regulators, set working pressures and safely leak test systems. Delegates are made aware of potential hazards so that they can identify risks and adopt safe working practices.

Target Audience: The workshop is designed for staff and students who either use or supervise personnel working with compressed cylinder gases and associated equipment in a laboratory environment.

University Safe Decanting of Liquid Nitrogen Practical Workshop     show
Provides practical instruction of how to correctly connect decant liquid nitrogen in a university environment. Delegates are made aware of potential hazards so that they can identify risks and adopt safe working practices.

Target Audience: The workshop is designed for staff and students who either use or supervise personnel working with cryogenic liquids and associated equipment in a laboratory environment.

University System Security Requirements     show
This course is to go over the System Build Standards and process and is for all those listed as technical owners of systems, in the Systems Register.

Target Audience: Staff responsible for administration of IT systems

University Systems Update     show
An opportunity to find out more about new services available to staff and students, including updates from individual projects within the Information Systems Development Framework (ISDF) programme of projects.

Target Audience: Staff

Upgrade of FIN to Pegasus     show
A 15 minute information session about the upgrade of FIN to Pegasus

Target Audience: Staff

Upgrade of HR to Pegasus     show
A 15 minute information session about the upgrade of HR to Pegasus

Target Audience: Staff

Use of Contextual Data in Admissions: Training Session     show
The University's use of contextual data in undergraduate admissions facilitates our widening access ambitions. Candidates who meet one or more of our contextual indicators will have the academic portion of their application considered against the Minimum Entry Requirements (MER).

Target Audience: Academic Selectors are the main target audience; however any staff with an interest in Widening Access are welcome to attend.

Using Gas Cylinders Safely within Universities (Online)     show
. . . . .

Target Audience: This e-learning workshop is for staff and students who use gas cylinders and associated equipment.

Using Liquid Nitrogen Safely within Universities     show
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Target Audience: Staff and Students who use liquid nitrogen and associated equipment.

Using the Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit for Myplace     show
The Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit is an extension for Myplace that allows class authors to automatically check their class content for common accessibility issues. This session will demonstrate how to use its different features.

Target Audience: Staff

Using the Careers Service as a PGR Student/Graduate     show
The Careers and Employability Service provides specialist support for PGR students.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research students in HaSS

Using, Storing and Transporting Dry Ice Safely     show
. . . . .

Target Audience: This e-learning workshop is designed to meet the needs of both new and experienced users of dry ice.

Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Workshop     show
This workshop will provide an opportunity for colleagues to hear more about the recent developments with the Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) initiative at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Target Audience: All staff and students

VIP Networking Event     show
A networking and information event for the Vertically Integrated Projects. This event aims to foster greater connectivity and interaction between the current projects as well as raise awareness of the types of projects running.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Visual Plan Update     show
An hour long session to update the Visual Plans located in Curran Level 3, room 3.56.

Target Audience: Technical Services Staff

Voice Dream Introduction     show
Introduction to Voice Dream research pilot for print-disabled students

Target Audience: Undergradute and post graduate

Voicedream Orientation Session     show
Orientation of Voicedream and Bookshare for Print Disabled students on pilot

Target Audience: students

What KE can do for your career     show
A new series of workshops and networking for Early-Mid Career Researchers giving you the KE knowledge and connections to accelerate your career at Strathclyde

Target Audience: Academic/KE staff within the Faculty of Science

What Next Career Planning for Researchers?     show
Participants learn how to develop long term self-management skills for future career progressions. We will consider the current job market and landscape and provide advice on how to keep up to date with relevant labour market intelligence to support career progression.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

WhoCares? Scotland - Care-Experience and Corporate Parenting in HE     show
Training on care-experience and corporate parenting delivered by WhoCares? Scotland.

Target Audience: University staff, PGR students, Strath Union staff and execs.

Woman's Wellbeing - Celebrating International Woman's Day 2024     show
To celebrate International Woman’s Day the university has invited Dr Fiona O’Donoghue (GP) to host an event on Woman’s Wellbeing.

Target Audience: All Staff

Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential     show
Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential

Target Audience: Faculty of Science Staff

Women in Academia: Optimising Our Potential     show
An event to hear about key findings and recommendations from Mags Watson’s book Women in Academia: Optimising Our Potential.

Target Audience: All staff

Women in Technical Roles Networking Group     show
A networking group for all women in technical related roles

Target Audience: All women in the University of Strathclyde who carry out technical based roles including AV and IT type roles

Work Equipment & Machinery Safety     show
This course is aimed at academic and technical staff responsible for designing, modifying, purchasing and managing work equipment/machinery. It seeks to provide sufficient knowledge and skills to enable attendees to:

Target Audience: Staff and Post-Graduates

Working with students who are blind or visually impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Working with students who are d/Deaf or hearing impaired     show

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Working with students with Asperger’s Syndrome     show
To raise awareness of the needs of students with Asperger’s Syndrome and the barriers they face in Higher Education. To consider practical strategies to meet the specific needs and make the learning and wider university environment accessible to students with Asperger’s syndrome.

Target Audience: Academic Staff, Front Line Professional Services Staff

Workshop Assignment - The Peer Review Tool in Myplace     show
An in-depth demonstration of how the 'Workshop Assignment' tool in Myplace operates.

Target Audience: Maths and Stats dept.

Write to Recovery Group 7     show
9 therapeutic writing workshops for people experiencing emotional difficulties or mental ill-health. No writing experience is necessary. These facilitated sessions will support you to find your creative juices. "Writing helps you unravel the knots in your heart" Louise Desalvo.

Target Audience: All Students

Writing a 4* Paper (Online)     show
This workshop covers a range of writing strategies for productive writing, with the aim of targeting the top journals in participants’ field.

Target Audience: SBS Staff

Writing alt text and image descriptions     show
This practical session will introduce you to techniques and approaches to make your images more accessible to a diverse audience, including people who are blind or visually impaired.

Target Audience: Staff

Writing and Presenting Research     show
Participants will learn generic skills required for academic research, and explore the issues associates with writing and presenting research for academic and non-academic purposes.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 1     show
Participants will explore writing in the 1st year of the doctorate, covering writing about the literature, using writing to develop their own style, and to manage an evolving research project.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 1 - Online     show
Participants will explore writing in the 1st year of the doctorate, covering writing about the literature, using writing to develop their own style, and to manage an evolving research project.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 2     show
Participants will explore issues relevant to writing in the 2nd year of the doctorate. Particular emphasis is given to the difficulty managing an evolving project, understanding the demands and structure of research writing and applying that knowledge.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 2 - Online     show
Participants will explore issues relevant to writing in the 2nd year of the doctorate. Particular emphasis is given to the difficulty managing an evolving project, understanding the demands and structure of research writing and applying that knowledge.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 3     show
Participants will explore a range of topics pertinent to the final stages of writing up a doctoral thesis. It deals with tasks and issues important to finishing off a thesis, such as the difficulties of editing a large document and writing to deadlines.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 3 - Online     show
Participants will explore a range of topics pertinent to the final stages of writing up a doctoral thesis. It deals with tasks and issues important to finishing off a thesis, such as the difficulties of editing a large document and writing to deadlines.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence & Getting Going With Academic Writing     show
This workshop kick-starts your academic writing and helps you develop productive and effective habits.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing with confidence: authentic and persuasive writing for posters,     show
This interactive workshop will help you get your written messages across all media to wider audiences with a dash of personality, clarity and targeted knowledge.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Writing Your First Paper (1.5-Day Workshop + Retreat, Online)     show
This workshop covers strategies for writing for journals. Day 1 is a Workshop and Day 2 is a Retreat.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGRs

WWC: Writing for posters, Media and Public Engagement     show
Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to adapt and present their research work by engaging in a series of fun and thoughtful exercises to present different styles of writing to their peers in the room.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Yoga Conditioning for Carers week 2024     show
A yoga class focussing on strengthening the body

Target Audience: Staff Carers

Young Strathclyder: Consultation Workshop (in-person, on campus)     show
A consultation session to learn more about the University's new Young Strathclyder initiative.

Target Audience: All staff, including Academic and Professional Services

Young Strathclyder: Consultation Workshop (online)     show
A consultation session to learn more about the University's new Young Strathclyder initiative.

Target Audience: All staff, including Academic and Professional Services

Zumba dance Class for Carers Week 2024     show
A fun Dance Class

Target Audience: Staff Carers